Root, George Frederick (18201895)

Root, George Frederick, a popular American song-writer, born at Sheffield, Massachusetts; was for some time a music teacher in Boston and New York; took to song writing, and during the Civil War leaped into fame as the composer of “Tramp, tramp, tramp the Boys are Marching,” “Just before the Battle, Mother,” “The Battle Cry of Freedom,” and other songs; was made a Musical Doctor by Chicago University in 1872 (18201895).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Roon, Count von * Root and Branch Men
[wait for the fun]
Ronaldshay, North and South
Ronsard, Pierre
Röntgen, Wilhelm Konrad von
Röntgen Rays
Rooke, Sir George
Roon, Count von
Root, George Frederick
Root and Branch Men
Ropemaker, The Beautiful
Rorke's Drift
Rosa, Carl
Rosa, Salvator
Rosamond, Fair
Rosas, Jean Manuel
Roscher, Wilhelm