Cesi, Bartholomew

, an artist born in 1556, was one of the masters whose principles were respected by the school of the Caracci. From him Tiarini learnt the practice of fresco ^ his works contain the germ of Guido’s elegance. Indeed they are not easily distinguished from Guide’s earlier performances. He seldom dares; follows nature, fond of her best forms, and as shy to supply her with ideal ones; his draperies are broad, his attitudes considerate; his tints have more suavity than strength. Such are the altar-pieces at S. Jacopo and at S. Martino, works which Guido is said to have often spent whole hours in contemplating. In fresco he is more vigorous, and treats copious subjects with equal judgment, variety, and power of execution thus he treated the History of Æneas, in the palace Favi, and with still greater felicity the Transactions of Clement VIII. on the arch of Forli, which, though exposed to the air for so many years, retains all the vivacity of its tints. He was esteemed by the Caracci, and generally loved by the professors for his honesty of character and attachment to the art. To his exertions chiefly is ascribed the secession of the painters in 1595, from cutlers, chasers, and sadlers, with whom they had been incorporated for some centuries. And though at the formation of their new society he could not rid them of the cotton-workers’ body (Bambagiai), he established their precedence and superiority of rank. Cesi died in 1627. 2

