Pelagius, a celebrated heresiarch of the 5th century, born in Britain or Brittany; denied original sin and the orthodox doctrine of divine grace as the originating and sustaining power in redemption, a heresy for which he suffered banishment from Rome in 418 at the hands of the Church. A modification of this theory went under the name of Semi-Pelagianism, which ascribes only the first step in conversion to free-will, and the subsequent sanctification of the soul to God's grace.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Pekin * PelasgiPelagius in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable
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Bolsec, Jerome
Bradwardine, Thomas
Erigena, John Scotus
Gennadius [No. 3]
Mountagu, Richard
Orosius, Paul
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