Law, John (16711729)

Law, John, financier and speculator, son of a goldsmith and banker, born at Edinburgh; was early noted for his calculating power; visiting London in 1691 he got into debt, sold his estate, killed a man in a duel, and escaped to Amsterdam, where he studied finance; came to Scotland with financial proposals for the Government in 1700, but they were refused, and he spent some years on the Continent as a gambling adventurer; in 1716 he and his brother William started a private bank in Paris, the success of which induced the Regent Orleans in 1718 to institute the “Royal Bank of France,” with Law as director; next year he floated the “Mississippi Scheme” for the settlement of Louisiana, but after a show of success the scheme proved a bubble; he had to fly to Brussels, his property being confiscated; he died at Venice, poor, but scheming to the end (16711729).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent * Law, William
[wait for the fun]
Laureate, Poet
Laurier, Sir Wilfred
Lavalette, Count de
La Vallière, Duchesse de
Lavater, Johann Kaspar
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
Law, John
Law, William
Lawrence, John, Lord
Lawrence, St.
Lay Brother
Layard, Sir Austen Henry
League and Covenant, Solemn
League, The