Capperonnier, John
, nephew of the preceding, was born at Mondidier in 1716, and died at Paris in 1775. He was a member of the academy of inscriptions, professor of Greek in the royal college, to which he succeeded on his uncle’s death, and librarian to the king. He inherited much of his uncle’s taste for classical studies, and was not less esteemed for his private character. He published, 1. an edition of Joinville’s “History of St. Lewis,” Paris, 1761, fol. 2. An edition of “Anacreon,” 1748, 12mo, described in our authority as rare, nor do we find it in Harwood, Dibdin, or Clarke. 3. “Csesaris Opera,” Paris, Barbou, 1754, 2 vols. 12mo. 4. “Plautus,” with a good glossary, by Valart, 1759, 8 vols. 12mo. 5. “Sophocles,” prepared by our author, but published after his death by Vauvilliers, Paris, 1781, 2 vols. 4to. An ample account of this edition may be seen in Dibdin. Capperonnier also contributed various papers to the academy of inscriptions. His son, a very learned young man, who had also a place in the royal library, was unfortunately drowned a few years ago, while sailing in a pleasure-boat with some friends. 2
Dict. Hist. Dibdin’s Classics.