Gipsy (g soft)
.Said to be a corruption of Egyptian, and so called because in 1418 a band of them appeared in Europe, commanded by a leader named Duke Michael of “Little Egypt.” Other appellations are:
(2) Boheʹmians. So called by the French, because the first that ever arrived in their country came from Bohemia in 1427, and presented themselves before the gates of Paris. They were not allowed to enter the city, but were lodged at La Chapelle, St. Denis. The French nickname for gipʹsies is cagoux (unsociables).
(6) Pharaoh-nepek (Pharaoh’s people). So called in Hungary, from the notion that they came from Egypt.
(7) Sinte. So called by themselves, because they assert that they came from Sind, i.e. Ind (Hindustan). (See Tchingaʹni.)
(9) Tchingaʹni or Tshingani. So called by the Turks, from a tribe still existing at the mouth of the Indus (Tshin-calo, black Indian).
(12) Zincaʹli or Zingaʹni. Said to be so called by the Turks, because in 1517 they were led by Zingaʹneus to revolt from Sultan Selim; but more likely a mere variety of Tchingani (q.v.).