Events noted in 1807

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1806 1808


Died: Abeille, Louis Paul was born at Toulouse

Publication: “Cours elementaire de Bibliographic, ou la Science du Bibliothecaire,” by Achard, Claude Francis physician

Died: Acrel, Olaus physician

Died: Asch, George Thomas Baron D' physician

Died: Atwood, George mathematician

Died: Banks, Thomas an eminent English sculptor

Died: Berenger, John Peter writer

Died: Bernoulli, John the grandson of the preceding John

Died: Broussonet, Peter Augustus Maria naturalist

Publication: “Observations sur les affections Catarrhales,” by Cabanis, Peter John George physician

Died: Carey, George Savile son of the above

Died: Carr, John LL. D. many years an eminent schoolmaster at Hertford

Died: Charnock, John writer

Died: Cottin, Sophia De a French lady of considerable talents

Died: De Lolme, John Louis writer

Died: Douglas, John bishop

Died: Geddes, Alexander divine

Died: Gilpin, Sawrey artist

Died: Gin, Peter Louis Claude writer

Died: Gordon, William divine

Publication: “Brian Perdue,” by Holcroft, Thomas writer

Publication: “The mild Tenour of Christianity, an Essay, (elucidated from Scripture and History; containing a new illustration of the characters of several eminent personages,)” by Jerningham, Edward poet

Died: Kauffman, Mary Angelica artist

Died: Lalande, Joseph Jerome Francis astronomer

Died: Merian, John Bernard perpetual secretary of the academy of sciences at Berlin

Died: Miller, Edward Mus. D. younger brother of the preceding

Died: Paoli, Pascal De a very distinguished character in modern times

Publication: “Miroir ardent,” by Puy, Louis Du perpetual secretary of the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres

Publication: “Comments on the Commentators on Shakspeare with preliminary observations on his genius and writings, and on the labours of those who have endeavoured to elucidate them,” by Pye, Henry James poet

Died: Sabbathier, Francis writer

Publication: “Life of Thuanus,” by Threlkeld, Caleb historian

Died: Valmont De Bomare, James Christopher naturalist

Died: Vincent, William dean