Acosta, Joseph D'
, a celebrated Spanish author, born at Medina del Campo, about the year 1539. At the age of fourteen, he entered the society of the Jesuits, where he had already four brothers, all of whom he excelled in knowledge and enterprize. In 1571 he went to the East Indies, and became second provincial in Peru. In 1588, he returned to Spain, rind acquired the good graces of Philip II. by entertaining him with accounts of the New World. He then went to Italy-, to render a more particular account to the general of the Jesuits, Claude Aquaviva, with whom he had afterwards a difference, of little importance now, relative to certain ecclesiastical offices, and became superior of the order at Valladolid, and rector of Salamanca; at which last place he died, Feb. 15, 1600. He wrote: 1. “Historia natural y moral de las Indias,” Seville, 1590, 4to; also 1591, 8vo, a corrected edition; and again, Madrid, 1608 and 1610; a work in great estimation, and often quoted by Dr. Robertson. It has been translated into Latin and French; the latter by Robert Regnault, who says that the original became scarce, the Spaniards having burnt all the copies; but in this he has mistaken Acosta for Acuna. It has also been translated into Flemish, Italian, and German. 2. “De Natura Novi Orbis, libri duo,” Salamanca, 1589 and 1595, 8vo. This was translated by the author into Spanish, and added to the preceding work. 3. “De Promulgatione Evangelii apud Barbaros,” Salamanca, 1588, 8vo, Cologne, 1596. 4. “De Christo revelato, libri novem,” Rome, 1590, 4to; Lyons, 1591, 8vo. 5. “Conciones, tomi tres,” Salamanca, 1596, 4to, and often reprinted. 1