The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “A treatise on Fresh Wounds,” by Acrel, Olaus physician
Publication: “Anecdotes of Russia, under Peter I.” by Allainval, The Abbe Leonor-Jean-Christine Soulas D' was born at Chartres (?–1753)
Born: Alvensleben, Philip Charles Count D' statesman
Died: Ames, Joseph historian
Publication: “Bibliotheca scriptorum Mediolanensium,” by Argellati, Philip an Italian printer
Publication: “De Sanctis Ferentinis in Tuscia Bonifacio ac Redempto episcopis, &c. dissertatio,” by Assemani, Joseph Simon keeper of the Vatican
Died: Autreau, Jacques D' painter
Publication: “Dissertatio de Mysteriis Eleusinis,” by Bachius, John Augustus critic
Died: Barbier, Mary Anne a French lady
Publication: “Remarks upon Mr. Warburton’s remarks, shewing that the ancients knew there was a future state, and that the Jews were not under an equal Providence,” by Bate, Julius divine
Publication: “Traite de Taccroissement des Plantes,” by Bazin, N. physician
Publication: “Lettre sur le Polypes,” by Bazin, N. physician
Publication: “Devita B. Torelli Puppiensis commentarius,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Born: Bellamy, Thomas writer
Born: Bemmel, Charles Sebastian painter
Publication: “A Vindication of Mr. George Buchanan’s Paraphrase of the Book of Psalms,” by Benson, William critic
Publication: “An Introduction to Moral Philosophy,” by Bentham, Edward canon of Christ-church
Publication: “Syntagma dissertationum in Academia Lundensi habitarum,” by Benzelius, Henry archbishop
Publication: “Gul. Leibnitii et Johan. Bernouillii commercium philosophicum et mathematicum,” by Bernoulli, John mathematician
Publication: “History of the Gallican Church.” by Berthier, William Francis writer
Publication: “Lettre au D sur le nouveau systeme de la Voix,” by Bertin, Exuperius Joseph anatomist
Publication: “Delia poteste e polizia deila Chiesa, trattati due contro le nuove opinion! di Pietro Giannone,” by Bianchi, John Antony called by Fabroni Blanchius
Died: Biel, John Christian divine
Born: Blake, John Bradley a gentleman who was cut off early in life
Publication: “Impetum faciens dictum Hippocrati per corpus consentiens, philologice et physiologice illustratum,” by Boerhaave, Abraham Kaan professor of medicine in the university of Petersburg
Publication: “Livre d' Architecture, &c.” by Boffrand, Germain architect
Publication: “De la corruption du gout dans la Musique Francaise,” by Bollioud-Mermet, Louis writer
Died: Bott, John De architect
Publication: “Catalogue of his library,” by Boze, Claude Gros De antiquary
Publication: “Dissertatio Inaug. de Saliva Sanaet Morbosa,” by Brocklesby, Richard physician
Publication: “Constantia, or the Man of Law’s Tale;” by Brooke, Henry writer
Publication: “Farmer’s Letters,” by Brooke, Henry writer
Died: Broome, William was born in Cheshire
Born: Buller, Sir Francis a judge of the court of king’s-bench and common-pleas
Publication: “General History of Sicily,” by Burigny, Levesque De was born at Rheims in 1691
Publication: “Amphitheatrum poeticum,” by Camus, Antony Le physician
Publication: “Bibliotheca” by Carusius, John Baptist a learned historiographer of Palermo
Publication: “Abelard to Eloisa,” by Cawthorn, James poet
Born: Cels, James Martin botanist
Publication: “Exposition claire et precise des differens points de doctrine qui ont raport aux matieres de religion,” by Chambre, Francis Illharrart De Là an ingenious doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Extract of observations made on a voyage to the river of the Amazons,” by Condamine, Charles Marie De La chevalier de St
Publication: “Brief relation of a voyage to the interior of South America,” by Condamine, Charles Marie De La chevalier de St
Born: Cruikshank, William anatomist
Born: De Lolme, John Louis writer
Publication: “A Register of Benefactions to the parish of Shoreditch,” by Denne, John antiquary
Died: Desmaiseaux, Peter a fellow of the royal society of London
Died: Dodd, Charles historian
Publication: “the additional expense he was at in stamping it, and the ungenerous usage he met with from one of the proprietors of u certain monthly pamphlet, who prevailed with most of the common newspapers not to advertise it.” by Dodsley, Robert poet
Publication: “Two Sermons on a rational faith,” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Publication: “Dissertation on Jepthah’s Vow, occasioned by Romaine’s Sermon on that subject,” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Publication: “Exercices Francais et Anglais,” by Durand, David preacher
Publication: “Replique, au nom de M. Desgrouais, a la lettre de l'abbé Desfontaines, inserée dans le 6 e vol. des Jugemens de M. Burlon de La Busbaquerie,” by Estrees, Cæsar D' cardinal
Publication: “Bramham Park,” by Fawkes, Francis writer
Publication: “The True Patriot,” by Fielding, Henry writer
Publication: “Dialogues concerning Education,” by Fordyce, David professor of philosophy in the Marischal college
Publication: “Platonis dialogi quinque, Recensuit, notisque iilustravit, N. Forster, A. M. &c.” by Forster, Nathaniel divine
Publication: “Elementorum artis logico-criticte libri quinque,” by Genovesi, Antony or
Publication: “De Casibus adversis illustrium virorum sui oevi,” by Gratiani, Antonio Maria bishop
Publication: “Lettere de fra Guittone d'Arezzo con note,” by Guittone, D'Arezzo poet
Born: Guldenstaedt, John Antony traveller
Publication: “Inscriptionis Herseliensis Ubio-Romanse explanatio,” by Hartzheim, Joseph Jesuit
Born: Hearne, Samuel an enterprising English navigator
Publication: “Rake’s Progress” by Hogarth, William a truly great and original genius (?–1764)
Died: Howe, Charles the author of a very popular book of “Devout Meditations
Publication: “Essays.” by Hume, David historian
Publication: “Resurrection of Jesus considered by a Moral Philosopher;” by Jackson, John divine
Died: Jordan, Charles Stephen a person distinguished more by his connections than by his works
Publication: “Physical Experiments upon Brutes,” by Langrish, Browne physician
Publication: “Letters concerning the Plague and other contagious Distempers,” by Lobb, Theophilus physician
Publication: “Practical Geometry,” by Maclaurin, Coun mathematician
Publication: “An Idea of the ancient and modern Government of Egypt,” by Mascrier, John Baptist De a French abbé
Publication: “Selfknowledge: a treatise shewing the nature and benefit of that important science, and the way to attain it.” by Mason, John divine
Publication: “The Mischiefs of faction and rebellion considered,” by Masters, Robert antiquary
Born: Maty, Paul Henry son of the former
Publication: “Hope, a poetical essay, in blank verse, on that Christian grace, in three books,” by Morell, Thomas scholar
Born: Munoz, John Baptist historian
Publication: “New Microscopical Discoveries,” by Needham, John Tuberville divine
Publication: “Anatomica” by Oribasius physician
Publication: “Croonian Lectures on Muscular Motion,” by Parsons, James physician
Publication: “Contes de ma Mere l'Oye.” by Perrault, Charles was born at Paris
Died: Piazza, Hierom Bartholomew a native of Italy
Publication: “Institutiones Chirurgise Rationalis, turn medicae, turn manualis,” by Platner, John Zachariah physician
Publication: “Dialogues of Plato,” by Plato the most illustrious of the Greek philosophers
Born: Pye, Henry James poet
Publication: “The Superannuated Gallant,” by Reed, Joseph writer
Born: Reynolds, Henry Revell a late eminent pbysijcian
Born: Rush, Benjamin physician
Died: Shenstone, William eldest son of a plain uneducated country gentleman
Publication: “De cultu et Amore Dei,” by Swedenborg, Emanuel a Swedish enthusiast
Publication: “Remarks on the Pretender’s Declaration and Commission,” by Webb, Philip Carteret
Publication: “Remarks on the Pretender’s eldest Son’s second Declaration, dated the 10th of October 1745, by the author of the Remarks on his first Declaration,” by Webb, Philip Carteret
Publication: “Glossarium Græcum in sacros N. T. libros. Accedunt miscellanæ critica in glossas nomicas, Suidam, Hesychium, et index auctorum ex Photii lexico inedito,” by Alberti, John professor of Divinity in the university of Leyden
Publication: “Reflexions sur la Cause generate des Vents;” by Alembert, John Le Rond D' philosopher
Publication: “S. Athanasii interpretatio psalmorum,” by Antonelli, Nicholas Maria count of Pergola
Publication: “Traite de Renoncules,” by Ardene, John Paul De Rome D' and a priest of the Oratory
Publication: “De Mercuric,” by Arntzenius, Otho was born in 1703
Born: Atwood, George mathematician
Publication: “Libri Tres posteriores” by Averani, Joseph was born at Florence the 19th of March 1662
Publication: “Infidelity scourged, or Christianity vindicated against Chubb, &c.” by Bate, James was born at Bocton Malherb in Kent in 1703
Died: Bergler, Stephen was born at Hermanstadt
Publication: “Dissertazione de' vesicatori,” by Bianchi, John naturalist
Publication: “Due lettere di Fisica,” by Bianconi, John Lewis philosopher
Publication: “Metelemata philologica,” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Publication: “Compendium artis Obstetricoe,” by Boehmer, Justin Henning lawyer
Died: Bouhier, John president a mortier of the parliament of Dijon
Publication: “Dissertations sur Herodote,” by Bouhier, John president a mortier of the parliament of Dijon
Publication: “Remarques sur Ciceron” by Bouhier, John president a mortier of the parliament of Dijon
Born: Boyd, Hugh writer
Died: Boyle, Robert philosopher
Publication: “Public spirit illustrated in the Life and Designs of the Rev. T. Bray, D. D.” by Brea, Lodovico of Nizza
Publication: “An Essay concerning the Mortality of the Horned Cattle,” by Brocklesby, Richard physician
Died: Brossette, Claude of France
Publication: “Caprices d'imagination, on Lettres sur differens sujets,” by Bruhier, John James D' Ablaincourt physician
Publication: “Traite des Fievres,” by Bruhier, John James D' Ablaincourt physician
Born: Bucquet, John Baptist Michel physician
Publication: “De rebus ad Velitras gestis commentarius,” by Buonamici, Castruccio historian
Publication: “Dissertations sur les apparitions des Anges, des Demons, et des Esprits, et sur les Revenans et Vampires de Hongrie,” by Calmet, Augustine Benedictine
Publication: “Present state of Europe;” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Publication: “Cyclopædia” by Chambers, Ephraim author of the scientific dictionary which goes under his name
Died: Chapelle, Armand De La minister of the Walloon church at the Hague
Publication: “Lettres sur divers sujets importans de la Religion,” by Chaufepie, James George De author of a very useful Biographical Dictionary
Publication: “Elements of Algebra,” by Clairault, Alexis Claude mathematician
Publication: “Letters and Memorials of State, collected by Sir Henry Sidney and others,” by Collins, Arthur antiquary
Publication: “Explanation of the four paradoxes which are in vogue in our age,” by Concina, Daniel divine
Publication: “The dogma of the Roman Church respecting Usury,” by Concina, Daniel divine
Publication: “Memoriae Historico-criticae, lib. rariorum,” by Condivi, Ascanio of Ripa Transona
Publication: “Poems,” by Cooke, Thomas poet
Born: Curtis, William botanist
Died: D'Antine, Francis D'Antine
Died: Deidier, Anthony writer
Publication: “Etrennes aux esprits-forts.” by Diderot, Denys of the academy of Berlin
Died: Dorigny, Sir Nicholas engraver
Publication: “Essay on the Coins of France,” by Dupre De St. Maur, Nicholas Francis master of the accounts at Paris
Publication: “A Treatise concerning religious Affections,” by Edwards, Jonathan president of the college of New Jersey
Publication: “Treatise on Gunnery.” by Euler, Leonard mathematician (?–1783)
Publication: “Popery destructive of the evidence of Christianity.; a sermon before the university of Oxford, Nov. 5, 1746,” by Forster, Nathaniel divine
Publication: “Rhetorique Franchise, a l'usage des jeunes demoiselles,” by Gaillard, Gabriel Henry historian
Died: Gendre, Gilbert Charles Le marquis of St
Publication: “Hebrew Lexicon,” by Guarin, Peter Benedictine
Publication: “Dissertation stir la mechanique des Secretions dans le corps humain,” by Hamberger, George Edward professor of chemistry and of the practice of medicine in the university of Jena
Died: Hanmer, Sir Thomas, Bart. statesman
Publication: “Arithmetica numeralis et literalis,” by Hell, Maximilian astronomer
Born: Heritier, Charles Louis L', De Brutelle botanist
Publication: “A specimen of observations on the Ajax and Electra of Sophocles,” by Heusinger, James Frederick was a nephew of the former
Publication: “Remarks on a late book entitled ‘An Enquiry into the rejection of the Christian miracles by the Heathens, by William Weston, B. D.’” by Hurd, Richard prelate
Publication: “Endemial Distempers,” by James, Dr. Robert physician
Born: Jones, Sir William one of the most accomplished scholars in Europe
Died: Knight, Samuel, D. D. antiquary
Publication: “Public Virtue, or the Love of our Country,” by Lancaster, Nathaniel, D. D. was many years rector of Stamford Rivers
Died: Leapor, Mary a young lady of considerable poetical talent
Died: Lewis, John antiquary
Publication: “Essai sur la Nature de PAme, oft l‘on tache d’expliquer son union avec le corps,” by Louis, Anthony surgeon
Publication: “Cours de Chirurgie pratique sur les plaies d'armes a feu,” by Louis, Anthony surgeon
Born: Low, George clergyman
Publication: “Historical notices concerning the amphitheatre at Florence,” by Mann I, Dominic Maria writer
Died: Mongault, Nicolas Hubert an ingenious and learned Frenchman
Publication: “I*. Newtoni Elementa Perspective Universalis,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Publication: “Theatrum Botanicum, or Theatre of Plants, or an Herbal of large extent;” by Parkinson, John a celebrated old herbalist
Publication: “Huomu Physiognomy explained,” by Parsons, James physician
Publication: “Le Testament de l'Abbe des Fontaines,” by Querlon, Anne Gabriel Meusnier De born at Nantes April 15
Born: Russel, William author of the “History of Modern Europe
Publication: “History of Modern Europe,” by Russel, William author of the “History of Modern Europe
Publication: “An Ode on the present rebellion,” by Schomberg, Isaac one of a family of physicians of some note in their day (?–1780)
Publication: “An Account of the present rebellion,” by Schomberg, Isaac one of a family of physicians of some note in their day (?–1780)
Died: Souchai, Jean Baptiste writer
Died: Southern, Thomas writer
Publication: “General Theorems,” by Stewart, Matthew mathematician
Publication: “De priscis Komanorum literis dissertatio,” by Swinton, John antiquary
Publication: “De primogenio Etruscorum alphabeto, dissertatio,” by Swinton, John antiquary
Publication: “Sickness,” by Thompson, William poet
Died: Torcy, John Baptist Colbert, Marquis Of son of the celebrated French minister
Died: Vanloo, John Baptist painter
Publication: “Pieces diverses de morale et d'amusement,” by Vattel, Emer De, an eminent publicist
Publication: “The nature of National Offences truly stated. A sermon preached on the general fast-day, Dec. 18, 1745,” by Warburton, William prelate
Publication: “An Apologetical Dedication to the Rev. Dr. Henry Stebbing, in answer to his censure and misrepresentations of the sermon preached on the general fast-day to be observed Dec. 18, 1745,” by Warburton, William prelate
Publication: “A Sermon preached on the Thanksgiving appointed to be observed the 9th Oct. for the suppression of the late unnatural Rebellion,” by Warburton, William prelate
Died: Warton, Thomas historian
Publication: “Superstition,” by Warton, Joseph scholar (1722–1800)
Born: Watson, James lawyer
Publication: “An Essay on the method of writing History,” by Whalley, Peter critic
Publication: “Sermons,” by Wheatley, Charles the author of an excellent illustration of the Book of Common Prayer
Born: White, Joseph scholar
Died: Wright, Samuel clergyman
Publication: “Degli Arcadidilloma,” by Antonelli, Nicholas Maria count of Pergola
Publication: “Dissertation sur l‘etendue de l’ancienne Jerusalem,” by Anville, John-Baptiste Bourignon D' first geographer to the king of France (?–1782)
Publication: “Recueil de Fables nouvelles en vers,” by Ardene, Esprit-Jean De Rome D' writer
Publication: “Le Precepteur,” by Arnoult, John Baptist an ex-jesuit
Publication: “Divus Trajanus, sive de legibus Trajani cornmentarius,” by Bachius, John Augustus critic
Born: Barnes, Thomas a learned dissenter
Publication: “De felicitate medicorum aucta in terris Brunsvicensis,” by Behrens, Conrad Bertold physician
Publication: “De corporis elasticis disquisit. physico-mathem.” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Publication: “Dissertazioni sopra l‘origine deli’ ernia intestinale, &c.” by Benevoli, Anthony surgeon
Publication: “La Bradamante,” by Bergalli, Louisa an Italian poetess
Publication: “Catalogo della iibreria Capponi, con annotazioni in diversi luoghi,” by Berti, Alexander Pompey a learned Italian
Publication: “Concorde des Epitres canoniques, ou Morale des Apotres,” by Besoigne, Jerome a doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Delle porte e mura di Roma, con illustrazioni,” by Bianchini, Joseph priest of the oratory of St
Publication: “Corpus juris canonici,” by Boehmer, Justin Henning lawyer
Publication: “Nouveau Newcastle, ou Traite de Cavalerie,” by Bourgelat, Claude surgeon
Publication: “Modern system of cosmography and general physics,” by Brancas Villeneuve, Andrew Francis abbe d'Aulnay
Died: Burette, Peter John born at Paris in 1665
Publication: “Porphyry on Abstinence from Meats,” by Burigny, Levesque De was born at Rheims in 1691
Publication: “Alphabetnm Tironianum, seu Notas Tironis expiicandi methodus, cum pluribus Ludovici Pii chartis quae notis iisdem exaratoe sunt.” by Carpentier, Peter prior of Doncheri
Died: Carver, Jonathan another unfortunate author in our own country
Publication: “About this time Dr. Chapman introduced Mr. Tunstall and Mr. Hall to archbishop Potter, the one as his librarian, the other as his chaplain, and therefore had some reason to resent their taking an active part against him in the option cause, though they both afterwards dropped it. Dr. Chapman’s above-mentioned attack on Dr. Middleton, which he could not parry, and his interposition in defence of his much-esteemed friend Dr. Waterland, provoked Dr. Middleton to retaliate in 1746, by assailing him in what he thought a much more vulnerable part, in his Charge to the archdeaconry of Sudbury, entitled <e Popery the true bane of letters.” by Chapman, John was the son of the rev
Died: Cibber, Theophilus son of the above
Publication: “The Chronology of the Hebrew Bible vindicated: the facts compared with other ancient histories, and the difficulties explained, from the flood to the death of Moses; together with some conjectures in relation to Egypt during that period of time; also two maps, in which are attempted to be settled the journeyings of the children of Israel,” by Clayton, Robert bishop
Publication: “The man has given me my life, and I have no right in future to mention his behaviour at the card table; although I will never pay him, nor ever keep him company.” by Clive, Robert son of Richard Clive
Publication: “Frederkian Code,” by Cocceius, Samuel was born at Francfort on the Oder
Died: Cochin, Henry lawyer
Died: Cohorn, Memnon the Vauban of the Dutch
Died: Crespi, Joseph Maria sometimes called La Spagnuolo
Publication: “An Ecce Homo, attended by two Soldiers.” by Crespi, Joseph Maria sometimes called La Spagnuolo
Publication: “Love in a Mist,” by Cunningham, John poet
Died: Dandini, Hercules Francis count
Publication: “De servitutibus praediorum interpretationes per epistolas,” by Dandini, Hercules Francis count
Died: Ficoroni, Francis a famous Roman medallist
Died: Forbes, Duncan lawyer
Publication: “Rhinoceros veterum scriptorum monumentis descriptus,” by Freytag, Frederic Gotthilf historian
Publication: “De fregimine Mentis, quod Medicorum est,” by Gaubius, Jerome David physician
Publication: “Flora Siberica, seu Historia Plantarum Siberise,” by Gmelin, John George botanist
Publication: “Anneé du Chretien,” by Griffet, Henry writer
Publication: “Observations on Plants,” by Guettard, John Stephen botanist
Publication: “Abrege de la vie d'Etienne Fourmont,” by Guignes, Joseph De scholar
Publication: “PrimsB Lmese Physiologic in usum Praelectionum Academicarum” by Haller, Albert De one of the most eminent physicians and philosophers of the eighteenth century
Publication: “Bibliotheca scriptorum Coloniensium,” by Hartzheim, Joseph Jesuit
Publication: “The Smart.” by Hawkesworth, John writer
Died: Hedwig, John botanist
Publication: “Contemplations on the Night and Starry Heavens; and a Winter Piece,” by Hervey, James divine
Publication: “Cornelius Nepos,” by Heusinger, John Michael divine
Publication: “The Suspicious Husband,” by Hoadly, Benjamin bishop
Died: Hone, George Paul lawyer
Died: Hutcheson, Dr. Francis philosopher
Publication: “A Sermon preached at the Consecration of Pearce bishop of Bangor,” by Jortin, Dr. John divine
Publication: “Croonian Lectures on Muscular Motion,” by Langrish, Browne physician
Publication: “Calendrier perpetuel” by Larcher, Peter Henry scholar
Publication: “The Gentleman’s Magazine,” by Lauder, William a native of Scotland
Publication: “Reasons for granting Commissions to the Provincial Kings at Arms for visiting their Provinces.” by Leake, Stephen Martin antiquary
Publication: “Observations sur les causes et les accidens deplusieurs accouchemens laborieux,” by Levret, Andrew surgeon
Publication: “Islington, 13 Dec. 1727.” by Lindsay, John divine (1686–1768)
Publication: “A Compendium of the Practice of Physic,” by Lobb, Theophilus physician
Born: Logan, John divine and poet
Died: Lyttelton, George writer
Publication: “Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul,” by Lyttelton, George writer
Publication: “Le Droit public de l'Enrope,” by Mably, Gabriel Bonnot, Abbe' De writer
Died: Maittaire, Michael an eminent classical editor
Publication: “Direction pomla conscience d'un roi,” by Marchand, Prosper an author to whom the curious in literary history are greatly indebted (1678–1756)
Publication: “Histoire de Fenelon,” by Marchand, Prosper an author to whom the curious in literary history are greatly indebted (1678–1756)
Publication: “Germana quaedam antiquitatis eruditae monumenta, quibus Romanorurn veterum ritus varii, tarn sacri quata profani, turn Grgecorum atque ygyptiorum nonnulli, illustrantur; Romae olim maxima ex parte collecta, ac dissertationibus jam singulis instructa,” by Middleton, Conyers divine
Died: Mieris, William called the Young Mieris
Publication: “Spenser’s Works,” by Morell, Thomas scholar
Publication: “Concordance” by Mores, Edward-Rowe antiquary
Publication: “An Ode inscribed to the Memory of the late Earl of Orford,” by Newcomb, Thomas son of a worthy clergy
Publication: “Leges Marchiarum, or Border Laws; with a preface, and an appendix of Charters and Records relating thereto,” by Nicolson, William antiquary
Died: Orton, Job divine
Died: Peyronie, Francis De La surgeon
Died: Platner, John Zachariah physician
Publication: “Essai Physique sur i'Economie Animale,” by Quesnay, Francis physician
Died: Savage, John the benevolent president of the famous club at Royston*
Publication: “St. Caroli Borromei Homilise, prefatione et notis,” by Saxi historian
Publication: “Nova acta eruditorum,” by Saxius, Christopher historian
Died: Seed, Jeremiah divine
Born: Seward, William writer
Died: Shadwell, Thomas poet
Died: Sherlock, Thomas bishop
Publication: “Elements of Geometry, with their application to Mensuration of Superficies and Solids, to the determination of Maxima and Minima, and to the construction of a great variety of Geometrical Problems,” by Simpson, Thomas professor of mathematics in the king’s academy at Woolwich
Died: Solimene, Francis called L‘Abate Ciccio
Died: Stonhouse, Sir James a pious and worthy baronet
Publication: “Preface to a critical enquiry into the opinions and practice of the Ancient Philosophers, concerning the nature of a Future State, and their method of teaching by double Doctrine,” by Warburton, William prelate
Publication: “Observations on the Resurrection,” by West, Gilbert writer
Born: Wheatley, Francis artist (1747–1801)
Publication: “Posthumous Sermons” by Abernethy, John an eminent dissenting minister in Ireland
Publication: “Instituzioni analitiche,” by Agnesi, Maria Cajetana an Italian lady of great learning
Publication: “Reports of Select Cases in all the courts of Westminster hall, tempore William the Third and queen Anne; also the opinion of all the judges of England relating to the grandest prerogative of the royal family, and some observations relating to the prerogatives of a queen-consort,” by Aland, Sir John Fortescue lord Fortescue of the kingdom of Ireland
Publication: “Notices literaires,” by Aldobrandino a native of Florence
Publication: “A Catalogue of English heads, or an account of about 2000 prints, describing what is peculiar on each, as the name, title, or office of the person, the habit, posture, age, or time when done, the name of the painter, graver, scraper, &c. and some remarkable particulars relating to their lives,” by Ames, Joseph historian
Died: Ardene, Esprit-Jean De Rome D' writer
Publication: “Ecclesiasticus,” by Arnald, Richard divine (1714–1756)
Publication: “Histoire generate cTAllemagne,” by Barre, Joseph a canon regular of St
Publication: “Relation et essai sur Phistoire de la France equinoxiale,” by Barrere, Peter physician
Publication: “Proposals for printing Hutchinson’s works,” by Bate, Julius divine
Died: Beisch, Joachim Francis artist
Publication: “Observatio Soils defectus et Lunae,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Publication: “A Letter to a young gentleman,” by Bentham, Edward canon of Christ-church
Publication: “Lettres sur le nouveau systeme de la Voix, et sur les arteres lymphatiques,” by Bertin, Exuperius Joseph anatomist
Publication: “Principes de la perfection Chretienne et religieuse,” by Besoigne, Jerome a doctor of the Sorbonne
Born: Bexon, Gabriel-Leopold-Charles-Ame' writer
Publication: “Cur homines montani male audiant?” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Publication: “Evangelium secundum Matthaeum ex versione Æthiopici interpretis in Bibliis polyglottis Anglicanis editum cum Graeco, c.” by Bode, Christopher Augustus a learned professor of the university of Helmstadt
Publication: “Lives and writings of eminent physicians and naturalists,” by Boerner, Christian Frederick professor of theology at Leipsic
Publication: “Livre jaune, contenant quelques conversations sur les logomachies, disputes de mots, abus de termes,” by Boze, Claude Gros De antiquary
Died: Briggs, William physician
Publication: “Love and Vanity.” by Brooke, Henry writer
Born: Brooke, John Charles late Somerset-herald
Publication: “A treatise on the art of making common Salt,” by Brownrigg, William physician
Born: Burger, Godfred Augustus poet
Publication: “Caab Ben-Zohair carmen panegyricum in laudem Mohammedis, &c.” by Caab poet
Died: Cambridge, Richard Owen writer
Publication: “The Preceptor,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Publication: “A Discourse on Providence,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Publication: “The time quantity of two eclipses of the moon.” by Canton, John philosopher
Publication: “Anacreon,” by Capperonnier, John was born at Mondidier in 1716
Born: Collingwood, Cuthbert, Lord a brave and excellent English admiral
Publication: “Venice,” by Concina, Daniel divine
Publication: “The Craftsman;” by Cooke, Thomas poet
Born: Coventry, Francis the eldest son of Thomas Coventry
Publication: “Carmina Quadragesimal ia,” by Cracherode, Clayton Mordaunt an eminent benefactor to the taste
Born: Craig, Sir James Henry a brave officer
Publication: “A Translation of the Sermons of St. Chrysostom, with an Introduction and Remarks,” by Cramer, John Andrew of another family
Publication: “Commentarius de originibus pecunise a pecore ante nummum signatum: accedit ejusdem oratio habita in conventu Academico, cum auspicaret munus Professoris,” by Crusius, Christian professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Died: Danchet, Anthony poet
Born: Day, Thomas writer
Died: Denton, John divine
Publication: “Practical Discourses (14) on moral subjects, vol.1.” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Died: Drakenborch, Arnold an eminent classical editor
Publication: “De officio prsefectorum Prsetorio,” by Drakenborch, Arnold an eminent classical editor
Died: Egerton, Francis third duke of Bridgewater
Publication: “Suetonius,” by Ernesti, John Augustus was born at Tacnnstadt in Thuringia
Born: Fitzherbert, Sir William of Tissington
Publication: “Voyages,” by Gellibrand, Henry professor of astronomy at Gresham-college
Died: Giannone was born at Ischitella
Died: Girard, Gabriel writer
Born: Græme, John a young man of Scotland whose genius and learning have been most injudiciously heightened
Died: Gramm, John philologist
Publication: “Essay on Health,” by Grosvenor, Benjamin divine
Died: Hecht, Christian divine
Died: Hedericus, Benjamin of Haiti
Publication: “De usu Dialectorum Orientalium, ac praecipue Arabicae, in Hebraico codice interpretando,” by Hunt, Thomas a learned Hebraist
Died: Johnson, Charles writer
Publication: “Essay on Delicacy,” by Lancaster, Nathaniel, D. D. was many years rector of Stamford Rivers
Publication: “Observations et llemarques sur les eHets du virus cancereux,” by Louis, Anthony surgeon
Died: Mallet, David poet
Publication: “Isis,” by Mason, William divine
Publication: “A Mathematical Atlas, in which all mathematical science is comprised in sixty tables,” by Mayer, Tobias one of the greatest astronomers and mechanics of the last century
Publication: “Introduction to the elegant arts and sciences;” by Meier, George Frederic writer
Publication: “Some remarks on both their performances,” by Middleton, Conyers divine
Publication: “The Foundling,” by Moore, Edward writer
Publication: “The History and Antiquities of Colchester,” by Morant, Philip antiquary
Publication: “Euripidis Hecnba, Orestes, et Phenissce, cum scholiis antiquis, &c.” by Morell, Thomas scholar
Publication: “Liturgia Romana vetus, tria Sacrarnentaria compiectens,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Tablettes Historiques, Genealogiques, et Chronologiques,” by Nantigni, Louis Chazot De a celebrated genealogist
Died: Nollikins, Joseph Francis artist
Publication: “Algebra,” by Oughtred, William divine
Publication: “Harmonia Trigonometrica, or A short treatise on Trigonometry,” by Owen, Henry divine
Died: Perceval, John fifth baronet of the family
Publication: “The Turkish Court, or London Apprentice,” by Pilkington, Letitia an English wit and poetess
Publication: “Miscellaneous Works,” by Ralegh, Sir Walter or'Rawlegh
Died: Robinson, Tancred botanist
Publication: “History of the general War” by Rolt, Richard writer
Died: Roques, Peter clergyman
Publication: “Theses anatomico-chirurgicæ,” by Sabatier, Raphael - Bienvenu surgeon
Publication: “Considerations on the bill for a general naturalization, as it may conduce to the improvement of our manufactures and traffic, and to the strengthening or endangering of the constitution, exemplified in the revolutions that have happened in this kingdom, by inviting over foreigners to settle among us. With an Inquiry into the nature of the British constitution, and the freedom or servitude of the lower class of people, in the several changes it has undergone,” by Salmon, Nathaniel antiquary
Publication: “The Foreigner’s Companion through the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and the adjacent counties, describing the several colleges and other public buildings, with an account of their respective founders, benefactors, bishops, and other eminent men educated in them,” by Salmon, Nathaniel antiquary
Publication: “Indifference for Religion inexcusable, or, a serious, impartial, and practical review of the certainty, importance, and harmony of natural and revealed Religion,” by Squire, Samuel divine
Publication: “Remarks upon Mr. Carte’s specimen of the General History of England, very proper to be read by all such as are contributors to that great work,” by Squire, Samuel divine
Publication: “Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica,” by Tanner, Thomas antiquary
Born: Tiedemann, Dieterich philosopher
Publication: “Icones posthurnse Gesnerianae,” by Trew, Christopher James naturalist
Born: Vicq-D'Azir, Felix -D‘Azir
Publication: “An Inquiry into the learning of Shakspeare, with remarks on several passages of his plays,” by Whalley, Peter critic
Publication: “Primitive NewTestament, in English;” by Whiston, William divine (1667–1752)
Publication: “Aristaeneti Epistolae, Gr. cum notis,” by Abresch, Frederic Louis scholar
Publication: “Recherches sur la Precession des Equinoxes, et sur la Nutation de l'Axe de la Terre dans le Systeme Newtonien,” by Alembert, John Le Rond D' philosopher
Born: Alfieri, Victor poet
Born: Alter, Francis Charles critic
Publication: “Observations experimentales sur les eaux des rivieres de Seine, de Marne, c.” by Amy, N. an advocate in the parliament of Aix
Died: Argota, Jerome Contador B' monk
Publication: “Dissertations on Ruptures,” by Arnaud De Ronsil, Georges surgeon
Publication: “Memoires d'histoire, de critique & de litterature,” by Artigni, Anthony Gachet D' canon of the cathedral church at Vienna
Died: Barnard, Sir John an eminent citizen and alderman of London of the last century
Publication: “I fenomeni Elettrici con i corollari da lor dedotti,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Publication: “Ad Marchionem Scipionem Maphejum epistolae quatuor,” by Belgrado, James mathematician
Publication: “La science des Ingenieurs dans la concluite des travaux des Fortifications,” by Belidor, Bernard Forest De a member of the academies of sciences of Paris and Berlin
Born: Bellenger, Francis doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Elementa physiologias,” by Bergen, Charles Augustus De anatomist
Born: Berquin, Arnaud writer
Publication: “Sermons prononcés a Berne a l‘occasion de la decouverte d’une CoiTspiration centre Petat,” by Bertrand, Elias writer
Died: Bessel, Godfrey De a learned abbé of the convent of Benedictines of Gottvvich
Publication: “De monstris et rebus monstrosis,” by Bianchi, John naturalist
Died: Bianchini, Joseph Maria scholar
Publication: “Notizie storiche deliechiese di Verona,” by Biancolini, John Baptist Joseph was born at Verona
Publication: “Death of Abel.” by Boccage, Mary-Anne Le Page, Du an eminent literary lady of France
Publication: “Logica, ordine scientifico in usum. auditorum conscripta,” by Boehm, Andrew privy- counsellor of the landgrave of Hesse
Publication: “The Figure of the Earth, determined by the observations made in South America,” by Bouguer, Peter mathematician
Died: Boursier, Lawrence Francis doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “Natural History, general and particular,” by Buffon, George Louis Le Clerc, Count Of naturalist
Publication: “Translation of Epictetus.” by Carter, Elizabeth an English lady of profound learning and genius
Died: Casteels, Peter artist
Publication: “Dissertazione sopra una statua cli marmo trovata nelle campagne di Alesa,” by Castello, Gabriel Lancelot antiquary
Publication: “Osservazioni critiche sopra un libro stampato in Catania nel 1747, esposta in una lettera da un Pastor Arcade acl un Accademico Etrnsco,” by Castello, Gabriel Lancelot antiquary
Publication: “Traite des sensations et des passions en general,” by Cat, Claude Nicholas Le physician
Born: Cavallo, Tiberius philosopher
Publication: “A Vindication of the Miraculous Powers which subsisted in the three Centuries of the Christian Church, in answer to Dr. Middleton’s Free Inquiry. By which it is shewn, that we have no sufficient reason to believe, from the Doctor’s reasonings and objections, that no such powers were continued to the church after the days of the Apostles. With a preface, containing some observations on Dr. Mead’s account of the Demoniacs, in his Medica Sacra,” by Church, Thomas was born in 1707
Died: Concanen, Matthew writer
Died: Conti, Abbe Anthony a noble Venetian
Publication: “Lettre au sujet du Lithotome Cache*, &c. contre F. Cosme Dissert.” by Cosme, John De St. whose family name was Baseillac
Died: Cotton, Nathaniel physician
Publication: “Observations on a particular kind of Scarlet Fever that lately prevailed in and about St. Alban’s,” by Cotton, Nathaniel physician
Publication: “A Summary of the Life of St. Werburgh, with a historical account of the images upon her shrine (now the episcopal throne) in the choir of Chester. Collected from ancient chronicles and old writers. By a citizen of Chester. Published for the benefit of the Charity -school, Chester,” by Cowper, William practised physic many years at Chester with great reputation
Died: Deering, Charles physician
Publication: “History of Electricity.” by Demainbray, Stephen Charles an ingenious electrician
Publication: “Essay on the power of Numbers and the principles of Harmony,” by Denham, Sir John poet
Publication: “De antiquis Oratoribus,” by Dionysius, Halicarnassensis critic
Publication: “A Free Answer to Dr. Middleton’s Free Enquiry,” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Born: Du Pan, James Mallet writer
Publication: “An Account of the Life of the Rev. David Brainerd,” by Edwards, Jonathan president of the college of New Jersey
Publication: “An Inquiry into the Qualifications for full communion in the Visible Church,” by Edwards, Jonathan president of the college of New Jersey
Publication: “The Projection of the Sphere, orthographic, stereograph ic, and gnomonical; both demonstrating the principles, and explaining the practice of these several sorts of projections,” by Emerson, William mathematician
Publication: “The elements of Trigonometry,” by Emerson, William mathematician
Publication: “A letter to his subscribers to the plan and elevation ofan intended addition to Corpus Christi college, in Cambridge,” by Essex, Jamks a man whose astonishing knowledge of gothic architecture could only be equalled by his modesty
Publication: “Cosrnographie,” by Expilli, John Joseph writer
Publication: “Letters on Negociations” by Fevre, Guy De Sieur De La Boderie Or Giudo Fabricius Boderianus
Born: Fitzgibbon, John earl of Clare
Publication: “Tractatus de Febribus,” by Fizes, Anthony physician
Publication: “A Dissertation upon the account supposed to have been give*i of Jesus Christ by Josephus: being an attempt to show that this celebrated passage, some slight corruptions only excepted, may reasonably be esteemed genuine,” by Forster, Nathaniel divine
Publication: “Phalaris’s Epistles,” by Francklin, Thomas chaplain in ordinary to his majesty
Died: Freret, Nicolas an author of profound learning and considerable abilities
Publication: “Letters on certain writings of the time” by Freron, Elie Catherine a French journalist
Publication: “Poetique Françoise,” by Gaillard, Gabriel Henry historian
Publication: “Nouveau Supplement” by Goujet, Claude Peter a canon of St
Died: Hall, Henry divine
Publication: “Opuscula Botanica,” by Haller, Albert De one of the most eminent physicians and philosophers of the eighteenth century
Died: Haynes, Hopton a strenuous advocate for Socinianism
Publication: “De Valetudine Literatorum,” by Heerkens, Gerard Nicholas a native of Groningen
Died: Heidegger, John James a very singular adventurer
Publication: “An edition of Plutarch on Education, with the version of Xylander corrected, and his own annotations,” by Heusinger, James Frederick was a nephew of the former
Born: Holmes, Robert divine
Died: Huysum, John Van painter
Publication: “Free and Candid Disquisitions,” by Jones, John divine
Died: Jones, William mathematician
Publication: “there was a sacred friendship a friendship made up of religious principles, which increased daily, by a similitude of inclinations, to the same recreations and studies.” by Jones, William divine
Publication: “Spring,” by Kleist, Christian Ewald Von poet
Publication: “Observations sur la cure radicale de plusieurs polypes de la matrice, de la gorge, et du nez, operée par de nouveaux nioyens,” by Levret, Andrew surgeon
Publication: “Elementa Physiologice,” by Lieberkuhn, John-Nathaniel anatomist
Publication: “Pan Sueciciw,” by Linnæus, Charles afterwards Von Linne'
Publication: “Posiiiones Anatomico-chirurgicae de capite ejusque vulneribus,” by Louis, Anthony surgeon
Publication: “Lettre sur la certitude des signes de la mort, avec des observations et des experiences sur les noyes,” by Louis, Anthony surgeon
Publication: “Elemens de Chymie Theorique,” by Macquer, Joseph physician
Publication: “Osservazioni istoriche sopra isigilli antichi de' secoli bassi,” by Mann I, Dominic Maria writer
Born: Mirabeau, Honore' Gabriel, Comte De well known both by his writings
Publication: “Memorie del monistero della santissima Trinita irr Fv.erza,” by Mittarelli, John Benedict historian
Publication: “The Sequel of the Tryal of the Witnesses of the Resurrection being an answer to the exceptions of a late pamphlet, &c. &c. revised by the author of the Tryal of the Witnesses,” by Moss, Robert clergyman
Publication: “Paradise Lost, a Poem, in twelve books. The author, John Milton: a new edition, with notes of various authors. By Thomas Newton, D. D.” by Newton, Thomas prelate
Publication: “An Examination of the principles, and an inquiry into the conduct of the two brothers (the Duke of Newcastle and Mr. Pelham),” by Perceval, John second earl of Egmont
Publication: “Pratique du pilotage,” by Pezenas, Esprit Jesuit
Died: Philips, Ambrose poet
Publication: “Opusculorum Chirurgicorum et Anatomicorum Tomi duo: Dissertationes et Prolusiones,” by Platner, John Zachariah physician
Publication: “Philosophical Principles of natural and revealed Religion, explained and unfolded in a geometrical order,” by Ramsay, Andrew Michael frequently styled the Chevalier Ramsay
Born: Randolph, John bishop (?–1813)
Publication: “The Report of the Proceedings and Opinion of the Board of General Officers on their examination into the conduct of Lieutenant-general sir John Cope, &c.” by Robins, Benjamin mathematician (?–1751)
Born: Robinson, Thomas divine
Publication: “Some Reflections on the present state of the nation, principally with regard to her taxes and debts, and on the causes and consequences of them:” by Saint-John, Henry lord viscount Bolingbroke
Born: Schultens, Henry Alp.Ert was born Feb. 15
Publication: “Traite de la Structure du Coeur, de son Action, et de ses Maladies,” by Senac, John physician
Publication: “A General Chronological History of the Air, Weather, Seasons, Meteors, &c. for the space of 250 Years,” by Short, Thomas physician
Publication: “Discourses on Tea, Sugar, Miik, made Wines, Spirits, Punch, Tobacco, &c.” by Short, Thomas physician
Publication: “The Loci Plani of Apollonius, restored,” by Simson, Robert mathematician
Born: Smith, Charlotte an elegant poetess
Died: Tencin, Claudine, Alexandrine, Guersi, De a lady of considerable talents
Publication: “An Epistle to Florio (Mr. Ellis, of Christ-church) at Oxford,” by Tyrwhitt, Thomas one of the most eminent scholars and critics of the last century
Born: Vahl, Martin botanist
Publication: “History of Languedoc,” by Vaissette, Joseph historian
Died: Voltaire, Marie-Francis Arouet De the greatest literary character which France produced in the last century
Publication: “Analyse cles Mesures des Rapports et des Angles,” by Walmesley, Charles R (?–1721)
Publication: “Theorie du monument des Aspides,” by Walmesley, Charles R (?–1721)
Publication: “Works of the Minor Poets,” by Walsh, William critic
Publication: “The Alliance between Church and State corrected and enlarged.” by Warburton, William prelate
Publication: “A Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, on September 2,” by Warner, Ferdinando writer