Barbarus, Daniel
, probably of the same family with the preceding, coadj utor of the patriarchate of | Aquileia, bora in 1513, acquired a reputation for his learning and his capacity in the management of public affairs, which caused him to be chosen by the senate of Venice to be ambassador from the republic to England, where he remained till 1551. He died in 1570, and left behind him several works in good repute, the chief of which are, 1 A Treatise of Eloquence, by way of dialogue, printed at Venice, in 1557, 4to. 2. “Pratica della Perspectiva,” Venice, 1568, folio. 3. An Italian translation of Vitruvius, with annotations, Venice, 1584, 4tOj fig. Bayle and several other lexicographers after him, have been mistaken in regard to the dates of the birth and death of this illustrious person, as well as about his works. 1