Scudéry, Madeleine de (16071701)

Scudéry, Madeleine de, French novelist, born at Havre, came to Paris in her youth, and there lived to an extreme old age; was a prominent figure in the social and literary life of the city; collaborated at first with her brother Georges, but subsequently was responsible herself for a set of love romances of an inordinate length, but of great popularity in their day, e. g. “Le Grand Cyrus” and “Clélie,” &c., in which a real gift for sparkling dialogue is swallowed up in a mass of improbable adventures and prudish sentimentalism (16071701).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Scroggs, Sir William * Sculptured Stones
[wait for the fun]
Scott, Michael
Scott, Thomas
Scott, Sir Walter
Scott, William Bell
Scribe, Eugene
Scribes, The
Scriblerus, Martinus
Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose
Scroggs, Sir William
Scudéry, Madeleine de
Sculptured Stones
Scylla and Charybdis
Seabury, Samuel
Sealed Orders
Sebastian. St.
Sebastiano del Piombo