Ent, George

, a very ingenious physician, was born at Sandwich in Kent, Nov. 6, 1604; and, after regularly going through a course of classical instruction, was sent to Sidney college in Cambridge. He afterwards travelled on the continent, and received the degree of doctor of physic at Padua. After his return home, he became eminent for his practice, during the times of the usurpation, was chosen fellow, and afterwards president, of the college of physicians; and at length had the honour of knighthood conferred upon him by Charles II. He died at London, Oct. 13, 1689, and was buried in the church of St. Laurence Jewry. He was intimate with the celebrated Harvey, whom he learnedly defended in a piece entitled “Apologia pro Circulatione Sanguinis contra Æmilium Parisanum, 1641,” in 8vo. He also travelled to Italy in company with Harvey in 1649; and in 1651 he prevailed with him to consent to the publication of his “Exercitationes de generatione animalium;” which he himself superintended, and presented to the president and fellows of the college of physicians in a sensible and elegant dedication. Aubrey says he translated the whole into Latin. He published | also, “Animadversiones in Malachiae Thrustoni, M. D. diatribam de respirationis usu primario, 1679,” 8v6; before which, says Wood, is his picture in a long peruke. In the Philosophical Transactions, number 14, ann. 1691, are sir George Ent’s “Observationes ponderis testudinis, cum in autumno terram subiret, cum ejusdem ex terra verno tempore exeuntis pondere comparati, per plures annos repetitae.” Wood thinks that sir George was the author of more things: but they had not come to his knowledge. His whole works were, however, published at Leyden in 1687, 8vo. 1


Wood’s Fasti, vol. I,