Cadogan, William

, a physician of considerable note in London, was educated at Oriel college, Oxford, where he took his degree of master of arts in 1755; and the same year was made bachelor and doctor in medicine. He had previously, viz. in 1750, published a small treatise on the nursing and management of children, which was much esteemed, and contributed toward abolishing some improper treatment, both in feeding and dressing infants. His rules on this subject were first adopted by the managers of the Foundling hospital, and by degrees became general. His next publication was “Dissertations on the Gout, and all Chronical diseases,1764, 8vo written in a popular manner, and so generally read, that several large impressions were sold of it. The three principal causes or sources of the gout, he says, are indolence, vexation, and intemperance. The book was animadverted upon in eleven different pamphlets, some with the authors’ names, and some without, but he did not condescend to answer any of them. It is, on the whole, well written, and the regulations given for the conduct of gouty patients, with the view of mitigating the fit, and preventing frequent relapses, or returns of the complaint, are judicious, and well deserving attention, he was fellow of the college of physicians, and, which is by no means usual, spoke two Harveian orations, the one in the year 1764, the other in 17i)3. They were both published. He died in his eighty-sixth year, at his house in George-street, Hanover-square, Feb. 26, 1797. 1


Reee’s Cyclopædia.—Lyson’s Environs, Supplementary volume.