Grenville, William Wyndham, Lord (17591834)

Grenville, William Wyndham, Lord, statesman; entered Parliament in 1782; was not a man of brilliant parts, but his integrity and capacity for work raised him to the highest offices of State; in 1789 he was Speaker of the House of Commons, and a year later was raised to the peerage and made Home Secretary under Pitt; in 1791 he was Foreign Secretary; supported Catholic Emancipation and the Abolition of the Slave-trade; he was Premier from 1806 to 1807; later he supported Canning and Earl Grey (17591834).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Grenville, Sir Richard * Gresham, Sir Thomas
[wait for the fun]
Gregory, David
Gregory, James
Gregory, James
Gregory, John
Gregory, William
Grenfell, Sir Francis Wallace
Grenville, George
Grenville, Sir Richard
Grenville, William Wyndham, Lord
Gresham, Sir Thomas
Gresham College
Gretna Green
Greuze, Jean Baptiste
Grève, Place de
Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke
Greville, Fulke
Gréville, Henry