Billy, nanny; boar, sow; buck, doe; bull, cow; cock, hen; dog, bitch; ewe, tup; groom = man; he, she; Jack, Jenny; male, female; man, maid; man, woman; master, mistress; Tom; tup, dam; and several “Christian names; as in the following examples:—
Ass: Jack ass and Jenny; he ass, she ass.
Bird: Male bird, female bird; cock bird, hen bird.
Blackcock (grouse); moorcock and hen (red grouse).
Cat: Tom cat, lady cat, he and she cat. Gib cat (q.v.).
Child: Male child, female child; man child, woman child (child is either male or female, except when sex is referred to).
Devil: He and she devil (if sex is referred to).
Donkey: Male and female donkey. (See Ass.)
Elephant: Bull and cow elephant; male and female elephant.
Fox: Dog and bitch fox; the bitch is also called a vixen.
Gentleman, gentlewoman or lady.
Goat: Billy and Nanny goat; he and she goat; buck goat.
Heir: Heir male, heir female.
Kinsman, kinswoman.
Mankind, Womankind.
Merman, mermaid.
Milkman, milkmaid or milk-woman.
Moorcock, moorhen.
Otter: Dog and bitch otter.
Partridge: Cock and hen partridge.
Peacock, peahen.
Pheasant: Cock and hen pheasant.
Schoolmaster, schoolmistress.
Seal: Bull and cow. The bull of fur seals under six years of age is called a “Bachelor.”
Servant: Male and female servant; man and maid servant.
Singer, songstress; man and woman singer.
Sparrow: Cock and hen sparrow.
Swan: A cob or cock swan, pen-swan.
Wash or washer-woman.
Whale: Bull or Unicorn, and cow.
⁂ Generally the name of the animal stands last; in the following instances, however, it stands before the gender-word:—
Blackcock; bridegroom; charwoman; game-cock; gentleman and gentlewoman; heir male and female; kinsman and woman; mankind, womankind; milkman, milkmaid or -woman; moorcock and hen; peacock and hen; servant man and maid; turkey cock and hen; wash or washer-woman.
⁂ In a few instances the gender-word does not express gender, as jackdaw, jack pike, roebuck, etc.
(2) The following require no gender-word:—
Beau, belle.
Brother, sister.
Bull, cow (black cattle).
Cock, hen (barndoor fowls).
Cockerel, pullet.
Colt, filly (both foal).
Dad, father.
Dog, bitch (both dog, if sex is not referred to).
Drake, duck (both duck, if sex is not referred to).
Earl, countess.
Father, mother (both parents).
Friar, nun.
Gander, goose (both geese, if sex is not referred to).
Gentleman, lady (both gentlefolk).
Husband, wife.
Kipper, shedder or baggit (spent salmon).
King, queen (both monarch or sovereign).
Lad, lass.
Mallard, wild-duck (both wild fowl).
Man, maid.
Man, woman.
Master, mistress.
Milter, spawner (fish).
Monk, nun.
Papa, mamma.
Ruff, reeve.
Sir, maʹam.
Sire, dam.
Sloven, slut.
Stag, hind (both stag, if sex is not referred to).
Steer, heifer.
Uncle, aunt.
Widow, widower.
Wizard, witch.
⁂ The females of other animals are made by adding a suffix to the male (-ess, -ina, -ine, -ix, -a, -ee, etc.); as, lion, lioness; czar, czarina; hero, heroine; testator, testatrix, etc.