The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “De aegrotis & morbis in Evangelic,” by Ader, William physician
Born: Aelst, William Van, Called In Italy Gulielmo was the nephew and disciple of the preceding
Publication: “Triumphax Bibliorum Sacrorum, seu Encyclopaedia Biblica,” by Alstedius, John Henry divine
Publication: “De Nomine Tetragrammato,” by Amama, Sixtinus professor of the Hebrew tongue in the university of Franeker
Died: Amboise, Francis D' lived in the latter end of the sixteenth
Publication: “Trattato delle Piante e immagini de' sacri edifizi di Terra Santa,” by Amico, Bernardine artist
Publication: “Les harangues prononcees en l‘assemblie da M. M. les princes Protestants d’Allemagne,” by Angouleme, Charles De Valois Duke D' the natural son of Charles IX. and Maria Touchet
Born: Annesley, Samuel a very eminent nonconformist minister
Publication: “Ephemerides,” by Argoli, Andrew mathematician
Publication: “Auteurs degnisez sous des noms etraiigers, &c. tome I. contenant le traite preliminaire, sur le changement et la supposition des noms parmi les Auteurs,” by Baillet, Adrian critic
Publication: “Campus Philosophicus,” by Baranzano, Redemptus monk
Publication: “Itinerarium filiorum Israel ex Ægypto in terram repromissionis,” by Barradas, Sebastian divine
Born: Bathurst, Ralph a distinguished wit
Publication: “Praxis Medica in duos tractatus distincta,” by Bauderon, Brice physician
Born: Bega, Cornelius artist
Publication: “A commentary, or exposition upon the second chapter of Amos, delivered in twenty-one sermons, in the parish-church of Meysey-Hampton, &c.” by Benefield, Sebastian divine
Born: Bergerac, Savinien Cyrano De was born about 1620
Born: Bocciardi, Clemente called Clememtone from the vast size of his figure
Born: Bonet, Theophilus physician
Born: Borel, Peter physician
Publication: “Essays upon the Five Senses,” by Brathwaite, Richard whom Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite
Born: Breenberg, Bartholomew, Called Bartolomeo painter and engraver
Born: Brome, Alexander poet
Born: Brouncker, William viscount Brouncker
Born: Bruin, John De professor of natural philosophy and mathematics at Utrecht
Publication: “Horae subsecivas, Observations and Discourses,” by Brydges, Sir Grey, Lord Chandos a man of abilities
Died: Budden, John a civilian of Oxford
Publication: “De sensu rerum et magia,” by Campanella, Thomas philosopher
Died: Carew, Ilichard author of the Survey of Cornwal
Born: Casanata, Jerome cardinal
Publication: “Tragedise Sacra,” by Caussin, Nicholas Jesuit
Born: Charpentier, Francis dean
Born: Churchill, Sir Winston a distinguished English gentleman
Born: Corbet, John divine
Born: Cradock, Samuel writer
Publication: “Scotia illustrior, seu, Mendicabula repressa,” by Dempster, Thomas a man of considerable learning and singular character
Publication: “Synopsis Oeconomica,” by Donaldson, Walter born at Aberdeen in Scotland
Publication: “Papa Antichristus, sen Diatriba de Antichristo,” by Downham, George bishop
Publication: “Natural Curiosity reduced to questions,” by Dupleix, Scipio historian
Publication: “Rudimenta lingute Arabic,” by Erpenius, Thomas or
Publication: “Versio & notac ad Arabic-am paraphrasin in evangelium Joannis,” by Erpenius, Thomas or
Born: Evelyn, John philosopher (?–1706)
Publication: “Oratio Renunciationi novi Medicinse Doctoris prceinissa, de Causis Cruentantis cadaveris praesente Homicida,” by Fabricius, James physician
Publication: “De Ritu Sacrarum Ecclesise Catholicae concionum libri tres,” by Ferrari, Francis Bernardine of the same family with the former
Publication: “De vi formatrice foetus liber, in quo ostenditur animam rationalem infundi tertia die,” by Fienus, Thomas physician
Publication: “Monochordon mundi symphoniacum, eu Replicatio ad Apologiam Joannis Kepleri,” by Fludd, Robert philosopher
Publication: “A Line of Life, pointing at the immortalitie of a vertuous name,” by Ford, John an early English dramatic author
Born: Frassen, Claudius a learned Franciscan
Born: Furetiere, Antony lawyer
Publication: “Wigulaei Hunds metropolis Salisburgensis,” by Gewold, Christopher historian
Publication: “Commentary of the three Rabbins on the Proverbs of Solomon,” by Giggeius, Anthony a learned Italian
Died: Gordon, James Jesuit
Born: Graunt, John the celebrated author of the " Observations on the Bills of Mortality
Born: Heinsius, Nicholas and more eminent both in the literary and the political world
Born: Hicks, William
Born: Hottinger, John-Henry writer
Publication: “Iter in agrum Cantianum,” by Johnson, Thomas botanist
Publication: “Deiices de la Poésie Françoise,” by Ivetaux, Nicholas Vanquelin, Seigneur Des poet
Publication: “Solis & luna? periodus seu annus magnus,” by Lydiat, Thomas scholar
Publication: “Septimana philosophica,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Born: Manton, Thomas one of the most learned and eminent nonconformists of the seventeenth century
Publication: “La Sampogna,” by Marini, John Baptist poet
Born: Marvell, Andrew writer
Born: Moliere, John Baptist, Pocquelin De writer
Born: Molinet, Claude Du regular canon and procurator general of the congregation of St
Born: Morison, Robert botanist (1620–1683)
Publication: “Le Marfore, ou Discours contre les libelles.” by Naudé, Gabriel bibliographer
Born: Needham, Marchamont writer
Born: Nevile, Henry writer
Publication: “Etymon propriorumnominum in Nov. Test.” by Pasor, Matthias the son of George Pasor
Died: Pluvinel, Antoine a gentleman of Dauphiny
Died: Powell, Griffith principal of Jesus college
Publication: “De Sphsera,” by Proclus philosopher
Publication: “De Hypothesibus Planetarum,” by Ptolemy, Claudius a great geographer
Died: Pym, John a noted republican in the time of Charles I. was descended of a good family in Somersetshire
Publication: “A Feast for Wormes, in a poem of the history of Jonah,” by Quarles, Francis poet (?–1644)
Died: Rocca, Angelus a learned Italian
Born: Rohault, James philosopher
Publication: “Historic Augustse scriptores sex,” by Salmasius, Claude one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Born: Sluse, Rene' Francis Walter mathematician
Publication: “New-England’s Tryals, &c.” by Smith, John commonly called Capt
Died: Spanheim, Frederic professor of divinity at Leyden
Born: Swanevelt, Herman painter
Publication: “Rerum Belgicarum Annales, Chronici et historici antiqui et recentiores,” by Swert, Francis antiquary
Born: Talbot, Peter writer
Died: Texeira, Joseph Peter Dominican
Died: Tucker, William divine
Born: Tully, Thomas divine
Publication: “Historia Animalium,” by Turner, William divine
Publication: “Contarenus, sive de literatorum infelicitate libri duo,” by Valerianus, Pierius an ingenious and learned Italian (?–1538)
Born: Venning, Ralph divine
Publication: “The successive regal Governments of England,” by Verstegan, Richard antiquary
Born: Wepfer, John James physician
Publication: “Description and construction of Logarithms” by Wingate, Edmund
Born: Wouvermans, Philip artist (?–1688)
Died: Achen, John Van painter
Born: Agnelli, Joseph Jesuit
Born: Airay, Christopher vicar of Milford in Hampshire
Publication: “The just and necessary Apology touching his Suit in Law, for the Rector of Charlton on Otmore, in Oxfordshire,” by Airay, Henry provost of Queen’s college
Died: Arndt, John divine
Born: Atkyns, Sir Robert lord chief baron of the exchequer
Publication: “Antique Collectiones Decretalium,” by Augustin, Anthony archbishop
Publication: “The Diocesan’s Trial, wherein all the sinews of Dr. Downham’s defence are brought into three heads, and dissolved,” by Baynes, Paul divine
Born: Bek, David painter
Died: Bellarmin, Robert Jesuit
Publication: “Preserve salutari contro il contagioso malore,” by Bottoni, Dominic the son of Nicholas Bottom
Born: Boyle, Roger earl of Orrery
Publication: “Analysis typica librorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti,” by Brandmuller, James was born in 1565
Publication: “Spicilegium Criticum in Apuleium,” by Brandt, John a learned philologer
Publication: “Nature’s Embassy, or the wild man’s measures, danced naked by twelve Satyrs,” by Brathwaite, Richard whom Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite
Publication: “Time’s curtain drawn: divers poems,” by Brathwaite, Richard whom Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite
Publication: “Panedone, or health from Helicon,” by Brathwaite, Richard whom Warton calls one of the minor pastoral poets of the reign of James I. was the second son of Thomas Brathwaite
Died: Brydges, Sir Grey, Lord Chandos a man of abilities
Publication: “Dorothee, ou recit de la pitoyable issue d'une volorite violentee,” by Camus, John Peter prelate
Publication: “Pietas contra maledicos, &c.” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva
Born: Chamier, Daniel divine
Born: Chapelle, Claude Emanuel Lullier poet
Publication: “Anti-Tycho, in quo contra Tychonem Brahe, et nonnullos alios, &.c. demonstrator Cometas esse sublunares,” by Chiaramonti, Scipio in Latin Claramontius
Born: Cooper, Anthony Ashley earl of Shaftesbury
Born: Cortesi, Jacob called Borgognone
Publication: “A Defence of Constanthie, with a treatise of the pope’s Temporal Monarchy,” by Crakanthorpe, Richard where he was born in 1567
Publication: “Epistolas familiares,” by Curtius, Cornelius a native of Brussels
Publication: “Antiques Linguae Britannicse nunc communiter dictae Cambro-Britannicoe, a suis Cymrascae vel Cambricee, ab aliis Wallicoe rudimenta,” by Davies, John antiquary
Born: Delamet, Adrian Augustin De Bussi a learned doctor of the house and society of the Sorbonne
Publication: “On the two Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper,” by Denison, John divine
Publication: “De confessionis auricularis vanitate, adversus Card. Bellarmini sophismata,” by Denison, John divine
Publication: “De natura elementorum,” by Drebel, Cornelius philosopher
Publication: “Commentaire sur les Coaques d'Hippocrate,” by Duret, Louis born of a noble family at Beaug6-laville
Born: Eeckhout, Gerbrant Vander artist
Died: Elmenhorst, Geverhart a learned commentator of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Apuleii Platonic! Opera omnia,” by Elmenhorst, Geverhart a learned commentator of the seventeenth century
Died: Erpenius, Thomas or
Born: Everdingen, Aldret Van the nephew of the former
Publication: “Centum Historiae, seu Observationes et Casus Medici,” by Ferdinandi, Epiphanius physician
Publication: “Opera Pieraque,” by Filesac, John was a native of Paris
Publication: “A Catalogue of the Irish Saints,” by Fitzsimons, Henry Jesuit
Publication: “On the Transformation of Metals,” by Flamel, Nicholas falsely celebrated as an alchymist
Publication: “Censura decem Lib. de republica ecclesiast. M. A. de Dominis,” by Floyd, John Jesuit
Born: Fontaine, John De La poet
Publication: “De recte conficiendo curriculo Philosophico,” by Fox Morzillo, Sebastian a learned Spaniard
Publication: “Commentarius de septemviratu Romani imperii,” by Gewold, Christopher historian
Died: Harriot, Thomas mathematician
Publication: “Fabils” by Henryson, Robert poet
Born: Herbert, Thomas an eminent person of the Pembroke family
Born: Hoffman, Maurice physician
Born: Hoorne, John Van anatomist
Publication: “Cosmographical Mystery,” by Kepler, John astronomer (?–1630)
Died: King, John bishop
Publication: “The Lives and Conquests of the Ottoman Kings and Emperors, to the year 1610,” by Knolles, Richard author of an excellent History of the Turks
Born: Long, Thomas divine
Publication: “De anni solans mensura epistola astronomica,” by Lydiat, Thomas scholar
Publication: “Numerus aureus melioribus lapillis insignitus,” by Lydiat, Thomas scholar
Publication: “De Anti-Christo,” by Malvenda, Thomas Dominican
Publication: “Hunger’s prevention, or the whole Art of Fowling,” by Markham, Gervase an English author
Born: Marshall, Thomas divine
Died: Matthieu, Peter historian
Died: More, Sir Francis son of Edward More
Died: Needham, Marchamont writer
Born: Nesse, Christopher divine
Publication: “Analysis difiiriliorum vocum in operibus Hesiodi,” by Pasor, Matthias the son of George Pasor
Born: Penn, William afterwards sir William Penn
Died: Pithou, Francis advocate to the parliament of Paris
Born: Pynaker, Adam painter
Publication: “Hadassa, or the History of Esther,” by Quarles, Francis poet (?–1644)
Born: Rapin, Renatus Jesuit
Publication: “Spicilegium in Apuleiurrt,” by Rutgers, John critic
Publication: “Poematum libri tres,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Born: Sarjeant, John a secular priest
Publication: “J. C. Scaligeri adversus Desiderium Erasmum orationes duae eioquentiae Romance vindices, cum ejusdem epistolis opusculis,” by Scaliger, Juuus Caesar critic
Born: Scheffer, John a learned German
Publication: “Animadversions upon Mr. Selden’s History of Tithes,” by Selden, John one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Animadversions,” by Selden, John one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Diatribe,” by Selden, John one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Born: Silvestre, Israel engraver
Publication: “PaltcAlbion, or the History of Great Britain from the first peopling of this island to the reign of king James,” by Slater, William divine and poet
Publication: “Cyclometricus, De Circuli Dimensione,” by Snell, Willebrod mathematician (?–1626)
Born: Thevenot, Melchisedec librarian to the king of France
Publication: “On Steganography,” by Trithemius, John abbot
Died: Urfe', Honore‘ D’ writer
Died: Vega, Lopez De La poet
Born: Viviani, Vincentio mathematician
Publication: “Questio in Thomam Watsonium Episc. Lincoln, aliosque, super quibusdam articulis de bulla papali contra reginam Eliz.” by Watson, Thomas prelate
Born: Willis, Thomas physician
Died: Wilson, Thomas divine
Publication: “Devisibili Romanarchia, contra Nic. Sanderi Monarchiam,” by Ackworth, George divine
Died: Adam, Melchior a very useful biographer
Publication: “Concorclia liberi arbitrii cum predestinatione,” by Alvarez, Diego a Spanish dominican
Born: Anslo, Reiner poet
Publication: “De Aquæ transmutatione in sacrificio Missæ,” by Aresi, Paul of Milan
Publication: “De veteribus ecclesiae ritibus,” by Aubespine, Gabriel De L' the son of William Aubespine
Died: Baranzano, Redemptus monk
Born: Baron, Vincent a learned father of the Romish church
Born: Baynes, Sir Thomas physician
Born: Bernier, John physician
Born: Berthet, John Jesuit
Publication: “Clodoveus, sive Lodovicus, tragicum silviludium,” by Bettini, Mario Jesuit
Died: Braun, George in Latin Braunius
Publication: “A treatise of the North-west passage to the South Sea, &c.” by Briggs, Henry one of the greatest mathematicians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Publication: “Description of Leicestershire,” by Burton, William author of the “History of Leicestershire
Died: Byfield, Nicholas divine
Publication: “Apologia pro Galileo,” by Campanella, Thomas philosopher
Died: Casserius, Julius anatomist
Born: Clarkson, David divine
Publication: “De Animabus Paganorum,” by Collius, Francis a doctor of the Ambrosian college at Milan
Publication: “Logicae libri quinque,” by Crakanthorpe, Richard where he was born in 1567
Publication: “Tractatus de providentia,” by Crakanthorpe, Richard where he was born in 1567
Died: Croft, Sir Herbert the son of Edward Croft
Died: Croft, Herbert prelate
Publication: “De Clavis Dominicis,” by Curtius, Cornelius a native of Brussels
Publication: “Vita; S. S. Rupert! et Virgilii,” by Curtius, Cornelius a native of Brussels
Publication: “Nosce Teipsum” by Davies, Sir John poet and statesman
Publication: “Menologium Scotorum, in quo nullus nisi Scotus gente aut conversatione, quod ex omnium gentium monimentis, pio studio Dei gloriae. Sanctorum honori. Patrias ornamento,” by Dempster, Thomas a man of considerable learning and singular character
Born: Durham, James divine
Publication: “Vie de la Sosur Merie de l'Incarnation,” by Duval, Andrew a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne
Died: Fuller, Nicholas critic
Died: Godefroi, Denys lawyer
Publication: “Latin Oration at the Funeral of sir Henry Savile,” by Goff, Thomas divine
Born: Halket, Lady Anne a learned English lady
Publication: “Praxis Grammatica,” by Harmar, John scholar
Publication: “Eclogse sententiarum et similitudinum, e D. Chrysostomo decerptae,” by Harmar, John scholar
Publication: “Chronoiogia nova et vera,” by Herwart, John George chancellor of Bavaria at the beginning of the seventeenth century
Died: Jeannin, Peter a native of Burgundy
Born: Joyner, William second son of William
Born: Juglaris, Aloysius Jesuit
Publication: “Copernican Astronomy;” by Kepler, John astronomer (?–1630)
Born: Lalande, James De an able counsellor
Born: Lobo, Jerome Jesuit
Publication: “Countess of Lincoln’s Nursery,” by Lodge, Thomas, M. D. poet
Publication: “Herod and Antipater,” by Markham, Gervase an English author
Publication: “Virgil’s Georgics,” by May, Thomas historian
Born: Newton, John divine (1622–1678)
Publication: “Complete Gentleman,” by Peacham, Henry writer
Publication: “Parisiis, apud Sebast. Cramoisy,” by Petau, Denis was born at Orleans Aug. 21
Born: Poilly, Francis engraver
Died: Randall, John divine
Died: Rinuccini, Ottavio poet
Publication: “A true and faithful relation to his majesty and the prince of what hath lately happened in Constantinople, concerning the death of sultan Osman, and the setting up of Mustapha his uncle,” by Roe, Sir Thomas statesman
Publication: “Sept. Florentis Tertulliani liber de Pallio,” by Salmasius, Claude one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Born: Savary, James writer
Publication: “Discovery of errors in two editions of the Catalogue of Nobility by Ralph Brooke,” by Selden, John one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Born: Skinner, Stephen antiquary
Born: Sterne, John physician
Publication: “The Delight of the Saints. A most comfortable treatise of grace and peace, and many other excellent points, whereby men may live like saints on earth, and become true saints in heaven,” by Williams, Griffith bishop
Publication: “Nonni Neopolitani paraphrasis sancti secundum Joannem Evangelii. Accesserunt notse P. N. A. soc. Jes.” by Abraham, Nicholas Jesuit
Publication: “Historia de hello administrate in Italia per annos 15, et confecto abÆg. Albornotio,” by Albornos, Gilles Alvares Carillo cardinal
Publication: “Poet. Lyric, diversarum editionum,” by Alcæus poet
Publication: “La Lagrime di penitenza, ad imitazione de sette Salmi penitenziali,” by Aleander, Jerome called the younger
Died: Alleyn, Edward queen
Publication: “May 26, 1620, My wife and I acknowledged the fine at the common pleas bar, of all our lands to the college: blessed be God that he hath given us life to do it.” by Alleyn, Edward queen
Publication: “Bybelsche conferencie,” by Amama, Sixtinus professor of the Hebrew tongue in the university of Franeker
Publication: “Medulla Theologica,” by Ames, William divine (1576–1633)
Died: Andreani, Andrea engraver
Died: Anthony, Dr. Francis a noted empiric and chemist in the latter end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth centuries
Born: Arndt, Christian was born in 1623
Publication: “Abridgement of Tursellin’s Universal History,” by Aurelio, Louis a native of La Perousa
Publication: “Le grand Chambellan de France,” by Bardin, Peter a member of the French academy
Publication: “Zodiacus vitae Christianse,” by Barthius, Caspar writer
Publication: “Opuscula quatuor singularia, de lapide nephritico, &c.” by Bartholine, Caspar physician
Born: Bauderon, Brice physician
Publication: “Pinax Theatri Botanici,” by Bauhin, Gaspard was born at Basil
Publication: “De illustribus Anglic Scriptoribus,” by Bishop, William vicar apostolical in England
Died: Blackwood, Adam professor of civil law at Poictiers
Died: Bontius, James called by some
Born: Bosc, Peter Du a French minister
Publication: “Index refertissimus in Galeni libros,” by Brasavola, Antonius Musa physician
Died: Burton, Henry was born at Birsall in Yorkshire
Publication: “The Perth Assembly,” by Calderwood, David divine
Born: Chetwynd, John was the son of Dr
Publication: “Nugae Antiques.” by Chetwynd, John was the son of Dr
Born: Childrey, Joshua divine
Died: Cluverius, Philip a celebrated geographer
Died: Coeffetau, Nicholas Dominican
Publication: “Pro sacra monarchia ecclesiae catholic^, &c. libri quatuor Apologetici, adversus Rempublicam M. A. de Dominis, &c.” by Coeffetau, Nicholas Dominican
Born: Collings, John divine
Publication: “Amphitheatrum amorum, Christ. Fonseca auctore, Curtio interprete,” by Curtius, Cornelius a native of Brussels
Publication: “Hymen’s Triumph; a pastoral tragi-comedy,” by Daniel, Samuel historian
Publication: “Funeral poem on the Death of the earl of Devon,” by Daniel, Samuel historian
Born: Does, Jacob Vander first of this family of artists
Publication: “Cypress Grove,” by Drummond, William poet
Publication: “Eadmeri monachi Cantuarensis Historiac Novorum, give sui Saeculi, Libri Sex,” by Eadmer archbishop
Born: Elsholtz, John Sigismond botanist
Died: Favour, John who
Publication: “An answer to Mr. Fisher the Jesuit, &c. in a dialogue,” by Fisher, John Jesuit
Publication: “A Dialogue about this question, Where was your church before Luther?” by Fisher, John Jesuit
Publication: “Anatomise Theatrum triplici effigie designatum,” by Fludd, Robert philosopher
Publication: “Hypomnemata politica,” by Forstner, Christopher lawyer
Died: Freitag, John physician
Publication: “Opera Omnia ab ipso recognita,” by Germon, Anastasius lawyer
Born: Goldman, Nicholas mathematician
Died: Gosson, Stephen divine and poet
Publication: “Aristotelis de Poetica liber Latine conversus, et analytica methodo illustratus,” by Goulston, Theodore physician
Publication: “Oratio qua auspicatissimum sereniss. princ. Caroli reditnm ex Hispaniis celebravit G. H. acad. Cantab. Orator,” by Herbert, George divine
Publication: “Lectures on John iv.” by Hildersham, Arthur divine
Born: Horton, Thomas divine
Born: Jenkins, Sir Leoline statesman
Publication: “Cornucopias Floras Giessensis,” by Jungerman, Godfrey a native of Leipsic
Born: Laboureur, John Le antiquary
Publication: “A Saxon treatise concerning the Old and New Testament; written about the time of king Edgar, (700 years ago) by >Elfricus Abbas, thought to be the same that was afterwards archbishop of Canterbury,” by Lisle, William antiquary
Publication: “The Life of St. Teresa,” by Matthew, Tobias and a very singular character
Born: Meninski, Franciscus A Mesgnien a most celebrated German orientalist
Publication: “Qusestiones celeberrimse in Genesim, cum accurata textus explicatione: in quo volumine athei & deisti impugnantur,” by Mersenne, Marin writer
Publication: “Instruction & la France sur la verit de l'histoire des freres de la Rose-croix,” by Naudé, Gabriel bibliographer
Born: Nicaise, Claude antiquary
Publication: “Whalley,” by Orobio, Balthasar a famous Spanish Jew
Publication: “Zodiacus vitæ Christianæ,” by Palingenius, Marcellus poet
Born: Pascal, Blaise mathematician
Born: Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Discours de la Nature, Causes, et Remedes, tant curatifs que prevservatifs, des maladies populaires, accompagnees de Dysenteric et autres Flux de Ventre,” by Pois, Charles Le was born at Nancy in 1563
Publication: “The King’s Tower and Triumphal Arch of London,” by Purchas, Samuel divine
Publication: “Eleven Sermons on Romans viii.” by Randall, John divine
Publication: “History of the Turks,” by Ricaut, Sir Paul traveller
Died: Richer, Peter De Belleval botanist
Publication: “Panegyricus in laudem B. Thomse de Villanova,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Encomium S. Isidori,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Died: Schurman, Anna Maria A a most learned German lady
Publication: “Arguments about Tithes,” by Selden, John one of the most learned men of the seventeenth century
Died: Sprangher, Bartholomew painter
Publication: “Dicta Poetarum,” by Stobæus, John writer
Born: Turretin, Francis was born at Geneva
Publication: “Opusculorum St. Francisci Libri tres,” by Wadding, Luke an eminent Irish Roman catholic
Publication: “The sum of a Disputation between Mr. Walker, pastor of St. John the Evangelist, and a Popish priest, calling himself Mr. Smith, but indeed Norris,” by Walker, George divine
Died: White, Thomas founder of Sion college (1546–?)
Publication: “Treatise of perpetual visibility and succession of the true Church in all ages,” by Abbot, George archbishop (?–1633)
Publication: “Delicia? Atticae,” by Alard, Lambert was born at Krempen in 1600
Publication: “Heraclius Saxonicus, &c.” by Alard, Lambert was born at Krempen in 1600
Publication: “Delia Tribolazione e suoi rimedii,” by Aresi, Paul of Milan
Publication: “Bambace e seta, idillio,” by Argoli, John son of the former
Born: Baldinucci, Philip of Florence
Publication: “Letters,” by Balzac, John Lewis Guez Dr writer
Publication: “Adversaria,” by Barthius, Caspar writer
Died: Bauhin, Gaspard was born at Basil
Died: Beaumont, Francis third son of Francis
Born: Berchem, Nicolas artist
Died: Bishop, William vicar apostolical in England
Publication: “A table of his principles, or a key of his writings,” by Bœhmen, Jacob a noted visionary
Publication: “Nero Cæsar, or Monarchic depraved. An historicall worke, dedicated with leave to the duke of Buckingham, lord-admiral,” by Bolton, Edmund antiquary
Publication: “Letiere Famigliari,” by Bonifacio, John lawyer
Publication: “Orazione &c. per dirizzare una Statua a Celio Ricchiero Rodigino,” by Bonifacio, John lawyer
Publication: “Lezione sopra im Sonetto del Petrarca,” by Bonifacio, John lawyer
Publication: “Discorso del modo di ben formare a questo tempo una Tragedia,” by Bonifacio, John lawyer
Publication: “Discorso sopra la sua Impresa neli' Accademia Filarmonica,” by Bonifacio, John lawyer
Publication: “Comentario sopra la legge dell' Senato Veneta, &c.” by Bonifacio, John lawyer
Publication: “Arithmetica Logarithmica,” by Briggs, Henry one of the greatest mathematicians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Publication: “Arithmetica Logarithmica, &c.” by Briggs, Henry one of the greatest mathematicians in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Publication: “Venantius Fortunattis,” by Brower, Christopher Jesuit
Publication: “A Censure of Simony,” by Burton, Henry was born at Birsall in Yorkshire
Publication: “Bibliotheca Patrum,” by Cabasilas, Nicholas and successor in the archbishopric of Thessalonica
Publication: “If either Spotswood, or his supposed author, persist in their calumny after this declaration, 1 shall try if there be any blood in their foreheads.” by Calderwood, David divine
Publication: “Insignia Camdeni,” by Camden, William one of the most eminent English antiquaries
Died: Carpzovius, Benedict the first of a learned family in Germany
Publication: “Vindicatio Patris, &c.” by Casaubon, Meric was born at Geneva
Publication: “Commentaries upon Virgil,” by Cerda, John Lewis Jesuit
Died: Cesarini, Virginio scholar
Born: Chaise, Francis De La Jesuit
Born: Collins, John mathematician
Died: Crakanthorpe, Richard where he was born in 1567
Born: Dickinson, Edmund physician
Died: Dod, John usually styled the Decalogist
Born: Erskine, Henry divine
Died: Escobar, Bartholomew Jesuit
Publication: “De formatrice foetus adversus Ludovicum du Gardin, &c.” by Fienus, Thomas physician
Publication: “The Romish Fisher caught in his own net,” by Fisher, John Jesuit
Publication: “Reply to Fisher’s answer to some questions propounded by king James,” by Fisher, John Jesuit
Publication: “Fisher’s folly unfolded,” by Fisher, John Jesuit
Publication: “Catalogus protestantium before Luther,” by Fisher, John Jesuit
Born: Fox, George founder of the society of quakers
Died: Fronton, Du Due known by the name of Fronto Duc.Eus
Publication: “Theoriques of the Planets, together with the making of two Instruments for Seamen, For finding out the Latitude without Sun, Moon, or Stars, invented by Dr. Gilbert,” by Gilbert, William physician
Died: Golius, James professor of Arabic at Leyden
Publication: “Endymion,” by Gombauld, John Ogier De poet
Publication: “Gunter’s scale;” by Gunter, Edmund mathematician
Born: Hamel, John Baptists Du divine
Born: Higgons, Sir Thomas son of Dr
Publication: “Index generalis sanct, Patrum ad singulos versus cap. v. secundum Matthseum, &c.” by James, Thomas critic
Born: Jonsius, John writer
Publication: “Logarithms,” by Kepler, John astronomer (?–1630)
Publication: “The horoscope of the first-born son of the most illustrious prince, Adolphus Frederic, duke of Mecklenburg,” by Kirchman, John a learned German
Publication: “De Scorbuto Epistolae duae,” by Langius, John physician
Publication: “Nepenthes Homeri, sen de abojendo luctu,” by Lasena, Peter a learned Italian
Born: Leusden, John scholar
Born: Lubin, Augustin an Augustine friar
Born: Ludolph, Job a learned orientalist
Publication: “Cantilenas intellectuals,” by Maier, Michael a celebrated German alchymist and rosicrucian of the seventeenth century
Died: Mariana, John historian
Publication: “St. Augustine’s Confessions,” by Matthew, Tobias and a very singular character
Publication: “A History of the memorable Events which happened in the reign of Henry the Great,” by Matthieu, Peter historian
Born: Moine, Stephen Le a very learned French minister of the Protestant religion
Publication: “An Answer to the late Gagger of the Protestants,” by Mountagu, Richard divine
Publication: “Lettres du Cardinal D'Ossat,” by Ossat, Arnaud D' cardinal
Born: Pagi, Anthony a famous Cordelier
Publication: “Psedagogus Cliriftianus de quinque religion is capitibus,” by Pasor, Matthias the son of George Pasor
Publication: “Oratio in obit won J. Piscatoris,” by Pasor, Matthias the son of George Pasor
Born: Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul a French academician
Born: Pool, Matthew a learned Nonconformist
Publication: “Job Militant, with meditations divine and moral,” by Quarles, Francis poet (?–1644)
Publication: “The great Mystery of Godliness,” by Randall, John divine
Born: Rocaberti, John Thomas De a celebrated general of the Dominicans
Publication: “De Scriptoribus Flandrise, libri tres,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “De Gandavensibus eruditionis fama claris,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Publication: “De Brugensibus eruditionis fama claris,” by Sanderus, Anthony antiquary
Born: Segrais, John Renaud De poet
Publication: “History of Virginia, NewEngland, and the Summer Isles,” by Smith, John commonly called Capt
Publication: “Julii Caesaris Portus Iccius illustratus a Somnero, Du Fresne, et Gibson,” by Somner, William antiquary
Born: Streater, Robert painter
Born: Sydenham, Thomas physician
Born: Taylor, Silas antiquary
Died: Tombes, John one of the most learned Baptist divines of the seventeenth century
Publication: “Gustavi Seleni Enodatio Steganographiæ J. Trithemii,” by Trithemius, John abbot
Publication: “Apocalypsis chymica,” by Valentine, Basil is the name
Publication: “Manifestatio artificiorum,” by Valentine, Basil is the name
Publication: “Currus triumphalis antimonii,” by Valentine, Basil is the name
Born: Varillas, Anthony writer
Publication: “Fisher’s folly unfolded, or the vaunting Jesuit’s challenge answered,” by Walker, George divine
Publication: “Schola Moralis Philosophise Oxon. in funere Whiti pullata,” by White, Thomas founder of Sion college (1546–?)
Publication: “The use of the proportional Rules in Arithmetic and Geometry; also the use of Logarithms of numbers, with those of sines and tangents;” by Wingate, Edmund
Publication: “Run from Rome; or, The necessity of separating from that Church,” by Wotton, Anthony ranked by Fuller among the learned writers of JCing’s-college (1561–1626)
Publication: “De reconciliatione peccatoris, &c.” by Wotton, Anthony ranked by Fuller among the learned writers of JCing’s-college (1561–1626)
Publication: “The Elements of Architecture,” by Wotton, Sir Henry an Englishman