, an ancient statuary, a native of Lindas, and disciple of Lysippus in the seventh century, immortalized himself by the Colossus of the Sun at Rhodes, which has been reckoned one of the seven wonders of the world. This statue was of brass, and above 100 feet high; and was placed at the entrance of the harbour at Rhodes, with the feet upon two rocks, in such a manner, that ships could pass in full sail betwixt them. Chares employed twelve years upon it; and after standing forty-six, it was thrown down by an earthquake. Moavius, a caliph of the Saracens, who invaded Rhodes in the year 667, sold it to a Jew merchant, who is said to have loaded 900 camels with the materials of it. 2
Dict. Hist.—Plin. Nat. Hist.