Events noted in 1808

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1807 1809


Died: Bencivenni, Joseph writer

Died: Brand, John rector of St

Died: Cabanis, Peter John George physician

Died: Caldwell, Andrew a literary gentleman of Ireland

Publication: “Rev. John Newton” by Cecil, Richard clergyman

Died: Chantreau, Peter Nicholas writer

Publication: “Eloge,” by Corneille, Peter one of the most celebrated French poets

Publication: “Melange de Litterature,” by Corneille, Peter one of the most celebrated French poets

Died: Cousin, James Antony Joseph an excellent French geometrician

Died: Farmer, Richard critic

Died: Hawes, William physician

Died: Home, John clergyman

Died: Hull, Thomas writer

Died: Hutchins, John historian

Died: Ireland, John author of the “Illustrations of Hogarth

Publication: “Dissertations on the Vases commonly called Etruscan.” by Lanzi, Lewis antiquary

Died: Merry, Robert poet

Died: Nasmith, James antiquary

Publication: “Paganism and Christianity compared,” by Orpheus the most celebrated of all the Greeks in the fabulous ages

Publication: “The Contrast, a Poem, including Comparative Views of Britain, Spain, and France,” by Pratt, Samuel Jackson poet (17491814)

Publication: “A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Landaff in June 1805,” by Watson, Richard prelate

Publication: “Communica r tion to the Board of Agriculture, on Planting and Waste Lands,” by Watson, Richard prelate

Died: Whitaker, John divine

Publication: “Memoir of the Life and Writings of sir Philip Sidney,” by Zouch, Thomas divine

Publication: “Memoir of the Life of John Sudbury, D. D. Dean of Durham,” by Zouch, Thomas divine