The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “Reflexions sur la Presence reelle du Corps de Jesus Christ dans l'Eucharistie,” by Abbadie, James divine
Publication: “Htstoire des Os,” by Abeille, Scipio was also born at Riez
Died: Abendana, Jacob a Spanish Jew
Publication: “De Unione et Incarnatione,” by Abucaras, Theodore bishop
Died: Acheri, Luc D' Benedictine
Publication: “A discourse of Tangier, under the government of the earl of Tiviot,” by Addison, Lancelot clergyman
Publication: “Painting illustrated, in three dialogues, with the lives of the most eminent painters from Cimabue to Raphael,” by Aglionby, John divine
Publication: “Douze Sermons sur divers textes,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “Hippocratis Aphorismi, Gr. Lat.” by Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Born: Alstroemer, Jonas the reviver of industry and commerce in Sweden
Publication: “Lux magica, &c. ccelestiurn, terrestrium, et inferorum origo, ordo, et subordinatio cunctorum, quoad esse, fieri, etoperari, viginti quatuor voluminibus divisa,” by Angelieri, Bonaventure writer
Born: Angelis, Peter painter
Born: Argellati, Philip an Italian printer
Died: Arndt, Joshua divine
Publication: “The Royal Apology or, An Answer to the Rebel’s Plea wherein are the most noted anti-monarchical tenets, first published by Doleman the Jesuit, to promote a bill of exclusion against king James I. secondly, practised by Bradshaw, and the regicides, in the actual murder of king Charles I. thirdly, republished by Sidney, and the associates to depose and murder his present majesty,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “CEuvres d'architecture de Vincent de Scamozzi,” by Aviler, Augustine Charles D' descended from a family originally of Nanci in Lorraine
Born: Bach, John Sebastian musician
Publication: “Jugemens des Savans sur les principaux ouvrages des Auteurs,” by Baillet, Adrian critic
Born: Barnard, Sir John an eminent citizen and alderman of London of the last century
Died: Bartoli, Daniel Jesuit
Publication: “Descriptio Fiuminum Galliae, qua Francia est, opera Papyrii Massoni, cum notis M. Baudrand,” by Baudrand, Michael Anthony a celebrated French geographer
Publication: “Augustiss. Galliarum senatui panegyricus,” by Baune, James De La Jesuit
Died: Becher, John Joachim born in 1645
Publication: “Thesaurus ex Thesauro Palatino selectus, seu Gemmae,” by Beger, Lawrence the son of a tanner
Publication: “Tyro prudentiae juris opificialii praecursorum emissarius,” by Beier, Adrian a native of Jena
Publication: “Boethus, peregre redux conspectibus et judice conspicuus,” by Beier, Adrian a native of Jena
Publication: “Vet. Philosophorum, Poetarum, &c. Imagines,” by Bellori, John Peter antiquary
Born: Benevoli, Anthony surgeon
Died: Bentivoglio, Hyppolitus of Arragon
Publication: “Statius,” by Berault, Michael pastor and professor of theology at Montauban
Born: Bergantini, Jonn Peter an Italian author of the last century
Publication: “Traite du libre etdu volontaire,” by Bernier, Francis philosopher
Publication: “Lucubrationes Frankendalenses,” by Bertram, Cornelius Bonaventure minister
Publication: “Bibliographia mathematica et artificiosa,” by Beughem, Cornelius De whose name often occurs in works of Bibliography
Publication: “Bibliographia historica, chronologica, et geographica,” by Beughem, Cornelius De whose name often occurs in works of Bibliography
Publication: “Acta eruditorum,” by Bianchini, Francis astronomer
Born: Bianchini, Joseph Maria scholar
Publication: “L'Art de jetter des Bombes,” by Blondel, Francis mathematician
Publication: “Primicias Evangelicas,” by Bluteau, Dom Raphael a Theatine
Born: Boerner, Christian Frederick professor of theology at Leipsic
Publication: “Dissertations chemico-physicic,” by Bohn, John physician
Publication: “A Preface and Conclusion to Sir Robert Filmer’s Patriarcha,” by Bohun, Edmund writer
Publication: “The Life of John Jewell, bishop of Salisbury,” by Bohun, Edmund writer
Publication: “Epitome operum Sennerti,” by Bonet, Theophilus physician
Born: Bouquet, Dom Martin antiquary
Died: Bourdelot, Peter Michon nephew to the above
Died: Brandt, Gerard historian
Born: Brereton, Jane an English poetess
Born: Budgell, Eustace writer
Publication: “English Empire in America,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Publication: “Surprising Miracles of Nature and Art,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Publication: “History of Scotland,” by Burton, Robert was a name placed in the titlepages of a numerous set of popular volumes printed about the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century
Died: Cabassut, John of Aix
Died: Carrenno De Miranda, Don Juan painter
Died: Castell, Edmund divine
Publication: “A Sermon preached before the king at Whitehall, on Sunday, January 18, 1684-5, on Psalm iv. 7. Publisheo 1 by his majesties special command,” by Cave, William divine
Publication: “Chartopbylax Ecclesiasticus,” by Cave, William divine
Publication: “Chaldaismus, sive grammatica nova linguae Chaldaica?,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic
Publication: “The manner of making Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate, London,” by Chamberlayne, John was admitted into Trinity college
Publication: “Inquisitio Physlca de causis Catameniorum, et Uteri Rheumatismo, in quo probatur sanguinem in animali fermentescere nunquam,” by Charleton, Walter physician
Publication: “Essay on translated Verse,” by Chetwood, Knightly was born in 1652
Publication: “A Persuasive to an ingenuous Trial of Opinions in Religion,” by Clagett, Nicolas was born in May 1654
Publication: “Theological Dissertations,” by Clerc, John Le writer
Publication: “Critical History of the Old Testament.” by Clerc, John Le writer
Publication: “Catalogus Plantarum indigenarum Hollandiae,” by Commelin, John botanist
Publication: “The general History of France during the two first races of its kings,” by Cordemoi, Gerard De historian
Died: Cornaro Piscopia, Helena Lucretia a learned Venetian lady
Publication: “Apologie d'un tour nouveau pour ies Quatre Dialogues, &c.” by Dangeau, Louis Courcillon De a French abbe
Born: Denner, Balthasar painter
Publication: “Institutiones Juris Canonici a J. P. Lancelotto Perusino conscriptae,” by Doujat, John scholar
Publication: “Lettre touchant un passage conteste de Tite Live,” by Doujat, John scholar
Publication: “Essay on Translated Verse:” by Dryden, John poet
Publication: “A Catalogue of the Nobility of England, &c.” by Dugdale, Sir William antiquary
Born: Dundas, Robert of Arniston
Publication: “Vindicise adversus Eggelingium,” by Eggeling, John Henry antiquary
Born: Erskine, Ralph, A. M. brother of the above
Publication: “Nouvelle Conference avec un Ministre, touchant les Causes de la Separation des Protestans,” by Fevre, James Le a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne
Born: Fontaines, Peter Francis Guyot Des critic
Publication: “the Chav. d'Horny” by Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier De the son of Frangois le Bovier de Fonienelle
Born: Forbes, Duncan lawyer
Publication: “The great wickedness and mischievous effects of Slandering, preached in the parish church of St. Giles’s, Nov. 15, 1685, on Psalm ci. 5, with a large preface of the author, and conclusion in his own vindication,” by Fowler, Edward prelate
Born: Furietti, Joseph Alexander antiquary
Publication: “The supplement to the works of Theodoret,” by Garnier, John Jesuit
Born: Gaultier, John Baptist was born about 1685
Born: Gramm, John philologist
Publication: “Sorberiana.” by Graverol, Francis antiquary
Publication: “Counsels and Directions divine and moral: in plain and familiar letters of advice to a young gentleman his nephew, soon after his admission into a college in Oxford,” by Greenville, Denis and brother to sir John Greenville first eari of Bath
Died: Gribner, Michael Henry an eminent professor of law
Publication: “Responsio ad cavillationes R. Fabretti,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Pomponii Melae libri tres de situ orbis,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Observationes ad Melam,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Canonical Institutions,” by Halle, Peter professor of canon law in the university of Paris
Born: Helvetius, John Claude son of the above
Born: Henault, Charles John Francis writer
Publication: “Ami us Ciimuctericus,” by Hevelius, John astronomer
Born: Hill, Aaron poet
Publication: “The Catching of the Leviathan,” by Hobbes, Thomas philosopher
Born: Holberg, Louis De historian (?–1754)
Born: Hughes, Jabez was the younger brother of Mr
Publication: “Les prejugez legitimos centre le papisme,” by Juried, Peter divine
Publication: “An Exposition of the Church Catechism” by Ken, Thomas bishop
Born: Kent, William artist
Born: King, Dr. William son of the rev
Born: Lafitau, Peter Francis was born in 1685
Publication: “Les ve>4tables Motifs de la Conversion de M. (le Bouthilier de Ranc6) l'Abbe de la Trappe,” by Larroque, Daniel De was born at Vitré
Born: Le Dran, Henry Francis surgeon
Publication: “Bibliotheca realis Theologica,” by Lipenius, Martin divine
Publication: “The subject of Church Power, in whom it resides,” by Lowth, Simon clergyman
Publication: “Epistola Ethiopice scripta,” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Publication: “Bibliotheca Anatomica,” by Malpighi, Marcellus physician and anatomist
Publication: “Bibliotheca Anatomica,” by Manget, John James historian
Died: Marshall, Thomas divine
Died: Marsham, Sir John writer
Publication: “A Description of France by its Rivers,” by Masson, Papirius writer
Publication: “Archimedis monumenta omnia,” by Maurolico, Francis mathematician
Born: Mopinot, Simon Benedictine
Died: Murillio, Don Bartolome Estivan one of the most pleasing painters Spain ever produced
Died: Nalson, John writer
Born: Niceron, John Peter one of the most useful French biographers
Died: Nicole, Claude cousin-german of the preceding
Publication: “The institution and life of Cyrus,” by Norris, John divine
Publication: “De Vasis aquosis Oculi,” by Nuck, Anthony physician and anatomist
Publication: “De jure belli ac pacis.” by Obrecht, Ulric a learned German
Died: Ostade, Adrian Van a most celebrated Flemishpainter
Died: Otway, Thomas one of the first names in the English drama
Publication: “Breviarium Turonense, renovatum, et in melius restitutum,” by Ouvrard, Rene' a learned French ecclesiastic
Publication: “Tables des Sinus, Tangentes, & Secantes, & des Logarithmes des Sinus & des Tangentes, & des nombres depuis T unite jusqu'a dix mille, avec un traite de Trigonometric, par de nouvelles demonstrations & des pratiques tres faciles,” by Ozanam, James mathematician
Died: Pajon, Claude divine
Publication: “Amities, Amours, et Amourettes,” by Pays, Rene'Le sieur of Villeneuve
Publication: “Maps of Ireland, being an actual Survey of the whole kingdom,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “What a complete Treatise of Navigation should contain,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “The Minority of St. Lewis, with the politic conduct of affairs by his mother queen Blanch of Spain, during her regency,” by Phillips, Edward one of the nephews of Milton
Publication: “A System of Divinity for those who who adopt the Confession of Augsburg,” by Quenstedt, John Andrew divine
Born: Ramsay, Allan one of the extraordinary instances of the power of uncultivated genius
Publication: “Les veritables Motifs de la Conversion de l'abbé de la Trappe,” by Rance', Dom. Armand John Le Bouthillier De the celebrated abbe and reformer of the monastery of La Trappe
Publication: “Eclaircissemens sur ce Livre,” by Rance', Dom. Armand John Le Bouthillier De the celebrated abbe and reformer of the monastery of La Trappe
Born: Roques, Peter clergyman
Born: Rue, Charles De La Benedictine
Publication: “The Christian Life, from its beginning to its consummation in glory, together with the several means and instruments of Christianity conducing thereunto, with directions for private devotion and forms of prayer, fitted to the several states of Christians;” by Scott, Dr. John divine
Publication: “A collection of Cases and other Discourses lately written to recover Dissenters to the Communion of the Church of England,” by Scott, Dr. John divine
Died: Sparrow, Anthony prelate
Publication: “History of the Rye-house Plot;” by Sprat, Thomas prelate
Publication: “Discourse concerning the necessity of Reformation, \ respect to the errors and corruptions of the church of Rome,” by Stratford, Nicholas bishop
Born: Taylor, Brook mathematician
Born: Thuillier, Vincent Benedictine
Publication: “L‘Anne’e Chretienne,” by Tourneux, Nicholas Le divine
Publication: “The unfortunate Shepherd,” by Tutchin, John writer
Publication: “Sjlva TheologiaB Symbolicae,” by Ursinus, Zachary one of the most celebrated Protestant divines of the 16th century
Born: Vaissette, Joseph historian
Publication: “Les Anecdotes de Florence, ou THistoire secrette de la Maison de Medicis, at the Hague,” by Varillas, Anthony writer
Publication: “Neurologia universalis, hoc est, omnium huniani corporis nervorum, simul ac cerebri, medullaeque spinalis, descriptio anatomica,” by Vieussens, Raymond physician and anatomist
Publication: “A short Discourse upon the reasonableness of men’s having a religion or worship of God.” by Villiers, George duke of Buckingham
Died: Voisin, Joseph De an ingenious doctor
Born: Wagstaffe, William physician
Publication: “Maggots, or Poems on several subjects,” by Wesley, Samuel divine
Born: Wilkins, David divine (?–1745)
Died: Womock, Lawrence prelate
Publication: “Reliquiae Wottonianae” by Wotton, Sir Henry an Englishman
Publication: “Commentary on Joshua, Judges, and Samuel,” by Abrabanel, Isaac rabbi
Publication: “Determinatio F. Joannis Parisiensis cle modo existendi Corpus Christi in sacramento Allans, &c. cui est prefixa prefatio historica de dogmate Transubstantiationis,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “Opuscula sive antiquitatum e sacris profanarum specimen conjectans veterum poetarum fraguienta et plagiarorum syllabus,” by Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Publication: “De scriptis adespotis, pseudepigraphis, et supposititiis, conjecture,” by Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Publication: “Reflexions politiques, par lesquelles on fait voir que la persecution des reformez est contre les veritable interets de la France,” by Ancillon, Charles son of the above
Publication: “Clypeus Philosophise! Thomistica,” by Arnu, Nicholas was born at Merancourt
Publication: “Philosophus Autodidactus, sive Epistola Abi Gioaphar Ebn Tophail de Hai Ebn Yokdan,” by Ashwell, George rector of Hanwell
Publication: “The Country Parson’s Admonition to his Parishioners against Popery with directions how to behave themselves, when any one designs to seduce them from the Church of England,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “A dissertation on the life of the Fcetus in utero” by Astorini, Elias born in the province of Cosenza in the kingdom of Naples in 1651
Publication: “The Ground of Christian Feasts,” by Atterbury, Lewis born about the year 1631
Born: Aubais, Charles De Baschi marquis of
Born: Bagard, Charles physician
Publication: “Treatise on Engraving, and the lives of the principal Engravers,” by Baldinucci, Philip of Florence
Born: Balguy, John divine
Publication: “Poetical paraphrase on the History of Esther.” by Barnes, Joshua divine
Publication: “Reponse a M. l'Eveque de Meaux sur sa lottre pastorale,” by Basnage, James de Franquener
Born: Baxter, Andrew philosopher
Died: Bendlowes, Edward poet
Publication: “Histoire abregee de l'Europe,” by Bernard, James professor of philosophy and mathematics
Born: Berti, Alexander Pompey a learned Italian
Died: Blondel, Francis mathematician
Publication: “De Motionibus Naturalibus,” by Borelli, John Alphonso mathematician
Publication: “Lettre pastorale aux nonveaux catholiques.” by Bossuet, James bishop
Born: Bower, Archibald a person of a very celebrated
Born: Carte, Thomas historian
Publication: “De igne dissertationes,” by Casati, Paul Jesuit
Publication: “Curie posteriores de barbarismis et idiotismis sermonis Latini,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic
Publication: “Isagoge in linguam Arabicam,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic
Publication: “A Treasure of Health,” by Chamberlayne, John was admitted into Trinity college
Publication: “L'Histoire du Monde,” by Chevreau, Urban was born at Loudun
Publication: “A Discourse concerning the Invocation of the Blessed Virgin and the Saints,” by Clagett, William was born at St (?–1638)
Died: Clarkson, David divine
Born: Concina, Daniel divine
Died: Coventry, William was born in 1626
Publication: “The Life of Coligni,” by Courtilz, Gatien De sieur de Sandras
Publication: “A Sermon before the king and queen at St. James’s palace,” by Crosse, John a Franciscan friar and popish missionary in England
Publication: “Essay on Jewish Measures and Weights,” by Cumberland, Richard divine
Born: Delany, Patkick a clergymnn of Ireland
Publication: “Of the Priesthood of Laicks,” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Died: Dolce, Carlo artist
Publication: “The late converts exposed: or, the reasons of Mr. Bayes’s changing his religion considered, in a dialogue; part the second 1690,” by Dryden, John poet
Publication: “Bibliotheque” by Dupin, Lewis Ellies historian
Publication: “De antiqua Ecclesiee Disciplina, dissertationes historicge,” by Dupin, Lewis Ellies historian
Died: Estrades, Godfrey, Count D' marshal of France
Publication: “Traité de l‘Action de l’Orateur,” by Faucheur, Michelle preacher
Died: Fell, Dr. John divine
Publication: “Le Droit du Patronage,” by Ferrier, Claude De a learned French civilian
Died: Gabriel, James architect
Publication: “Astro-Meteorologica, or aphorisms and discourses of the Bodies Celestial, their natures and influences, &c.” by Goad, John an eminent classical teacher
Publication: “Jasithei ad Gronovium Apologema, in ej usque Titivilitia seu de Tito Livio somnia animadversiones,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Epistola ad Johannem Georgium Graevium V. Cl. de Pallacopa, ubi Descriptio ejus ab Arriano facta liberatur ab Isaaci Vossii frustrationibus,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Hugonis Grotii quredam inedita> aliaque ex Belgice editis Latine versa argumenti theolog, jurid. politic.” by Grotius, Hugo one of the most eminent names in literary history
Died: Guericke, Otto counsellor to the elector of Brandenbourg
Publication: “Principia” by Halley, Edmund astronomer
Born: Hardion, James writer
Publication: “Biblia parva Gneca, in quibus dicta insigniora omnia ex Versione Septuagintavirali secundum ordmem librorum biblicorum observatum in biblis parvis Opitianis, cum cura exhibentur,” by Hasenmuller, Daniel a native of Holstein
Publication: “System of Divinity,” by Heidanus, Abraham divine
Born: Hellot, John a French chemist
Publication: “The Method of remitting and retaining Sins,” by Huyghens, Gomarus a celebrated doctor of Louvain
Born: Jackson, John divine
Born: Jacob, Giles writer
Publication: “De Ranis & Lacertis dissertatio,” by Jacobæus, Oliger a professor of physic and philosophy at Copenhagen
Publication: “Some Observations on the Life of Cardinal Pole,” by Joyner, William second son of William
Publication: “L'accomplissement des Propheties,” by Juried, Peter divine
Publication: “Le vray l'église et la veritable analyse de la foi,” by Juried, Peter divine
Publication: “Jugement sur les me*thodes rigides et relache'es,” by Juried, Peter divine
Publication: “Pliny’s Panegyric,” by Kennet, White writer
Publication: “Installation of Henry duke of Norfolk, Henry earl of Peterborough, and Laurence earl of Rochester, Windsor, July 22, 1685,” by King, Gregory writer
Publication: “Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum,” by Labbe, Philip Jesuit
Publication: “Rémarques sur l'Institution du Droit Romain, et du Droit François,” by Launay, Francis De lawyer
Born: Law, William the author of many pious works of great popularity
Died: Leake, Richard master-gunner of England
Died: Lenfant, James writer
Publication: “New Method for a Common-place Book,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “De bello Turcico feliciter conficiendo, &c.” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Publication: “Observations upon the acts of parliament,” by Mackenzie, Sir George writer
Died: Maimbourg, Louis a man celebrated in the republic of letters
Died: Mairet, John poet
Publication: “Of Confession to a lawful Priest,” by Manby, Peter writer
Publication: “Commentaria de Rebelhone Anglicana, ab anno 1640 ad annum 1685,” by Manley, De La Riviere an English lady
Publication: “Appendix to his Annotations,” by Mela, Pomponius writer
Born: Montgeron, Lewis Basil Carre' De born in 1686
Publication: “Oratio inauguralis de Linguarum Orientalium ad intelligentiam Sacrse Scripture utilitate,” by Morin, Stephen a learned French protestant
Died: Neercassel, John De bishop
Publication: “De causis corrupts Jurisprudentise.” by Noodt, Gerard a celebrated civilian (?–1725)
Publication: “De Ductu salivali novo, Salivfi, ductibus aquosis et humore aqueo oculorum,” by Nuck, Anthony physician and anatomist
Died: Patrick, Simon prelate
Publication: “Historia Piscium,” by Pepys, Samuel secretary to the admiralty in the reigns of Charles II. and James II. and an eminent benefactor to the literature of his country
Publication: “An Essay concerning the Multiplication of Mankind,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “De Insanabili Edclesia Romana, Scepticismo, Dissertatio,” by Placette, John De La a protestant minister of great eminence
Died: Poussines, Peter in Latin Possinus (1609–1686)
Born: Rousset, John De Missy writer
Born: Rundle, Thomas divine
Publication: “Remains,” by Rust, George one of the learned divines who was contemporary with Cudworth
Publication: “Critical History of the Old Testament.” by Simon, Richard critic
Died: Solis, Antonio De writer
Died: Spon, James was born at Lyons in 1647
Died: Steno, Nicholas anatomist
Publication: “Treatise of Spousals, or Matrimonial contracts,” by Swinburne, Henry writer
Publication: “Catalogus auctorum qui librorum catalogos, indices, bibliothecas, virorum literatorum elogia, vitas, ant orationes funebres scriptis consignarunt,” by Teissier, Anthony writer
Born: Tickell, Thomas son of the rev
Publication: “Of the sacraments in general, in pursuance of an explication of the catechism of the church of England,” by Towerson, Gabriel divine
Publication: “A Collection of three hundred Letters written to James Usher lord archbishop of Armagh, and most of the eminentest persons for piety and learning in his time both in England and beyond the seas. Collected and published from original copies under their own hands by Richard Parr, D. D. his lordship’s chaplain at the time of his death, uith whom the care of all his papers were intrusted by his lordship,” by Usher, James prelate
Publication: “Lindenius Renovattis,” by Vander-Linden, John Antonides a learned professor of physic at Leyden
Publication: “Histoire des Revolutions arrives en Europe en matiere de Religion,” by Varillas, Anthony writer
Publication: “Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England,” by Wake, William prelate
Publication: “A Vindication of the bishop of Condom’s Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church, in answer to a book entitled, An Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England, &c. With a Letter from the said bishop,” by Wake, William prelate
Publication: “A Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England against the exceptions of Monsieur de Meaux, late bishop of Condom, and his Vindicator,” by Wake, William prelate
Born: Wheatley, Charles the author of an excellent illustration of the Book of Common Prayer
Publication: “Historiae Piscium libri quatuor, &c.” by Willughby, Francis historian
Publication: “De Episcopis,” by Ziegler, Gaspar an eminent jurist
Publication: “D. Abercrombii Opuscula Medica hactenus edita,” by Abercromby, Patrick historian
Publication: “Additions to Helvicus’s Historical and Chronological Theatre,” by Allam, Andrew writer
Publication: “Les Maximes du vrai Chretien,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “C. Rutilius Numantianus,” by Almeloveen, Theodore Jansson Van physician
Publication: “Lux magica academica, pars secunda, primordia rerum naturulium, sanabilium, infirmarum et incurabilium continens,” by Angelieri, Bonaventure writer
Died: Atkins, James bishop
Died: Aubery, Louis sieur du Maurier
Publication: “Histoire des ouvrages des.Savans,” by Basnage, Henry de Beauval
Publication: “Laudatio funebris Ludovici Borbonii principis Condaei,” by Baune, James De La Jesuit
Born: Bengel, John Albert divine
Died: Bennet, Robert, B. D. divine
Publication: “Histoire et Apologie de la retraite des pasteurs a cause de la persecution,” by Benoit, Elias the son of a Calvinist
Publication: “Impegni per disgracia,” by Bentivoglio, Hyppolitus of Arragon
Publication: “De emblemate, nomine atque instituto Alethophilorum, dissertatio publice habita in eorundem academia,” by Bianchini, Francis astronomer
Publication: “Academici concordi,” by Bianchini, Francis astronomer
Born: Biel, John Christian divine
Publication: “Elementa Geometrices,” by Billberg, John astronomer
Publication: “Catechism of the Council of Trent,” by Bromley, John clergyman
Died: Brouncker, William viscount Brouncker
Publication: “Dissertatio de Therapeutis Philonis adversus Henricum Valesium,” by Browne, Thomas clergyman
Publication: “Travels,” by Burnet, Gilbert bishop
Born: Chandler, Mary an ingenious English lady
Publication: “With a letter to the Vindicator of the bishop of Condom,” by Clagett, William was born at St (?–1638)
Publication: “A View of the whole Controversy between the Representer and the Answerer; in which are laid open some of the methods by which Protestants are misrepresented by Papists,” by Clagett, William was born at St (?–1638)
Died: Claude, John clergyman
Born: Cochin, Henry lawyer
Publication: “Confucius Sinarum philosophus; sive Scientia Sinica Latine exposita,” by Couplet, Philip Jesuit
Publication: “Journal des Savans” by Cousin, Lewis president of the Mint
Died: Cutis, John Lord a brave officer in king William’s wars
Died: Desmares, Toussaint priest of the oratory
Publication: “Pra?notionum canonicarum libri quinque,” by Doujat, John scholar
Born: Drummond, George an eminently patriotic and public-spirited magistrate of Edinburgh
Publication: “A vindication of the Answer to some late papers,” by Dryden, John poet
Publication: “there was no such thing as true religion in the world, and that the priests of all religions are alike, I might have been as nimble a convert, and as early a defender of the royal papers, as any one of these champions. For why should not one, who believes no religion, declare for any?” by Dryden, John poet
Publication: “Discussio calumniarum Fellerianarum,” by Eggeling, John Henry antiquary
Publication: “Opera omnia Physiologica et Anatomica,” by Fabricius, Jerome more generally known by the name of Hieronymus Fabricius Ab Aquapendente
Publication: “An historical Collection of the Lives and Works of the most celebrated Architects,” by Felibien, John Francis succeeded his father in all his places
Publication: “The Touchstone of Medicines,” by Floyer, Sir John physician
Publication: “History of Oracles,” by Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier De the son of Frangois le Bovier de Fonienelle
Died: Frischmuth, John scholar
Publication: “Histories Anglicanoe Scriptores quinque, &c.” by Gale, Thomas celebrated for his knowledge of the Greek language and antiquities
Born: Gardiner, James a brave officer of the army
Born: Gendre, Gilbert Charles Le marquis of St
Publication: “Principia” by Gregory, David and nephew to the inventor of the reflecting telescope
Born: Grey, Zachary divine
Publication: “Epistola de argutiolis Isaaci Vossii,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae, cum Notis & Emendationibus Johannis Frederici Gronovii,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Publication: “Philosophical Transactions.” by Halley, Edmund astronomer
Publication: “Catalogue of the Leyden Garden,” by Hermann, Paul botanist
Died: Hevelius, John astronomer
Publication: “Tabulas Astronomicae,” by Hire, Philip De La astronomer
Publication: “Historia Augusta,” by Hoffman, John James professor of Greek at Bale
Died: Homberg, William a celebrated chemist
Publication: “Apologie pour Paccomplissement de Propbe'ties,” by Juried, Peter divine
Publication: “Genealogies excellentium in GaHia familiarum,” by Imhoff, John a very famous genealogist
Publication: “Traite de Mechanique, de PEquilibre,” by Lami, Bernard a learned priest of the Oratory
Born: Lebeuf, John antiquary
Died: Leslie, Charles writer
Publication: “Lexicon novum Hebroeo-Latinum,” by Leusden, John scholar
Died: Linglebach, John painter
Publication: “Essay concerning Human Understanding,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “A Letter to Edward Stillingfleet, D. D. in answer to the Dedicatory Epistle before, his ordination-sermon, preached at St. Peter’s Cornhill, March 15, 1684, with reflections. on some of Dr. Burnet’s letters on the same subject,” by Lowth, Simon clergyman
Publication: “Specimen commentarii in historian! Ethiopicam,” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Born: Madden, Samuel
Publication: “Vita Johannis Reuchlini,” by Maius, John Henry divine
Publication: “The Considerations which obliged Peter Manby, Dean of Derry, to embrace the Catholic religion. Dedicated to the Lord Primate of Ireland,” by Manby, Peter writer
Publication: “A reformed Catechism in two Dialogues,” by Manby, Peter writer
Died: Mare, Philibert De La was a counsellor in the parliament of Dijon
Died: Molinet, Claude Du regular canon and procurator general of the congregation of St
Publication: “Principia” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer
Born: Moncrif, Francis Augustin Paradis De a member of the French academy
Died: Morhof, Daniel George a very learned German
Publication: “Naturalis Philosophise Principia Mathematica,” by Newton, Sir Isaac the most splendid genius that has yet adorned human nature (1643–1727)
Died: Orobio, Balthasar a famous Spanish Jew
Publication: “Arnica collatio cum Judæo, &c.” by Orobio, Balthasar a famous Spanish Jew
Publication: “Traite des 'Lignes du premier genre, de la construction des equations, et des lieux Geometriques, expliquees par une methode nouveile & facile,” by Ozanam, James mathematician
Publication: “Reflexions surles differens de la Religion” by Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul a French academician
Died: Petit, Peter another very learned Frenchman
Publication: “Two Essays in Political Arithmetic,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Five Essays in Political Arithmetic,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Observations upon London and Rome,” by Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Codex Canonum,” by Pithou, Francis advocate to the parliament of Paris
Died: Pittis, Thomas divine
Publication: “La Paix des bonnes Ames,” by Poiret, Peter famous only for his love of mysticism and enthusiasm
Publication: “The modern Poets,” by Prior, Matthew poet
Publication: “In usum Delphini,” by Prudentius, Clemens Aurelius poet
Died: Rapin, Renatus Jesuit
Born: Rolli, Paul Antonio a learned Italian
Born: Simson, Robert mathematician
Publication: “Philosophical Transactions,” by Sloane, Sir Hans physician (1660–1752)
Publication: “Life of St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi,” by Smith, Thomas divine
Born: Stukeley, William antiquary
Died: Tertre, John Baptist Du Dominican
Publication: “Introduction to Puffendorf,” by Thomas, Christian philosopher
Born: Tindal, Nicholas was born in 1687
Publication: “De Medicina Mentis & Corporis,” by Tschirnhausen, Ernfroy Walter mathematician
Died: Turretin, Francis was born at Geneva
Publication: “Projet d'une Nouvelle Mechanique,” by Varignon, Peter mathematician
Publication: “A Reply to the Defence of the Exposition of the Doctrine of the Church of England; being a farther Vindication of the Bishop of Condom’s Exposition of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church. With a second Letter from the Bishop of Meaux,” by Wake, William prelate
Publication: “An historical treatise of Transubstantiation, wherein is made appear, that, according to the principles of that Church, this doctrine cannot be an article of Faith,” by Wake, William prelate
Died: Waller, Edmund poet
Died: Walsh, Peter an Irish catholic of great learning liberality
Publication: “Considerations concerning free-schools as settled in JJngland,” by Wase, Christopher a man of considerable learning
Publication: “The Speculum Ecclesiasticum considered, inits false reasonings and quotations,” by Wharton, Henry divine
Publication: “Additions” by Wright, Abraham divine
Publication: “A new der scription of the city of Paris, in two parts, out of the French,” by Wright, Abraham divine
Publication: “Nouvelles Observations, ou Guerre civile des Frangais sur la langue,” by Alemand, Louis-Augustine writer
Publication: “L'Adieu de St. Paul aux Ephesiens, Sermon,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “Reflections upon the books of the Holy Scripture, to establish the truth of the Christian Religion,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “A discourse concerning Penance,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “An historical discourse concerning the necessity of the Ministers’ intention in administering the Sacrament,” by Allix, Peter divine
Born: Ames, Joseph historian
Publication: “L‘Irrevocabilité de l’Edit de Nantes prouvé par les principes du droit & de la politique,” by Ancillon, Charles son of the above
Publication: “The King’s right of Indulgence in Spiritual matters, with the equity thereof, asserted,” by Annesley, Arthur earl of Anglesey
Publication: “A Defence of the Plain Man’s Reply to the Catholic Missionaries,” by Assheton, Dr. William son of Mr
Publication: “A few plain reasons why a Protestant of the church of England should not turn Roman catholic,” by Barlow, Thomas bishop
Born: Barre, Lewis Francis Joseph De La historian
Publication: “Pharmacopoeia Batcana; in qua octoginta circiter pharmaca plcraque omnia e praxiGeorgii Batei regi Carolo 2clo proto-medici excerpta,” by Bate, George physician
Publication: “Defense” by Benoit, Elias the son of a Calvinist
Publication: “De mensuris & ponderibus antiquis, libri tres,” by Bernard, Edward astronomer
Died: Bernier, Francis philosopher
Publication: “Eloge de M. Chapelle,” by Bernier, Francis philosopher
Born: Berriman, William divine
Publication: “Incunabula typographic, sive Catalogus librorum proximis ab iwentione typographic annis ad annum 1500, editorum,” by Beughem, Cornelius De whose name often occurs in works of Bibliography
Publication: “Anatomia practica rationalis,” by Blancard, Stephen was an
Publication: “A Geographical Dictionary,” by Bohun, Edmund writer
Born: Bott, Thomas clergyman
Publication: “A disquisition about the final causes of natural things; wherein it is enquired, whether, and, if at all, with what caution, a naturalist should admit them.” by Boyle, Robert philosopher
Publication: “Saul and Samuel at Endor, or the new waies of salvation and service, which usually tempt men to Rome, and detain them there, truly represented and refuted,” by Brevint, Daniel divine
Born: Brumoy, Peter writer
Died: Bunyan, John author of the justly-admired allegory of the “Pilgrim’s Progress
Publication: “Rudimentum Anglo-Latinum, Grammatica literalis et numeralis,” by Busby, Richard the most eminent schoolmaster in his time
Died: Cary, Robert a learned Chronologer in the seventeenth century
Born: Castel, Lewis Bertrand philosopher
Born: Catherine, Alexievna a country girl of the name of Martha
Publication: “Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria i. e. A Literary History of Ecclesiastical Writers, in two parts,” by Cave, William divine
Publication: “Collectanea Historic Samaritanae, quotquot inveniri potuerunt,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic
Born: Cellier, Remi a voluminous French biographer
Born: Cheselden, William anatomist
Publication: “Conjecturae de perpetuo azymorum usu in ecclcsia Latina,” by Ciampini, John Justin a learned Italian
Publication: “Notion of Idolatry considered and confuted,” by Clagett, William was born at St (?–1638)
Publication: “An Answer to the Representer’s Reflections upon the State and View of the Controversy. With a Reply to the Vindicator’s full Answer; shewing that the Vindicator has utterly ruined the new design of expounding and representing Popery,” by Clagett, William was born at St (?–1638)
Publication: “Several captious Queries concerning the English Reformation, first in Latin, and afterwards by T. W. in English, briefly and fully answered,” by Clagett, William was born at St (?–1638)
Publication: “Primitive Fpiscopacy,” by Clarkson, David divine
Born: Cochin, Charles Nicholas engraver
Publication: “Historia Candidue Hiu, Christianas Sinensis,” by Couplet, Philip Jesuit
Publication: “Canzone per la nascita del seren. real principe de Y^llia, cji Variinaco Cognimembresi,” by Crescimbeni, John Mario poet
Publication: “The Theory of the Earth;” by Croft, Herbert prelate
Died: Cudworth, Ralph divine
Born: D'Antine, Francis D'Antine
Publication: “Two short Discourses against the Romanists. 1. An Account of the fundamental Principle of Popery, and of the insufficiency of the proofs which they have for it. 2. An Answer to six Queries proposed to a gentlewoman of the Church of England, by an emissary of the Church of Rome,” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Died: Doujat, John scholar
Publication: “Eloges des personnes illustres de l‘Ancient Testament^ pour donner quelque teinture de l’Histoire Sacree, a I‘usage de monseigneur le due de Bourgogne,’” by Doujat, John scholar
Publication: “Reponse a M. Furetiere,” by Doujat, John scholar
Publication: “An Account of the rejoycing at the diet of Ratisbonne, performed by sir George Etherege, knight, residing therefrom his majesty of Great Britain; upon occasion of the birth of the prince of Wales. In a letter from himself.” by Etherege, George writer
Died: Fabri, Honore' Jesuit
Publication: “Scriptorum recentiorum Decas,” by Fabricius, John Albert one of the most eminenjt and laborious scholars of his time in Europe
Publication: “Du Digeste,” by Ferrier, Claude De a learned French civilian
Publication: “Des Novelles,” by Ferrier, Claude De a learned French civilian
Died: Flatman, Thomas poet
Publication: “Pastoral Poems, with a Discourse on the Eclogue, and a digression on the ancients and moderns,” by Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier De the son of Frangois le Bovier de Fonienelle
Born: Forcellini, Egidio an eminent lexicographer
Publication: “Theatrum Virorum eruditione singulari clarorum,” by Freher, Paul author of the very useful “Theatrum Virorum eruditione singulari clarorum
Born: Freret, Nicolas an author of profound learning and considerable abilities
Died: Fresne, Charles Du Cange Du commonly called Du Cange
Died: Fulman, William antiquary
Died: Furetiere, Antony lawyer
Born: Furstenau, John-Herman physician
Publication: “Chizzouck Emounak,” by Gousset, James divine
Born: Gravesande, William James philosopher
Publication: “Practica qua humani morbi describtmtur,” by Groenvelt, John physician
Died: Gueret, Gabriel writer
Born: Hare, Dr. Francis bishop
Born: Hochstetter, Andrew-Adam divine
Publication: “Chrouicon Paschale,” by Hody, Humphrey divine
Born: Holdsworth, Edward a very polite and elegant Scholar (?–1746)
Publication: “Institutiones Historiae civilis;” by Huber, Ulric a native of Dockum
Publication: “De mensuris & ponderibus antiquis Libri tres,” by Hyde, Dr. Thomas writer
Publication: “An Historical Examination of the Authority of General Councils,” by Jenkin, Robert divine
Publication: “Traite de TumlS del'eglise,” by Juried, Peter divine
Publication: “Dell' antico Gimusio Napolitano,” by Lasena, Peter a learned Italian
Publication: “Commentaries on Anthony Loisel’s Instituts Couturaiers,” by Launay, Francis De lawyer
Born: Lisle, Joseph Nicholas De was born at Paris April 4
Publication: “Bibliotheque Universelle” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Publication: “Epistolse Samaritans Sichetnitarum ad Jobum Ludolphum, &c.” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Publication: “Marca Hispanica, sive Limes Hispanicus,” by Marca, Peter De one of the greatest ornaments of the Gallican church (?–1662)
Born: Marivaux, Peter Carlet De Chamblain De writer
Publication: “Secular Ode in Commemoration of the Glorious Revolution,” by Mason, William divine
Publication: “Traite des Maladies des Femmes grosses, et de celles qui sont accouchées,” by Mauriceau, Francis an eminent French accoucheur
Died: Mellan, Claude engraver
Born: Meston, William poet
Publication: “A collection of the Church History of Palestine, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the empire of Diocletian,” by Milner, John divine
Born: Moine, Francis Le painter
Publication: “Analecta Graeca sive vuria opuscula, Gr. & Lat.” by Montfaucon, Bernard De Benedictine
Publication: “Collectanea,” by Nalson, John writer
Publication: “The theory and regulation of Love, a moral essay,” by Norris, John divine
Publication: “L‘usage du Compas de proportion, explique & demontre d’une maniere courte & facile, & augmente d'un Traite de la division des champs,” by Ozanam, James mathematician
Publication: “Usage de l'instrument universel pour resoudre promptement & tres-exactement tous les problemes de la Geometric- pratique sans aucun calcul,” by Ozanam, James mathematician
Publication: “Treatise of Faith,” by Peacock, Reynold bishop
Died: Perrault, Claude architect
Publication: “Scrinium Plotianum Staffordiense.” by Plot, Robert eminent for being the first who formed a plan for a natural history of England
Born: Pluche, Antony writer
Born: Pope, Alexander the most elegant and popular of all English poets
Publication: “The Validity of the Orders of the Church of England made out against the objections of the papists in several letters to a gentleman of Norwich, &c.” by Prideaux, Humphrey divine
Born: Quenstedt, John Andrew divine
Publication: “Martini Themidis exercitationes,” by Schoockius, Martin writer
Publication: “The texts examined, which papists cite out of the Bible concerning prayer in an unknown tongue.” by Scott, Dr. John divine
Publication: “Principles of Astronomy and Navigation,” by Sinclare, George professor of philosophy in the university of Glasgow in the seventeenth century
Publication: “A pacific Discourse or, the causes and remedies of the differences about religion, which distract the peace of Christendom,” by Smith, Thomas divine
Publication: “The people’s right to read the Holy Scriptures asserted,” by Stratford, Nicholas bishop
Publication: “The lay-Christian’s obligation to read the Holy Scriptures,” by Stratford, Nicholas bishop
Publication: “The Protestant and Popish way of interpreting Scripture, impartially compared, in answer to Pax vobis, &c.” by Tenison, Thomas prelate
Publication: “Notitia EcclesiiE Cathedralis Carliolensis una cum Catalogo Priorum, dum Conventualis erat, & Decanorum & Canonicorum quum Collegiata. Notitia Prioratus de Wedderhall cum Catalogo omnium Benefactorum qui ad ambas has sacras Ædes stfuendas, dotandas, & ornandas, pecuniam, terras & ornamenta, vel aliqua alia beneficia, pie & munifice contulerunt.” by Todd, Hugh divine
Publication: “Numismata aerea imperatorum. Augustorirm, & Caesarum, in coloniis, rnunicipiis, & urbibus jure Latio donatis, ex omni mo.dula percussa,” by Vaillant, John Foi a great medallist
Publication: “A Discourse concerning the nature of Idolatry, in which a late author’s true and only notion of Idolatry is considered and confuted,” by Wake, William prelate
Publication: “Sure and honest means for the conversion of all Heretics,” by Wake, William prelate
Publication: “Two Discourses of Purgatory and Prayer for the Dead,” by Wake, William prelate
Publication: “A Continuation of the present State of the Controversy between the Church of England and the Church of Rome; being a full account of the books published on both sides,” by Wake, William prelate
Publication: “A preparation for death, being a letter to a young gentlewoman in France,” by Wake, William prelate
Publication: “Errata’s of the Protestant Bible,” by Ward, Thomas whom we mentioned under the article Edward Ward
Publication: “A treatise proving Scripture to be the rule of Faith, writ by Reginald Pecock, bishop of Chichester, before the reformation, about 1450,” by Wharton, Henry divine
Publication: “The Enthusiasm of the Church of Rome demonstrated in some observations upon the Life of Ignatius Loyola,” by Wharton, Henry divine
Died: Winwood, Sir Ralph secretary of state in the reign of James I. was son of Mr (?–1617)
Publication: “Traite de la Divinitie de notre Seigneur Jesus Christ,” by Abbadie, James divine
Publication: “Fur Academicus,” by Abercromby, Patrick historian
Publication: “De praestantia virorum sui aevi,” by Accolti, Benedetto historian
Publication: “The judgment of the ancient Jewish Church, against the Unitarians, in the controversy upon the Holy Trinity, and the divinity of our blessed Saviour,” by Allix, Peter divine
Publication: “An Examination of the scruples of those who refuse to take the Oaths,” by Allix, Peter divine
Born: Alt, Francis Joseph Nicholas Baron D' the descendant of an ancient patrician family of Fribourg in Swisserland
Born: Alticozzi, Laurence of an illustrious family at Cortona
Publication: “Irenicum Numae Pompilii cum Hippocrate, quo veterum medicorum et philosophorum hypotheses, &c. a prseconceptis opinionibus vindicantur,” by Amman, Paul botanist
Died: Annand, William dean
Publication: “De veris operibus, &c.” by Antelmi, Joseph antiquary
Born: Ardene, John Paul De Rome D' and a priest of the Oratory
Born: Arnoult, John Baptist an ex-jesuit
Publication: “Antiquit. Danic. libri tres,” by Bartholine, Thomas became eminent in the science of jurisprudence
Publication: “Istoria universale di tutti i Concili Geiierali,” by Battaglini, Mark was born at Rimini
Born: Beauchamps, Pierre François Godard De writer
Born: Benzelius, Henry archbishop
Publication: “Laodamia,” by Bernard, Catharine of the academy of the Ricovrati of Padua
Publication: “Private Devotions, with a brief explication of the Ten Commandments,” by Bernard, Edward astronomer
Publication: “Etymologicum Britannicum, or derivations of the British and English words from the Russian, Sclavonian, Persian, and Armenian languages printed at the end of Dr. Hickes’s Grammatica Anglo- Saxonica & Moeso-Gotthica,” by Bernard, Edward astronomer
Publication: “Medical Essays,” by Bernier, John physician
Died: Bigot, Emeric an eminent patron of literature
Died: Blanchet, Thomas painter
Publication: “De duumviratu hypocliondrioium,” by Bohn, John physician
Publication: “De officio medici duplici, clinini nimirum ac forensis,” by Bohn, John physician
Publication: “De renunciatione vulnerum lethalium examen,” by Bohn, John physician
Publication: “The Doctrine of Passive Obedience and Non-Resistance no way concerned in the controversies now depending between the Williamites and the Jacobites,” by Bohun, Edmund writer
Publication: “The late lord Russel’s case, with observations upon it,” by Booth, Henry earl of Warrington
Born: Bottari, John prelate
Publication: “Historical Diary,” by Brandt, Gerard historian
Publication: “Translation of the Dialogues of Gregory the Great,” by Bulteau, Lewis a learned French author
Publication: “Rudimentum Grammaticæ Græco-Latinæ Metricum,” by Busby, Richard the most eminent schoolmaster in his time
Publication: “A Latin Grammar,” by Cellarius, Christopher critic
Died: Cheminais, Timoleon preacher
Publication: “Traité des Excommunications,” by Collet, Philibert a learned advocate of parliament of Dombes
Publication: “Vindiciae juris regii, or remarks upon a paper entitled An Enquiry into the measures of submission to the Supreme Authority,” by Collier, Jeremy divine
Died: Compte, Nicholas De monk
Publication: “History of the Jews.” by Compte, Nicholas De monk
Publication: “The Life of St. Francis de Sales,” by Cotolendi, Charles an advocate in the parliament of Paris
Publication: “Poems,” by Cotton, Charles poet
Born: Coxeter, Thomas a faithful and industrious collector of old English literature
Publication: “Dissertations on Irenseus,” by Dodwell, Henry writer
Publication: “Les Lois civiles, dans leur ordre naturel,” by Domat, John lawyer
Born: Duncombe, William writer
Died: Eliot, John known by the title of the Apostle of the North American Indians
Born: Eller, John Theodore, De Brockhusen physician
Died: Ent, George physician
Publication: “Treatise on the Pythoness;” by Eustathius, St. bishop
Born: Ferg, Francis Paul artist
Died: Ferri, Ciro painter
Publication: “Two Treatises on Government,” by Filmer, Sir Robert son of sir Edward Filmer
Born: Foster, Sir Michael lawyer
Died: Gandy, James artist
Died: Goad, John an eminent classical teacher
Born: Gorter, John De physician
Publication: “A Letter to his curates, at Easington and Sedgefield,” by Greenville, Denis and brother to sir John Greenville first eari of Bath
Born: Grive, John De La engraver
Publication: “Cebetis Thebani Tabula Graece & Latine,” by Gronovius, James was born October 20 (?–1716)
Died: Guidi, Alexander poet
Died: Gundling, Nicholas Jerome historian
Publication: “De morbis acutis infantum,” by Harris, Walter physician
Publication: “Remarks upon the Trials of Edward Fitzharris, Stephen Coiledge, count Coningsmarke, the lord Russel, &c.” by Hawles, John lawyer
Publication: “The Magistracy and Government of England vindicated; or a justification of the English method of proceedings against criminals, by way of answer to the Defence of the late lord Russel’s innocence,” by Hawles, John lawyer
Publication: “A Discourse concerning the Nature of Schism,” by Henry, Matthew an eminent dissenting teacher
Publication: “Institutiones Grammaticse Anglo-Saxonicae & Maeso-Gothicae. Grammatica Islandica Runolphi Jonas. Catalogus librorum Septentrionalium. Accedit Edwardi Bernardi Etymologicum Britannicum,” by Hickes, George an English divirre of uncommon abilities and learning
Publication: “Dissertations upon Irenams,” by Hody, Humphrey divine
Publication: “The Parson’s case under the present Land-Tax, recommended in a Letter to a member of the House of Commons,” by Hooper, Dr. George divine
Publication: “Historia Shahiludii” by Hyde, Dr. Thomas writer
Publication: “An Argument in the case of Monopolies,” by Jeffreys, Lord George baron Wem (1645–1689)
Born: Joubert, Francis a learned priest of Montpellier
Born: Keysler, John George antiquary
Publication: “Tractatus de persecutionibus Ecclesise primitive, veterumque Martyrum cruciatibus,” by Kortholt, Christian a learned professor of divinity at Kiel
Publication: “Art of Glass-making” by Kunckel, John a celebrated chemist
Publication: “Conjectures Physiques sur divers effets du Tonnerre,” by Lami, Dom. Francis Benedictine
Died: Lancisi, John-Maria physician
Publication: “Letters” by Launoi, John De writer
Publication: “The Princess of Cleve,” by Lee, Nathaniel poet
Publication: “The Joy of Faith,” by Lee, Samuel divine
Born: Leonardo, Leo principal organist of the chapel royaj at Naples
Publication: “Good-Friday,” by Leslie, Charles writer
Publication: “Letter on Toleration,” by Locke, John one of the greatest philosophers this country has produced
Died: Lodge, William engraver
Publication: “Remarque* sur les pensees enjouez & serieux, &c.” by Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Publication: “Polygamia triumphata,” by Lyserus, John another learned protestant
Publication: “Monogamia victrix,” by Lyserus, John another learned protestant
Publication: “Historicorum Burgundise conspectus,” by Mare, Philibert De La was a counsellor in the parliament of Dijon
Publication: “A History of Tenths, and other temporal Goods of the Church,” by Marsollier, James historian
Publication: “An account of the growth of Popery and arbitrary government in England; more particularly, from the long prorogation of Nov. 1675, ending the 15th of Feb. 1676, till the last meeting of parliament the 16th of July, 1677; _1678,” by Marvell, Andrew writer
Publication: “A Disserta.tion on the Gout,” by Mauduit, Michael divine
Publication: “A short Dissertation concerning the four last Kings of Judah,” by Milner, John divine
Died: Moine, Stephen Le a very learned French minister of the Protestant religion
Publication: “Philosophical Transactions.” by Molyneux, William, Esq. astronomer
Born: Molyneux, Samuel son of the above
Publication: “Supplement or third Volume of the Historical Dictionary,” by Moreri, Lewis divine (?–1680)
Publication: “Phthisioiogia, seu Exercitationes de Phthisi,” by Morton, Richard physician
Died: Motteville, Frances Bertaud De a celebrated French lady
Publication: “Reason and Religion; or the grounds and measures of Devotion considered from the nature of God and the nature of man, in several contemplations. With exercises of devotion applied to every contemplation,” by Norris, John divine
Born: Oliva, John antiquary
Publication: “Histoire des deux conquerants Tartares Chimchi et Camhi, qui ont subjugue la Chine,” by Orleans, Peter Joseph D' historian
Born: Piron, Alexis poet
Publication: “Observationes ad Codicem,” by Pithou, Francis advocate to the parliament of Paris
Publication: “De arte excerpendi,” by Placcius, Vincent an eminent philologer of Hamburgh
Publication: “Elements,” by Prestet, John, a priest of the oratory
Died: Puffendorf, Samuel historian
Died: Rawlinson, Christopher of CarkhalL in Lancashire
Publication: “Theorie de la manoeuvre des Vaisseaux,” by Renau D'Elisagaray, Bernard architect
Born: Richardson, Samuel writer
Publication: “Lond. 1688, 4to. 10. '^ A Letter of reconciliation to bishop H6oper,” by Ridley, Nicholas prelate
Publication: “Theses Theologicos de generatione filii, et morte fidelium temporali,” by Roell, Hermann-Alexander divine
Publication: “Lux occidentalis or Providence displayed in the coronation of king William and queen Mary,” by Rogers, Thomas divine
Died: Ruffi, Anthony De historian
Publication: “Schola Botanica,” by Sherard, William botanist
Died: Sherlock, Richard was born in 1613
Publication: “Critical History of the Old Testament,” by Simon, Richard critic
Publication: “Auctio Davisiana,” by Smalridge, George prelate
Publication: “Musae Anglicange.” by Smalridge, George prelate
Born: Smith, Robert the very learned successor of Bentley as master of Trinity college
Died: Sydenham, Thomas physician
Publication: “A Discourse on the Ecclesiastical commission, proving it agreeable to the word of God, useful to the convocation, &c.” by Tenison, Thomas prelate
Publication: “History of the Desertion,” by Treby, George a learned judge
Publication: “The king,” by Walker, George divine
Publication: “A true Account of the Siege of Londonderry,” by Walker, George divine
Publication: “Pappi libri secundi collectionum inathematicorum hactenus desiderati fragmentum.” by Wallis, John mathematician (1616–1703)
Died: Ward, Seth prelate
Publication: “Foxes and Firebrands, the third part,” by Ware, James antiquary
Publication: “Pope Joan; or an account that there was such a she-pope, proved from Romish authors before Luther,” by Ware, James antiquary
Born: Webster, William divine
Born: Welsted, Leonard poet
Born: Wilson, Bernard divine