Haliburton, Thomas Chandler (17961865)

Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, Nova Scotian judge and author, born at Windsor, Nova Scotia; was called to the bar in 1820, and soon after was elected a member of the House of Assembly; in 1840 he became Judge of the Supreme Court, and two years later retired to England, where, in 1869, he entered Parliament; he wrote several books bearing on Nova Scotia and aspects of colonial life, but is best known as the author of “Sam Slick,” Yankee clockmaker, peripatetic philosopher, wit, and dispenser of “soft sawder” (17961865).

Definition taken from The Nuttall Encyclopædia, edited by the Reverend James Wood (1907)

Halévy, Joseph * Halicarnassus
[wait for the fun]
Halcyon Days
Haldane, Robert
Hale, Sir Matthew
Hales, Alexander of
Hales, John
Hales, Stephen
Halévy, Jacques François Elias
Halévy, Joseph
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler
Halidon Hill
Halifax, Charles Montague, Earl of
Halifax, George Saville, Marquis of
Hall, Basil
Hall, Charles Francis
Hall, Joseph
Hall, Robert