Rip Van Winkle

Rip Van Winkle, a Dutch colonist of New York who, driven from home by a termagant wife strolls into a ravine of the Katskill Mountains, falls in with a strange man whom he assists in carrying a keg, and comes upon a company of odd-looking creatures playing at ninepins, but never uttering a word, when, seizing an opportunity that offered, he took up one of the kegs he had carried, fell into a stupor, and slept 20 years, to find his beard and all the world about him quite changed.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Riom * Ripley
[wait for the fun]
Ring and the Book
Rio de Janeiro
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Norte
Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Negro
Rip Van Winkle
Ripley, George
Ripon, Frederick John Robinson, Earl of
Ripon, George Frederick Samuel Robinson, Marquis of
Rishanger, William
Ristori, Adelaide
Ritschl, Albrecht
Ritschl, Friedrich Wilhelm
Ritson, Joseph