Sigonius, Charles

, a learned Italian, was of an ancient family of Modena, and born there in 1524. His father designed him for a physician, and sent him to Bologna with that view; but he soon abandoned this pursuit, and studied the Greek and Latin classics, which was more agreeable to his taste. He taught Greek first at Venice, then at Padua, and lastly at Bologna. He had some literary disputes with Robortellius and Gruchius upon Roman antiquities, in which he was exceedingly well versed. Of his numerous works, the most esteemed are, “De Republica Hebrseorum” “De Republica Atheniensium;” “Historia de Occidentali Imperio;” and “De regno Italize.


Pilkington, by Fuseli.

| Lipsius, Casaubon, Turnebus, and all the learned, speak of him in terms of the profoundest respect; and he was unquestionably one of the first classical antiquaries of his time, and a man of great judgment as well as learning, very correct and deep in researches, and of most unwearied diligence. He died in 1585, aged sixty. His works were all collected and printed at Milan in 1733 and 1734: they make six volumes in folio. His “Fasti Consulares” were printed with the Oxford Livy in 1800. 1

Life by Murateri, prefixed to his works. —Moreri. Baillet Jugemens of Savain.