St. Tammany

St. Tammany, an American-Indian chief, popularly canonised as a saint, and adopted as the tutelary genius by a section of the democratic party in the States; his motto was “Unite in peace for happiness; in war for defence.”

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

St. Simonians * St. Thomas
[wait for the fun]
St. Paul
St. Paul's School
St. Petersburg
St. Pierre, Henri Bernardin de
St. Quentin
St. Réal, Abbé de
Saint Saëns, Charles Camille
St. Simon, Claude Henri, Comte de
St. Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, Duc de
St. Simonians
St. Tammany
St. Thomas
St. Thomas's
Saint-Victor, Paul de
St. Vincent
St. Vincent, Cape
St. Vincent, John Jervis, Earl
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
Sainte-Claire Deville, Henri Étienne
Saintsbury, George