
, usually mentioned with the epithet Ephesius, from the place of his birth, to distinguish him from the above Xenophon Socraticus, is the author of five books “Of the loves of Habrocomes and Anthia,” which are entitled “Ephesiaca,” although they have no more to do with the town of Ephesus than the “Ethiopics of Heliodorus,” which is a love-romance also, have with the affairs of Ethiopia. His late editor thinks that Xenophon lived about the end of the second, or the beginning of the third century of the Christian jera. It is at least very probable that he is one of the most ancient of the Authores Erotici, from the purity and simplicity of his style, in which there is little of those affected ornaments so common in writers of a later period. The only Mss. in which the history of Habrocomes and Anthia has been transmitted to posterity, is preserved in the Benedictine abbey of Monte Cassino, at Florence, and is written in so small a character, that the whole work is comprised in no more than nine leaves, 4to. The first person who copied it was Salvini, who likewise, in 1723, translated this romance into the Italian language. Of the Greek text itself, the first edition was prepared by the celebrated physician Anthony Cocchi, and published at London in 1726, 4to, although his late editor baron


Diog. Laert. —Brucker. —Vossius <le Hist. Graec. Sauii Onomast. Brit. Crit. vol. X Mitferd’B Hist, of Greece.

| Locellst asserts that London was put in the title instead of Florence. But the fact was that it was printed at London by Bowyer, as is proved in Mr. Nichols’s life of that celebrated printer. Two other editions, of 1781 and 1793, have likewise appeared, but they are all incorrect. At length in 1796 the work was rendered not unworthy of the classical scholar, by baron Locella, a gentleman, not a philologist by profession, but a man of business, who dedicated the leisure of his declining years to the Greek muses. His edition, which was elegantly printed at Vienna, 4to, is entided, “Xenophontis Ephesii de Anthia et Habrooome Ephesiacorum libri quinque, Gr. et Lat. Recensuit et supplevit, emendavit, Latine vertit, ad notationibus aliorum et suis illustravit, indicibus instruxit Aloys. Emerie. Liber Baro Locella, S. C. R. A. M. a cons, aulae.

Politian is said to have been so much pleased with this author, that he made no scruple to rank him with the Athenian Xenophou for sweetness and purity of style and manner. Fabricius speaks of him nearly in as high terms, and his style is certainly his chief merit. In regard to antiquities, little can be learnt from him, and his geographical knowledge is very limited. The admirers of the Greek language will think themselves greatly indebted to baron Locella, since, in the earlier editions, nothing had been done either to improve or illustrate the text; nor had any proper use hitherto been made of the criticisms on this work, by Hemsterhuis and Abresch, contained in the “Observat. Miscellan.” He had also access to the valuable collections of the learned Dorville, who was preparing an edition for the press.1