Russell, John, Earl (17921878)

Russell, John, Earl, known best as Lord John Russell, statesman, youngest son of the Earl of Bedford; travelled in Spain, studied at Edinburgh, entered Parliament in 1813, took up vigorously the cause of parliamentary reform and Catholic Emancipation, joined Earl Grey's ministry in 1830 as Paymaster of the Forces, framed and zealously advocated the Reform Bill (1832), drove Peel from office in 1835, and became, under Lord Melbourne, Home Secretary and leader of the Commons; four years later he was appointed Colonial Secretary, warmly espoused the cause of repeal of the Corn Laws, formed a Ministry on the downfall of Peel in 1846, and dealt with Irish difficulties and Chartism; resigned in 1852, and in the same year became Foreign Secretary under Aberdeen, became unpopular on account of his management of the Crimean War (1855) and conduct at the Vienna Conference; again Foreign Secretary in Palmerston's ministry of 1859, an earl in 1861, and premier a second time in 1865-66; author of various pamphlets, biographies, memoirs, &c.; was twice married; was nicknamed “Finality John” from his regarding his Reform Bill of 1832 as a final measure (17921878).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Ruskin, John * Russell, William, Lord
[wait for the fun]
Runeberg, Johan Ludwig
Rupert, Prince
Rupert's Land
Rush, Benjamin
Rushworth, John
Ruskin, John
Russell, John, Earl
Russell, William, Lord
Russell, William Clark
Russell, Sir William Howard
Russell of Killowen, Charles Russell, Lord
Rutherford, Samuel