Faucheur, Michelle
, a French protestant preacher of the highest estimation in his time. He preached originally at Montpellier, then at Charenton, and afterwards at Paris; where his eloquence was not less admired than in the provinces. He preached one day against duels in so persuasive and forcible a style, and with so much energy, that the marechal de la Force, who was present, declared to some brave officers who were near him, that should a challenge be sent him, he would not accept it. Le Faucheur was not less esteemed for his integrity than for his extraordinary talents as a preacher. He died at Paris in a very advanced age, April 1, 1657, leaving several volumes of sermons, 8vo; “Traité de l‘Action de l’Orateur,” Leyden, 1686, 12mo, an excellent work, which appeared first under the name of Conrart; “Recueil de Prieres et de Meditations Chrétiennes,” and a “Traite” sur l’Eucharistie," Geneva, 1635, folio, against cardinal du Perron. This work was so much admired by the protestant churches, that it was printed at their expence, by order of a national synod. 2
Gen. Dict. —Moreri. —Dict. Hist.