.Those of Saragossa were most in repute in the days of chivalry.
Close helmet. The complete head-piece, having in front two movable parts, which could be lifted up or let down at pleasure.
Visor. One of the movable parts; it was to look through.
Bever, or drinking-piece. One of the movable parts, which was lifted up when the wearer ate or drank. It comes from the Italian verb beverē (to drink).
Mahomet’s helmet. Mahomet wore a double helmet; the exterior one was called al mawashah (the wreathed garland).
The helmet of Perseus (2 syl.) rendered the wearer invisible. This was the “helmet of Haʹdēs,” which, with the winged sandals and magic wallet. he took from certain nymphs who held them in possession; but after he had slain Medusa he restored them again, and presented the Gorgon’s head to Atheʹna [Minerva], who placed it in the middle of her ægis.