Ferdinandi, Epiphanius
, a physician of Messagna, in the territory of Otranto, where he was born, October, or according to Niceron, Nov. 2, 1569, cultivated the study of the Latin and Greek poets at an early age, and wrote elegant verses in both these languages. In 1583 he went to Naples with the intention of going through the courses of philosophy and medicine; but in 1591, all strangers were compelled to leave the place. Ferdinand, | returning to his own country, taught geometry and philosophy until 1594) when the viceroy’s edict being revoked, he returned to Naples, pursued a course of medical studies, and receired the degree of doctor in medicine and philosophy. He then repaired to his native place, where he settled himself in practice, and remained to the end of his life, notwithstanding the tempting offers he received from several seats of learning. The duke of Parma, in particular, pressed him to take the professorship of medicine in the university of his city; and the same invitation, was given from the university of Padua. In 1605, he was chosen syndic-general of his country, and acquitted himself with great credit in that office. He died Dec. 6, 1638, in the sixty-ninth year of his age.
This physician composed a considerable number of treatises, but only the four following are known, as having been printed: 1. “Theoremata Medica et Philosophica,” Venice, 1611. 2. “De vita proroganda, seu juventute conservanda et senectute retardanda,” Naples, 1612. f5. “Centum Historiae, seu Observationes et Casus Medici,” Venice, 1621 a treatise which relates to most of the diseases of the body, and is distinguished by considerable erudition. It has been several times reprinted in Germany and Holland. 4. “Aureus de Peste Libellus,” Naples, 1631. 1