Barba, Alvarez Alonzo
, curate of St. Bernard de Potosi, at the contmen cement of the seventeenth century, | is the author of a very scarce book entitled “Arte de loa metallos,” Madrid, 1640, 4to. It was reprinted in 1729, in 4to, and to that edition was added, the Treatise of Alonzo Carillo Lasso, on the ancient mines of Spain, printed before at Cordova in 1624, in 4to. There is an abridgment of Barba in French, 1 vol. 1730, 12mo, to which is added, a “Recueil d’Ouvrages” on the same subject; also in 12mo, in very great esteem. 1
Dict. Hist. Antonio Bibl. Hisp.