Wilkie, Sir David (17851841)

Wilkie, Sir David, painter, born at Cults, Fife; executed a great many pictures depicting homely subjects, which were very popular, and are generally well known by the engravings of them, such as the “Rent Day,” “The Penny Wedding,” “Reading the Will,” &c., which were followed by others in a more ambitious style, and less appreciated, as well as portraits (17851841).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Wilkes, John * Wilkins, John
[wait for the fun]
Wilberforce, Samuel
Wilberforce, William
Wild, Jonathan
Wildfire, Madge
Wilfrid, St.
Wilhelmina I.
Wilkes, Charles
Wilkes, John
Wilkie, Sir David
Wilkins, John
Wilkinson, Sir John
Will, Freedom of the
Willems, Jan Frans
William I., the Conqueror
William II.
William III.
William IV.
William I.
William II.