Holtzmann, Adolf (18101870)

Holtzmann, Adolf, an eminent German philologist, born at Carlsruhe; gave himself to the study of theology and then of philology at various universities, and in 1852 became professor of the German Language and Literature at Heidelberg; author of various learned treatises on philology and kindred subjects (18101870).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Holt, Sir John * Holy Alliance
[wait for the fun]
Holland, Henry Richard Fox Vassall-Holland, Baron
Holland, Sir Henry
Holland, North
Holles, Denzil
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holt, Frank
Holt, Sir John
Holtzmann, Adolf
Holy Alliance
Holy Coat of Trèves
Holy Fair
Holy Island
Holy Office
Holy Wars
Holy Week
Holyhead Island
Holyoake, George Jacob