Sea Deities
.N.B. Neptune had no wife.
Galatēa, a daughter of Nereus.
Neptune (2 syl.), king of the ocean.
The Nereids (3 syl.) or Nerēides (4 syl.), fifty in number.
Nereus (2 syl.) and his wife Doris. Their palace was at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. His hair was seaweeds.
Oceănos and his wife Tethys. Oceănos was not god of the sea, but of the ocean, supposed to form a boundary round the world.
Oceanides (5 syl.). Daughters of Oceănos.
Palēmon, the Greek Portumnus.
Portumnus, the protector of harbours.
Poseidon (3 syl.), the Greek Neptune.
Proteus (2 syl.), who assumed every variety of shape.
⁂ The Naiads or Naiădes (3 syl.) were river nymphs.