Funch, John
, a celebrated Lutheran divine, was born in 1518, at Werdeti, near Nuremberg. He adopted the doctrine of Osiander, whose daughter he married, and particularly became a strenuous advocate for Osiander 1 s opinions on the subject of justification. He was a minister in Prussia, and wrote a “Chronology,” from Adam to 1560, published at separate times, but completely at Wittemberg, 1570, fol. with various other tracts. At length being convicted of giving Albert, duke of Prussia, to whom he was chaplain, advice disadvantageous to Poland, he was condemned, with some others, as a disturber of the public peace, and beheaded at Konigsberg, October 28, 1566. He is said to have composed the following distich a little before his execution
: V " Disce meo texemplo, mandate munere fungi,
Et fuge, seu pestem, Tj
That is, “Learn from my example, to mind nothing but the employment allotted you and avoid, as you would the plague, all desire of meddling in too many things.” He left a Commentary on “Daniel’s 70 Weeks,” in German, Fol. and one on the “Revelations,” 4to. 2
Melchior Adatn de vitis Germauorum Theoloj. —Moreri. Gen. Dict.