Events noted in 1811

The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.

1810 1812


Died: Addington, Stephen clergyman

Died: Blair, Robert divine and poet

Died: Bourgeois, Sir Francis knight

Died: Clover, Joseph an ingenious professor of the veterinary art

Died: Cumberland, Richard writer

Publication: “A Letter to William Gifford, esq.” by Ford, John an early English dramatic author

Publication: “The Dramatic Works of John Ford; with an introduction and explanatory notes, by Henry Weber, esq.” by Ford, John an early English dramatic author

Died: Hurd, Richard prelate

Publication: “Scelta” by Maggi, Jerome an ingenious and learned man of the sixteenth century

Died: Maskelyne, Nzvil astronomer

Died: Moss, Robert clergyman

Publication: “British Review,” by Palæphatus philosopher

Died: Pallas, Peter Simon naturalist

Died: Raikes, Robert a printer at Gloucester

Died: Sabatier, Raphael - Bienvenu surgeon

Died: Stockdale, Percival writer