Canus, Melchior
, a Spanish divine, was a native of Taranzo, in the diocese of Toledo. He was Francis Victoria’s pupil, and succeeded him in the theological chair at Salamanca, where he taught with reputation. Canus appeared also with great distinction at the council of Trent, under Paul III. and was made bishop of the Canary Islands 1552. He resigned his bishopric afterwards, and was appointed provincial of the province of Castile. He died 1560, at Toledo. His treatise “de locis Theologicis,” published at Padua 1727, 4to, is very elegantly written, and is justly esteemed a master- piece. He is also supposed the author of “Praelectiones de Penitentia.” He appears to have been a man of more liberality than might have been expected from his age and profession. Dr. Jortin quotes | some instances of this in his “Remarks on Ecclesiastical History,” vol. II. p. 316. His whole works were printed at Venice in 1759, 4to. 1
Moreri.—Dupin.—Antonio Bibl. Hist.—Saxii Onomast.