Champier, Benedict Curtius Symphorien

, a most voluminous medical and historical writer, was born in 1472. After studying medicine he took his degree of doctor at Pavia in 1515, and in 1520 was made consul at Lyons, an honour which he again enjoyed in 1533, on returning from Italy, whither he had accompanied Anthony duke of Lorrain as his army physician, and by whom he was knighted for his bravery as well as skill. He died in 1539 or 1540, after having founded the college of physicians at Lyons. His works amount to twenty-four volumes, mostly quarto, of which a list may be seen in our authorities, but there is not one of them that can be noticed for excellence either of matter or style. Perhaps the best of his historic cal compilations is, “Les Grandes Chroniques des dues jde Savoie,Paris, 1516, fol. 2