Zouch, Thomas
, a learned divine, was born in 1737, at Sandal, neat* Wakefield, Yorkshire; and in 1757 removed from the school of the latter place to Trinity-college, Cambridge. In 1760, he was elected into one of lord Craven’s scholarships, along with Mr. Joah Bates, celebrated afterwards for his skill in music. The year following, Mr. Zouch took his degree of B. A. and was classed as the third wrangler. Having been chosen fellow of his college in 1763, he was appointed assistant-tutor, which office he discharged with extraordinary credit; though his assiduity so much impaired his health, that he was obliged to quit the university; on which his college presented him in 1770 to the rectory of Wycliffe in the North Riding of Yorkshire. In this country retirement he continued till 1793, performing the office of a parish priest with great diligence, and augmenting his knowledge of natural history. His botanical excursions, in a pleasant and romantic part of Yorkshire, contributed not a little to invigorate his constitution. In 1791, he was appointed deputy commissary of the archdeaconry of Richmond; and in 1793 was chaplain to the master of the rolls, and rector of Scrayingham. By the death of his elder brother, the rev. Henry Zouch, in 1795, he succeeded to an estate at Sandal, where he resided till his death. On the demise of Dr. Smith, the master of Trinity college, one of the most learned mathematicians of his age, he was requested by the vice-master and senior fellows to deliver a Latin funeral oration in honour of his memory, which is said to have been much admired for the classical elegance of its language. In 1798, Mr. Pitt intended to have appointed him to the mastership of Trinity; but this design was set aside in favour of the present bishop of Bristol. On April 9, 1805, Mr. Pitt gave him the second prebend in the church of Durham, and in the same year he took his degree of D.D. In 1808, the see of Carlisle was offered to Dr. Zouch; but, in consequence of his advanced age and retired habits, he thought proper to decline the acceptance. Besides some anonymous publications, he was the author of, 1. “The Crucifixion, a Seaton prize poem,” 1765, 4to. 2. “A Sermon preached at the primary visitation of William lord bishop of Chester, held at Richmond, in Yorkshire, August 21, 1789,” 4to. 3. “An Inquiry into the Prophetic Character of the Romans, as described in Daniel viii. 23 25.” 1792, 8vo. 4. “An Address to the Clergy of the Deaneries of | Richmond, Catterick, and Boroughbridge,” 1792, 4to. 5. “A Discourse delivered to the Clergy of the Deaneries of Richmond, Catterick, and Boroughbridge, within the Diocese of Chester, at the visitation held June 20 and 25, 1793, and published at their request,” 4to. 6. “The good Schoolmaster, exemplified in the character of the rev. John Clarke, M. A. formerly fellow of Trinity college, Cambridge, and successively master of the Schools of Skipton, Beverley, and Wakefield,” 1798, 4to. 7. “An Attempt to illustrate some of the Prophecies of the Old and New Testament,” 1800, 12mo. 8. “A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Durham, at the Assizes holden July 30, 1806,” 4to. 9. “Memoir of the Life and Writings of sir Philip Sidney,” 1808, 4to. 10. “Memoir of the Life of John Sudbury, D. D. Dean of Durham,” 1808, 4to.
Dr. Zouch was also the editor of, 1. “Love and Truth; in two modest and peaceable letters concerning the distempers of the present times. Written from a quiet and conformable citizen of London, to two busie and factious shopkeepers in Coventry; with notes, and a preface by the editor,” 1795, 8vo. This edition of a tract written by Isaac Walton, is dedicated to Mr. Henry Zouch. 2. “The Lives of John Donne, sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Dr. Robert Sanderson; by Isaac Walton; with notes, and the Life of the Author,” 1796, 4to. Of this excellent work an octavo edition appeared in 1798.
In a volume entitled “Odes on Peace and War, written by many eminent and distinguished persons,” London, 1795, are three poems, one by Henry Zouch, B. A. Trinity college, and two by Thos. Zouch, B, A. fellow of the same college, and university scholar. Mr. Henry Zouch died at Sandal, June 17, 1795; he was the author of some valuable tracts on matters of police. 1