Capaccio, Julius Cæsar

, a historian of the seventeenth century, was born in Campagnia, in the kingdom of Naples, of an obscure family, which was afterwards raised by Capaccio’s merits. He studied at Naples the civil and canon law, and afterwards read over the poets and historians. Being a person of note for his learning and parts, he was made secretary to the town of Naples. He was one of those that had the greatest share in setting up the academy of the Otiosi. Francis de la Rovere, duke of Urbino, employed him in the education of the prince his son; and while he was employed in this business he wrote most of his works. He died in 1631. His works are: “Tratato de’l imprese” “II secretario, prediche quadragecimali” “II principe” “Historia Puteolana” “Historia Napolitana,” &c. the latter are in Grgevius’s Thesaurus, but the separate editions of these, as well as of his “Illustrium mulierum et virorum historia,Naples, 1609, 4 to, are very scarce. 3


Moreri.—Dict. Hist.—Fabricii Conspectus Thes. Litt. Italiæ.