Soissons, a fortified town of North France, dep. Aisne, on the Aisne, 65 m. NE. of Paris; has a 12th-century cathedral and ruins of a famous abbey; chief industries are brewing and the manufacture of various textiles; was a place of much importance in early times, and figures in the wars of Clovis and Pepin, frequently in the Hundred Years' War, and in 1870 was captured by the Germans; is considered the key to Paris from the Netherlands side.
Population (circa 1900) given as 11,000.
Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)
Sofronia * SokotoLinks here from Chalmers
Abelard, Peter
Angouleme, Charles De Valois Duke D'
Becket, Thomas
Belsunce, Henry Francis Xavier De
Bernard, St.
Caiet, Peter Victor Palma
Eugene, Francis
Evremond, Charles De St.
Gaillard, Gabriel Henry
[showing first 10 entries of 21]