Ismeʹnē (3 syl.)
Daughter of Œʹdipus and Jocasta. Antigʹone was buried alive by the order of King Creon, for burying her brother Polyniʹcēs, slain in combat by his brother Eteʹoclēs. Ismeʹnē declared that she had aided her sister, and requested to be allowed to share the same punishment.
Ismeʹnē. The lady-love of Ismeʹnias, in the erotic romance of Eustathius or Eumathius entitled Ismene and Ismenias (twelfth century). Translated by God-frey of Viterbo. Especially noteworthy from its being reproduced in the Confessio Amantis of Gower, and forming the plot of Shakespeare’s Pericles.