Scilly Islands

Scilly Islands, a rugged group of islands belonging to Cornwall, 27 m. SW. of Land's End; consists of six larger islands—St. Mary's (1528 acres, pop. 1200), the largest—and some 30 smaller, besides numerous rock clusters, the name Scilly being strictly applicable to a rocky islet in the NW. of the group; climate is damp and mild; the cultivation and export of large quantities of lilies is the principal industry, but generally industries have decayed, lighthouses have reduced greatly the hereditary occupation of pilotage, and emigration goes on; the only town is Hugh Town (with two hotels, banks, pier, &c.), on St. Mary's; there are some interesting ecclesiastical ruins, &c.; since 1834 much has been done to improve the condition of the islanders by the then proprietor Mr. A. J. Smith, and his nephew, T. A. Darien Smith, who succeeded in 1872.

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Science * Scioppius, Caspar
[wait for the fun]
Schwarz, Christian Friedrich
Schwarzburg, House of
Schwarzenburg, Karl Philip, Prince von
Schwegler, Albert
Schweinfurth, Georg August
Schwenckfeld, Caspar von
Scilly Islands
Scioppius, Caspar
Scipio, P. Cornelius, the Elder
Scipio, P. Cornelius, the Younger
Scoresby, William
Scory, John
Scot, Reginald
Scots, The