Hales, Stephen (16771761)

Hales, Stephen, scientist, born at Beckesbourn, Kent; became a Fellow of Cambridge in 1702; took holy orders, and in 1710 settled down in the curacy of Teddington, Middlesex; science was his ruling passion, and his “Vegetable Staticks” is the first work to broach a true morphology of plants; his papers on Ventilation led to a wide-spread reform in prison ventilation, and his method of collecting gases greatly furthered the work of subsequent chemists (16771761).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Hales, John * Halévy, Jacques François Elias
[wait for the fun]
Hakluyt, Richard
Halcyon Days
Haldane, Robert
Hale, Sir Matthew
Hales, Alexander of
Hales, John
Hales, Stephen
Halévy, Jacques François Elias
Halévy, Joseph
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler
Halidon Hill
Halifax, Charles Montague, Earl of
Halifax, George Saville, Marquis of
Hall, Basil
Hall, Charles Francis