Ferdinand the Catholic (14521516)

Ferdinand the Catholic, V. of Castile, II. of Aragon and Sicily, and III. of Naples, born at Sos, in Aragon, married Isabella of Castile in 1849, a step by which these ancient kingdoms were united under one sovereign power; their joint reign is one of the most glorious in the annals of Spanish history, and in their hands Spain quickly took rank amongst the chief European powers; in 1492 Columbus discovered America, and the same year saw the Jews expelled from Spain and the Moorish power crushed by the fall of Granada. In 1500-1 Ferdinand joined the French in his conquest of Naples, and three years later managed to secure the kingdom to himself, while by the conquest of Navarre in 1512 the entire Spanish peninsula came under his sway. He was a shrewd and adroit ruler, whose undoubted abilities, both as administrator and general, were, however, somewhat marred by an unscrupulous cunning, which found a characteristic expression in the institution of the notorious Inquisition, which in 1480 was started by him, and became a powerful engine for political as well as religious persecution for long years after (14521516).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Fenians * Ferdinand I.
[wait for the fun]
Fellows, Sir Charles
Felton, Cornelius Conway
Felton, John
Femmes Savantes
Fénélon, François de Salignac de la Mothe
Ferdinand the Catholic
Ferdinand I.
Ferdinand II.
Ferdinand III.
Ferdinand I.
Ferdinand II.
Ferdinand III.
Ferdinand VII. of Spain