Holden, Sir Isaac (18071897)

Holden, Sir Isaac, inventor, born at Hurlet, Renfrewshire; worked in a cotton-mill in Paisley, but betook himself to teaching, and in 1829, while a teacher of chemistry in Reading, discovered the principle of the lucifer match; turning to wool-combing as a means of livelihood, he became established near Paris, where he carried out elaborate experiments, which resulted in improvements in wool-combing machinery that brought him fame and fortune; in 1859 he transferred his works to the vicinity of Bradford; entered Parliament in 1865, and was created a baronet in 1893 (18071897).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Holcroft, Thomas * Holinshed, Raphael
[wait for the fun]
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodore Wilhelm
Hogarth, William
Hogg, James
Hohenstauffens, The
Hohenzollerns, The
Holbach, Baron von
Holbein, Hans
Holberg, Ludwig, Baron
Holcroft, Thomas
Holden, Sir Isaac
Holinshed, Raphael
Holl, Frank
Holland, Henry Richard Fox Vassall-Holland, Baron
Holland, Sir Henry
Holland, North
Holles, Denzil
Holmes, Oliver Wendell