Green, John Richard (18371883)

Green, John Richard, historian, born at Oxford; took orders, and was for a time vicar of St. Philip's, Stepney, contributing articles the while on historical subjects to the Saturday Review, and pursuing his historical studies with a zeal that undermined his health; in 1874 he published his “Short History of the English People,” which was speedily adopted in schools, and was accepted at large as one of the ablest summaries of the history of the country; the welcome with which this small work was received induced the author to essay a larger, which he accordingly by-and-by published in 4 volumes, and which he dedicated to “My Masters in the study of English History, Bishop Stubbs and Professor Freeman”; this was followed by “The Making of England” and “The Conquest of England,” the latter being published after his decease (18371883).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Greeley, Horace * Green, Nathanael
[wait for the fun]
Great Moralist
Great Salt Lake
Great Slave Lake
Great Unknown, The
Great Unwashed, The
Greek Fire
Greeley, Horace
Green, John Richard
Green, Nathanael
Green, Thomas Hill
Greenough, Horatio
Greenwich Hospital
Greenwood, Frederick
Greg, William Rathbone