Fouillou, James
, a celebrated licentiate of the Sorbonne, was born in 1670 at Rochelle, where he studied ethics in the Jesuits’ college. He went afterwards to> Paris, and continued his studies in the community of M. Gillot, at the college of St. Barbe, including the time of his being licentiate, and was immediately nominated theologal of Rochelle; this office, however, he declined, nor had he ever any benefice, but the commendatory priory of St. Martin de Prunieres, in the diocese of Mende. M. Fouillou having engaged in the affair of the “Case of Conscience,” was obliged to conceal himself in 1703, and to retire into Holland about 1705; but the air of that country not agreeing with him, he was seized with an asthma, which proved incurable. He returned to Paris about 1720, and died there September 21, 1736, aged sixty-six, leaving several theological works, all anonymous, and all discovering great opposition to the bull Unigenitus. The principal are, 1. “Considerations sur la Censure (of the Cas de Conscience) de M. TEveque d’Apt.” 2. “Defense des Theologiens centre M. de Chartres,” 12mo. 3. “Traite” sur le Silence respectueux,“3 vols. 12mo. 4.” La Chime-re du Jansenisme, et le Kenversement de la Doctrine de St. Augustin, par rOrdonuance de Luron, et de la Rochelle,“12mo. 5.” Traits de l’Equilibre,“a small piece containing observations on the 101 propositions censured by the bull Umgenitus. Fouillou had also a great share in the first edition of” L' Action de Dieu sur let Creatures,“4to, or 6 vols. 12mo;” Gemissemens sur PertRo’ial,“12mo;” Grands Hexaples,“1721, 7 vols. 4to, and” l’Histotre du Caa de Conscience," 1705, 8 vols. 12mo. 1
Moreri.- L‘Avocat’ —Dict. Hist.