Fuzelier, Lewis

, a native of Paris, where he was. born in 1672, devoted himself early to poetry, and wrote for the French and Italian theatres, the royal musical academy, and the comic opera. He obtained the privilege of conducting the “Mercury,” jointly with M. de Bruere, ul 174-4, and died at Paris, September 19, 1752, leaving a considerable number of theatrical pieces, which have not been collected. His comedy of one act, entitled “Mom us Fabuliste,” and his operas of “Les Ages,” “Les Amours dcs Dieux,” << J^es Indes Galantes,“and” Le Carnavai du Parnasse," are particularly admired. He wrote much' for the Italian theatre and comic opera; but La Harpe, who has lately dictated in French criticism, speaks with, great contempt of his talents. 2
