Gower, John, an English poet, contemporary and friend of Chaucer, but of an older school; was the author of three works: “Speculum Meditantis,” the “Thinker's Mirror,” written in French, lost for long, but recovered lately; “Vox Clamantis,” the “Voice of One Crying,” written in Latin, an allegorising, moralising poem, “cataloguing the vice of the time,” and suggested by the Wat Tyler insurrection, 1381; and “Confessio Amantis,” “Confession of a Lover,” written in English, treating of the course of love, the morals and metaphysics of it, illustrated by a profusion of apposite tales; was appropriately called by Chaucer the “moral Grower”; his tomb is in St. Mary's, Southwark (1325‒1408).
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Gow, Neil * Gowkthrapple