The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Born: Abbot, Robert archbishop
Died: Acontius, James divine
Died: Adria, John James historian
Publication: “Novellae Justiniani Imp. Constitutiones,” by Agylæus, Henry lawyer
Publication: “Justiniani edicta: Justini, Tiberii, Leonis philosophi constitutiones, et Zenonis nna,” by Agylæus, Henry lawyer
Born: Alderete, Joseph And Bernard two brothers
Born: Allibond, Peter was born in 1560 at Wardenton
Publication: “L'Opere Toscane,” by Ammanati, Bartholomew architect
Publication: “Annotazioni sopra la seconde parte de Sonetti di Bernardino Rota fatti in morte di Porzia Capece sua moglia,” by Ammirato, Scipio historian
Publication: “Life of the brave la None, surnamed Iron-arm,” by Amyraut, Moses divine
Born: Arminius, James founder of the sect of Arminians (1560–1609)
Born: Arpino, Joseph D' painter
Publication: “Rime di M. Bernardo Cappello,” by Atanagi, Dennis a native of Cagli
Publication: “A consolatory oration upon the death of Messire Francis Olivier, chancellor of France,” by Auge, Daniel D' in Latin Augentius
Publication: “Two dialogues concerning Poetical Invention, the true knowledge of the Art of Oratory, and of the Fiction of Fable,” by Auge, Daniel D' in Latin Augentius
Died: Backer, James painter
Born: Bacon, Francis Viscount St
Born: Barlowe, William son of the above
Publication: “Procli in primuin elementorum Euclidis libri quatuor,” by Barocci, Francis a patrician or senator of Venice
Publication: “Various treatises,” by Beacon, Thomas one of the English reformers
Died: Bellay, John Du cardinal
Publication: “Confessio Christiana? fidei, cum Papisticis haeresibus, ex typ. I. Bonoe fidei,” by Beza, Theodore one of the chief promoters of the Reformation
Publication: “De curandis vulneribus sclopetorum,” by Botallus, Leonard physician
Born: Boys, John one of the translators of the Bible in the reign of James I. was son of William Bois
Born: Brueghel, John known
Died: Canus, Melchior divine
Died: Capilupi, Lelio of Mantua
Publication: “Letters to John Jewell, bishop of Salisbury, upon occasion of a Sermon that the said bishop preached before the queen’s majesty and her honourable council, anno 1560,” by Cole, Henry a person of considerable learning in the sixteenth century
Died: Columbus, Christopher a Genoese
Publication: “Cantiques spirituels en nombre 26,” by Cordier, Mathurin in Latin Corderius
Publication: “Livre de Perspective,” by Cousin, John artist
Born: Crichton, James was a Scotch gentleman
Born: Cuff, Henry scholar
Died: Dossi, Dosso artist
Died: Edgeworth, Roger residentiary and chancellor of Wells
Died: Erskine, John baron of Dun
Born: Facini, Peter painter
Publication: “Upon the true use of the Cross,” by Farel, William a learned minister of the church (?–1565)
Born: Fulbeck, William writer
Publication: “Anti-prognosticon contra predictiones Nostradami,” by Fulke, William divine
Publication: “Chronology,” by Funch, John divine
Publication: “there is something analogous to the genius of Raphael; the composition, the vivacity of the face, the choice of colours, something ideal in the use of nature, betray similar maxims, with inferior powers.” by Ghirlandaio, Domenico painter
Born: Greene, Robert poet
Died: Grevin, James poet and physician
Born: Gruterus, Janus a celebrated philologer
Died: Gustavus, Vasa king of Sweden
Died: Harpsfeld, John dean
Publication: “Supputatio temporum a diluvio ad A.D. 1559,” by Harpsfeld, John dean
Born: Harriot, Thomas mathematician
Publication: “Optimates: sive de nobilitate, ejusque autiqua origine, &c.” by Humphrey, Laurence writer
Publication: “No. xx. 8. Another letter to the same, dated Feb. 8, 1566, concerning his controversy with Hardy nge, ibid. No. 36, 37. 9.” by Jewel, John prelate
Publication: “Raggionamento fatto sopra Tinfermita epidemica dell* anno 1558,” by Ingrassias, Jon Philip physician
Born: Kellison, Matthew writer
Born: Knolles, Richard author of an excellent History of the Turks
Died: Laguna, Andrew physician
Publication: “A Treatise of Weights and Measures.” by Laguna, Andrew physician
Publication: “Observationum Medicinalium Libri tres,” by Lommius, Jodocus writer
Died: Melancthon, Philip whom the common consent of all ecclesiastical historians has placed among the most eminent of the reformers
Publication: “Mercator Tragedia,” by Naogeorge, Thomas divine
Publication: “Epigrammata seria,” by Parkhurst, John prelate
Died: Pena, John mathematician
Publication: “Commentary of Aggeus (Haggai) the Prophet,” by Pilkington, James prelate
Born: Pits, John an English biographer
Born: Richer, Edmund divine
Born: Rittershusius, Conradus a learned civilian and philologer of Germany
Died: Robertson, Thomas an eminent grammarian
Publication: “Liturgies,” by Sainctes, Claudius De in Latin Sanctesius
Born: Schidoni was born at Modena in 1560
Born: Schmidt, Erasmus scholar
Died: Soto, Dominic Dominican
Born: Southwell, Robert Jesuit
Publication: “Pindari et casterorum octo Grfficorum carmina,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Born: Tate, Francis antiquary
Died: White, John bishop
Died: Whittingham, William dean
Died: Zanchius, Basil one of the most learned men of the sixteenth century
Publication: “Responsa nunquam antehac edita,” by Alciati, Andrew lawyer
Publication: “Second livre d' Architecture,” by Androuet-Du-Cerceau, James architect (1511–1584)
Publication: “Semplici dell' eccelente M. Anguillara, li quali in piu pareri a diversi nobili nomini scritti appajono et nuovamente da M. Giovanni Marinello mandati in luce,” by Anguillara, Louis botanist
Publication: “Stockhornii et Nessi Helvetia? montium, et nascentium in eis stirpiuni descriptio, impr. in operibus Val. Cordi,” by Aretius, Benedictus botanist
Publication: “Rime e versi Latini di diversi, in morte d' Irene di Spilimbergo,” by Atanagi, Dennis a native of Cagli
Publication: “Delle Lettere facete e piacevoli di diversi uomini grandi e chiari e begl'ingegni, raccolte, &c. libroprimo,” by Atanagi, Dennis a native of Cagli
Died: Baduel, Claude in Latin Baduellus
Born: Baudius, Dominic professor of history in the university of Leyden
Publication: “Uisputationes duas de jure civili, cum Papiniani vita,” by Baudouin, Francis in Latin Balduinus
Publication: “Pater elegantiarum, Pater omnium leporum.” by Bellay, Joachim Du poet
Born: Besler, Basil botanist
Publication: “Comedie du Pape malade, par Thrasibule Phenice,” by Beza, Theodore one of the chief promoters of the Reformation
Born: Brett, Richard divine
Died: Carne, Sir Edward an eminent civilian of the sixteenth century
Publication: “Traite des Hernies,” by Cheselden, William anatomist
Publication: “Apostles Creed,” by Cockburn, Patrick professor of the Oriental languages at Paris
Publication: “Remarks on Dioscorides,” by Cordus, Valerius and worthy of his father
Publication: “Historia stirpium, libri v.” by Cordus, Valerius and worthy of his father
Born: Danckert is the name of a family of engravers of considerable reputation in Holland. Cornelius Danckkkts
Born: Dominis, Mark Antony De archbishop
Publication: “Esposizioue delle tre Canzoni di Francesco Petrarca chiamate le tve Sorelle,” by Erizzo, Sebastian writer
Born: Expilli, Claude president of the parliament of Grenoble
Born: Field, Richard divine
Publication: “A Philosophical Summary,” by Flamel, Nicholas falsely celebrated as an alchymist
Publication: “Pharmacopeia medicamentorum omnium, quie hodie ad publica medentium munia in officinis extant, tractationem et usum ex antiquorum Medicorum pnescripto continens,” by Foesius, Anutius physician
Died: Garamond, Claude engraver
Born: Garrard, Marc painter
Born: Godwin, Francis was born at Havington in Northamptonshire
Born: Gretser, James a learned German
Born: Harrington, Sir John poet
Born: Harsnet, Samuel prelate
Publication: “Decrees” by Ives in Latin Ivo
Born: Lansberg, Philip mathematician
Born: Lid Del, Duncan professor of mathematics
Publication: “Nouvelles Inventions pour bien bastir & a petit frais,” by Lorme, Philibert De master of the works to the French kin;'
Publication: “Epistolarum Medicinalium, Libri V.” by Matthiolus, Peter Andrew physician
Died: Menno, Simon surnamed Simon
Publication: “Annales rerum Flandricarum,” by Meyer, James historian
Died: Mornay, Philip De lord of Plessis Marly
Born: Powell, Griffith principal of Jesus college
Born: Raderus, Matthew Jesuit
Born: Resenjus, John Paul divine
Born: Sanctorius physician
Born: Sandys, Sir Edwin was born in Worcestershire about 1561
Publication: “Poetices Libri Septem,” by Scaliger, Juuus Caesar critic
Born: Abbot, George archbishop (?–1633)
Publication: “Observations on the vulgar Tongue,” by Accarisi, Albert a native of Cento in the duchy of Ferrara
Publication: “Hist. Buceri,” by Ackworth, George divine
Died: Alava Esquivel, Diego De bishop
Died: Amerbach, John a learned printer of the fifteenth century
Born: Amico, Bartholomew Jesuit
Publication: “De conciliorum autoritate,” by Andrada, Diego De Payva D' a learned Portuguese
Born: Andreini, Isabella was born at Padua in 1562
Publication: “A Discourse on Honour,” by Attendolo, Darius a military character
Publication: “Elegiarum liber unus,” by Ayala, Gabriel physician
Publication: “Apologia triplex adversus Joannem Calvinum ac Theodorum Bezam,” by Baudouin, Francis in Latin Balduinus
Born: Birago, Francis an Italian author of great authority in the science of which he may be said to have been professor
Born: Blackwell, George writer
Died: Bocchi, Achilles scholar
Born: Boyd, Mark Alexander writer
Publication: “A short and pithie defence of the doctrine of the holy Election and Predestination of God,” by Bradford, John queen
Publication: “Urbis Pictaviensis (Poitiers) tumultus, ej usque Restitutio,” by Bronchorst, John of Nimeguen
Publication: “Regimen against the Pleurisy,” by Bulleyn, William botanist
Publication: “Bulwark of defence against all sickness, soreness, and wounds, that daily assault mankind,” by Bulleyn, William botanist
Died: Cavalcanti, Bartholomew writer
Publication: “Bellum Sacrum Gallicum, Poema,” by Chopin, Rene lawyer
Publication: “Horologiorum Descriptio,” by Commandine, Frederick mathematician
Publication: “Ptolomuei Analemma,” by Commandine, Frederick mathematician
Born: Daniel, Samuel historian
Publication: “Primaleone,” by Dolce, Lewis writer
Died: Gibson, Thomas a native of Morpeth in Northumberland
Born: Gongora, Lewis De poet
Died: Gratarolus, William physician
Publication: “An Apology against the untrue and slanderous report, that he should be a maintainer and encourager of such that cursed the queen’s highness,” by Hooper, John prelate
Publication: “Historia ecclesiastics congesta per Magdeburgenses, et alios,” by Judex, Matthew one of the principal writers of the Centuries of Magdeburg
Born: Longomontanus, Christian astronomer
Publication: “De compescendis animi affectibus per moralem philosophiam et medendi artem, Tractatus in tres Libros divisus,” by Luisinus, Louis physician
Died: Mabuse, John De artist
Publication: “De mundi exitio per exustionem libri quinque,” by Maggi, Jerome an ingenious and learned man of the sixteenth century
Publication: “Genesis, cum catholica expositione,” by Marlorat, Augustine divine
Publication: “Liber Psalmorum, et Cantica, &c.” by Marlorat, Augustine divine
Born: Martyn, William recorder of Exeter
Publication: “Hie jacet religio cum superstitione.” by Martyn, William recorder of Exeter
Died: Monte-Mayor, George De poet
Born: Navarete, Juan Hernandez painter
Born: Osiander, Andrew grandson of the preceding Andrew
Died: Phaer, Thomas physician
Publication: “Articles of Religion” by Rainolds, John one of the most learned and eminent divines of the sixteenth century
Publication: “Vita Opera Urbani Regii, reddita per Ernest. Regium,” by Regius, Urban a name he thought proper to change
Born: Rider, John prelate
Born: Smiglecius, Martin Jesuit
Died: Socinus, Lælius a man of great learning and abilities
Born: Spelman, Sir Henry antiquary
Died: Sutton, Thomas founder of the Charter-bouse school and hospital
Publication: “In Mimum Publianum lib. 1,” by Taverner, Richard a pious layman of the reigns of Henry VIII
Publication: “Balliolenus, Flander,” by Thorie, John one of a family of that name
Publication: “On the Church and the Papal Authority,” by Torquemada, John De Dominican
Born: Vega, Lopez De La poet
Born: Willet, Andrew divine (1562–1621)
Died: Bale, John in Latin Baleus or Balæus
Publication: “The reliques of Rome,” by Beacon, Thomas one of the English reformers
Born: Berault, Michael pastor and professor of theology at Montauban
Publication: “Notes on Lactantius,” by Betuleius, Sixtus whose name in German was Birck
Publication: “Traduction en vers Franais des Pseaumes omis par Marot,” by Beza, Theodore one of the chief promoters of the Reformation
Died: Boethie, Stephen De La of Sarlat
Born: Bonarelli, Guy Ubaldo was born December 25
Died: Brodeau, John in Latin Brod&Us
Born: Bull, John musician
Died: Castalio, Sebastian was born in 1515
Publication: “C|ironologia historice lierodoti et Thucydidis,” by Chytræus, David whose family name was Kochhafe
Born: Drayton, Michael poet
Born: Edmondes, Sir Thomas knt. memorable for his embassies at several courts
Died: Episcopius, Nicholas under which name
Publication: “Opuscula Anatomica, nempe de Renum structura, officio, et administratione de auditus organo ossium examen de mom capitis de vena quae azygos dicitur, et de alia, quae in flexn brachii communem profundam producit de dentibus,” by Eustachius, Bartholomew one of the most celebrated anatomists of the sixteenth century (1514–?)
Publication: “Ciceronis Orationes Philippicae,” by Faerno, Gabriel philologist
Died: Fallopius, Gabriel physician and anatomist
Died: Ferron, Arnauld Du lawyer
Died: Gelli, John Baptist writer
Born: Gentileschi, Horatio painter
Died: Grimbold, Nicholas poet
Publication: “Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum,” by Haddon, Dr. Walter scholar (?–1572)
Born: Hildersham, Arthur divine
Born: Hutter, Leonard was also a native of Ulm
Publication: “De curandis Febribus continuis Liber,” by Lommius, Jodocus writer
Died: Lorit, Henry commonly called Glareanus
Publication: “Disputatio adversus viginti Problemata Melchioris Guilandi,” by Matthiolus, Peter Andrew physician
Died: Musculus, Wolfgang divine
Died: Oleaster, Jerome Dominican
Publication: “Reliques of Rome,” by Parkhurst, John prelate
Publication: “Sonnets sur le tombeau du Seigneur de la Chatre, 1569, 8vo. 4.” by Passerat, John a celebrated professor of eloquence in the royal college at Paris
Publication: “De dimensione circuli,” by Pelletier, Jaques physician
Publication: “Burning of St. Paul’s Church in London, in 1561,” by Pilkington, James prelate
Born: Pois, Charles Le was born at Nancy in 1563
Died: Salviati, Francisco Rossi called Tl Salviati
Born: Smith, John divine
Died: Smith, Richard divine
Died: Soto, Peter but more connected with this country
Publication: “Admonitio de abusu linguae Graecae in quibusdam vocibus quas Latina usurpat,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Born: Sylvester, Joshua the laborious and quaint translator of Du Bartas
Born: Tilenus, Daniel divine
Born: Vanni, Francis painter
Publication: “Decisiones Neapolitans antiquse et novae,” by Afflitto, Matthew lawyer
Publication: “Panoplia omnium liberalium, mechanic-drum et sedentiarium artium genera continens,” by Amman, Jost painter and engraver
Publication: “Orthodoxarum explicationum, lib. x.” by Andrada, Diego De Payva D' a learned Portuguese
Publication: “Jacob! Angeli historica na'rratio de vita, rebusque gestis M. Tullii Ciceronis,” by Angelo, James writer
Died: Anguillara, John Andrew De one of the most celebrated Italian poets of the sixteenth century
Publication: “On the nature of the Universe,” by Archytas of Tarentum
Born: Avantio, John Maria lawyer
Born: Bathe, William Jesuit
Publication: “His works,” by Beacon, Thomas one of the English reformers
Died: Bibliander, Theodore divine
Born: Bloemart, Abraham painter
Publication: “Book of Discipline.” by Buchanan, George historian
Born: Buckland, Ralph divine
Died: Bullinger, Henry one of the reformers
Born: Buxtorf, John the first of a learned family
Publication: “Novarum lectionum libri octo,” by Canterus, Willum an eminent linguist and philologer
Publication: “Latina Monimenta,” by Casa, John De La writer
Publication: “La Baronnie,” by Chretien, Florent poet
Publication: “Scholia in Biblia,” by Clarius, Isidorus one of the most learned divines in the sixteenth century
Born: Cotton, Peter Jesuit
Publication: “Les Sorciers” by Daneau, Lambert divine
Publication: “Monas hieroglyphica ad regem Romanorum Maxirnilianum,” by Dee, John mathematician
Publication: “De Peste, commentarius, preservatio, et curatio,” by Dessenius, Bernard physician
Publication: “A proof of certain articles in Religion denied by Mr. Jewell,” by Dorman, Thomas divine
Born: Duval, Andrew a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne
Publication: “De tuenda bona Valetudine,” by Eobanus, Hessus poet
Publication: “Juliani Archiepiscopi Prognosticon, sive de futuro seculo, libri tres,” by Epo, Boetius lawyer
Publication: “Centum Fabulae ex antiquis Autoribus delectae, et carminibus explicate,” by Faerno, Gabriel philologist
Publication: “Del Specchio di Scientia Universale,” by Fioravanti, Leonard physician
Born: Forbes, Patrick an eminent Scotsman
Publication: “Hebrew Dictionary,” by Forster, John divine
Born: Frantius, Wolfgang divine
Born: Gill, Alexander head master of St
Died: Glandorp, John philologist
Died: Gribaldus, Matthew surnamed Mofa
Died: Judex, Matthew one of the principal writers of the Centuries of Magdeburg
Publication: “Constitutiones et Capitula, necnoh Jurisdictiones Regii Proto-Medicatds officii, cum Pandectis ejusdem reformatis,” by Ingrassias, Jon Philip physician
Publication: “Miscellanea, sive variae lectiones,” by Maggi, Jerome an ingenious and learned man of the sixteenth century
Publication: “Jesaise Prophetia,” by Marlorat, Augustine divine
Born: Menestrier, John Baptist Le of Dijon
Died: Morel is the name of a family well known among the eminent French printers (1560–1638)
Born: Morton, Thomas bishop
Publication: “Conseil sur le fait du, Concile de Trente,” by Moulin, Charles Du in Latin Molinæus (1500–1566)
Born: Nash, Thomas poet
Publication: “Graecae Linguae Tabulae,” by Neander, Michael one of the most learned men of the sixteenth century
Publication: “Catechesis parva Martini Lutheri Graeco-Latina,” by Neander, Michael one of the most learned men of the sixteenth century
Publication: “Libro de Algebra en Arithmetica y Geometra,” by Nonius, Peter mathematician
Died: Occo, Adolphus one of a family' of physicians of considerable eminence
Died: Ochinus, Bernardin a celebrated Italian
Publication: “Expositio in disputationem Jacobi Carpenterii de Methodo,” by Ossat, Arnaud D' cardinal
Born: Paaw, Peter physician and anatomist (1564–1617)
Born: Shakspeare, William the most illustrious name in the history of English dramatic poetry
Died: Stephanus, Charles and third son of Henry
Publication: “Fragmenta poetarum veterum Latinorum, quorum opera non extant,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Publication: “Dictionarium medicum,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Publication: “Traite des Danses, auquel il est demontre qu'elles sont accessoires et dependances de paillardise,” by Stephanus, Francis Francis Stephens
Died: Tornasius, John the first of a family of eminent printers and booksellers
Died: Udine, Giovanna Da artist
Died: Vesalius, Andrew anatomist
Publication: “Instruction Chretienne en la doctrine de la loi et de l'evangile, &c.” by Viret, Peter an able assistant in the reformation
Died: Whitehead, David divine (1505–?)
Died: Amsdorf, Nicholas an associate of Luther in the reformation
Publication: “Discorso intorno l'origine de Cardinali,” by Angeli, Bonaventure historian
Publication: “On bodies that float upon fluids,” by Archimedes one of the most celebrated mathematicians among the ancients
Born: Argensola the name of two Spanish poets
Born: Ashley, Robert a Wiltshire gentleman
Publication: “De le rime di clivers! nobili poeti Toscani,” by Atanagi, Dennis a native of Cagli
Born: Audiguier, Vital De a French nobleman
Publication: “Divine Tracts,” by Auge, Daniel D' in Latin Augentius
Born: Baudart, William divine
Publication: “History of the New World,” by Benzoni, Jerom a Milanese
Born: Bertius, Peter cosmographer and historiographer to Louis XIII. of France
Died: Betussi, Joseph scholar
Publication: “P. Bissarti opera omnia viz. poemata, orationes, lectiones feriales, &c.” by Bissat, Patrick professor of canon law in the university of Bononia in Italy
Publication: “Commentarioli duo, alter de medici, alter de aegvoti, munere,” by Botallus, Leonard physician
Born: Brandmuller, James was born in 1565
Born: Brerewood, Edward antiquary
Publication: “Treatise of the Cross, gathered out of the Scriptures, Councils, and ancient Fathers of the primitive Church,” by Calfhill, James divine
Born: Carpzovius, Benedict the first of a learned family in Germany
Died: Chaloner, Sir Thomas a gallant soldier
Born: Chiaramonti, Scipio in Latin Claramontius
Publication: “De Centre Gravitatis Solidorum,” by Commandine, Frederick mathematician
Publication: “Archimedis de iis qua? vehuntur in aqua,” by Commandine, Frederick mathematician
Publication: “Dictionarium historicum & poeticum,” by Cooper, Thomas bishop
Publication: “This makes a third volume, which has scarcely any relation to the former, nor is either of much value. 5. A Latin translation of Guicciardini’s history, 1566, 2 vols. fol. 6.” by Curio, Cœlius Secundus of Piemont
Publication: “La Zucca,” by Doni, Anthony Francis a Florentine
Publication: “A Disproof of Mr. Alexander Nowell'a Reproof,” by Dorman, Thomas divine
Publication: “Shaklocki, epigrammatis in mortem Cuthberti Scoti, apomaxis,” by Drant, Thomas divine and poet
Died: Ferrari, Lewis inventor of the first method of resolving biquadratic equations
Publication: “Observations sur la Coutume de Bourdeaux,” by Ferron, Arnauld Du lawyer
Publication: “Vitae recentiorum jurisconsultorum,” by Fichard, John lawyer
Publication: “Regimento della Peste,” by Fioravanti, Leonard physician
Born: Freher, Marquard a German
Publication: “De Prisco Sermone, ad Chalcidium,” by Fulgentius Planciades, Fabius who is sometimes confounded with the preceding St
Born: Gentilis, Scipio brother of Alberic Gentilis
Died: Gesner, Conrad scholar
Publication: “Ovid’s Metamorphoses,” by Golding, Arthur a man of some poetical turn
Born: Go Urn Ay, Mary De Jars, Lady Of a French female wit
Died: Govea, Andrew in Latin Goveanus (1493–?)
Publication: “Summarie of the Englyshe Chronicles” by Grafton, Richard historian
Born: Grain, John Baptist Le historian
Died: Grollier, John an eminent patron of literature
Born: Guillim, John writer
Born: Herrera Tordesillas, Antonio De historian
Died: Heywood, John one of the oldest English dramatic writers
Publication: “Songes and sonnettes by the right honorable Henry Howard, late earl of Surrey, and other.” by Howard, Henry Earl of Surrey (?–1547)
Died: Lainez, James a Spaniard
Died: Langius, John physician
Publication: “Bion and Moschus,” by Metkerke or Mekerchus
Publication: “De veteri et recta pronuntiatione linguae Graecas Commentarius,” by Metkerke or Mekerchus
Publication: “Dos Libros de las cosas que se traen de las Indias Occidentales, que sirven al uso de Medicina,” by Monardes, Nicholas physician
Publication: “A Proof,' &c.” by Nowell, Alexander divine (?–1602)
Publication: “Complaintesur la mort d'Adrien Turnebe,” by Passerat, John a celebrated professor of eloquence in the royal college at Paris
Publication: “Tables to Fitzherbert’s Abridgment,” by Rastall, John one of our early printers
Born: Shirley, Anthony traveller
Born: Spotswood, John archbishop
Publication: “Epitome doctrinse de primo motu,” by Strigelius, Victorinus divine
Died: Strozzt, Titus And Hercules father and son
Born: Tassoni, Alessandro poet
Born: Taubman, Frederic critic
Died: Turnebus, Adrian critic
Died: Varchi, Benedict historian
Born: Vere, Sir Horace baron of Tilbury
Born: Winwood, Sir Ralph secretary of state in the reign of James I. was son of Mr (?–1617)
Publication: “In Aristotelis libros octp Politicorum commentarii,” by Acciaioli, Donato was of an illustrious family
Died: Agricola, John divine
Publication: “That the ten commandments, published during the ministry of Moses, were chiefly designed for the Jews, and on that account might be lawfully neglected and laid aside by Christians; and that it was sufficient to explain with perspicuity, and to enforce with zeal, what Christ and his apostles had taught in the New Testament, both with respect to the means of grace and salvation, and the obligations of repentance and virtue.” by Agricola, John divine
Born: Aguado, Francis Jesuit
Publication: “Methodica juris traditio,” by Alciati, Andrew lawyer
Publication: “Judiciarii processus compendium,” by Alciati, Andrew lawyer
Born: Alleyn, Edward queen
Publication: “Dialogo della Medicina d'Amore di Bartolomeo Arnigio,” by Arnigio, Bartholomew physician
Publication: “Postills upon the sundry Gospels,” by Beacon, Thomas one of the English reformers
Publication: “Illustrium jurisconsultorum imagines,” by Benavidio, Mark in Latin Marcus Mantua Benavidius
Publication: “Methodus ad facilem Historiarum cognitionem,” by Bodin, John lawyer
Born: Boyle, Richard statesman
Born: Bracciolini, Francis poet (1566–1645)
Publication: “Latin oration against the Fornicating Priests,” by Braun, George in Latin Braunius
Born: Budden, John a civilian of Oxford
Died: Cassander, George divine
Born: Cowper, William bishop
Publication: “An Apology of those English preachers and writers which Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell, chargeth with false doctrine under the name of Predestination,” by Crowley, Robert divine and poet
Born: Dausque, Claudius Jesuit
Born: Day, John was born in his father’s house in Aldersgate-street in 1566
Died: Dolce, Lewis writer
Born: Edmondes, Clement son to sir Thomas Edmondes
Publication: “Negotia, sen poematum piorum libri duo,” by Everard, Nicholas Grudius was born at Louvain
Publication: “Religio patiens,” by Fabricius, Andrew divine
Publication: “Fasti magistratuum et Triumphorum Romanorum, ab urbe condita usque ad Augusti obitum,” by Goltzius, Hubert antiquary
Publication: “De origine et statu populi Romani,” by Goltzius, Hubert antiquary
Died: Hentenius, John Dominican
Died: Hessels, John a celebrated professor of theology at Louvain
Born: Hicks, Francis a man of learning of the sixteenth century
Born: Hoskins, John lawyer and poet
Born: James I. king of England
Publication: “A brief and lamentable Consideration of the Apparel now used by the Clergy of England,” by Jewel, John prelate
Died: Joubert, Laurent physician
Publication: “De Typographic inventione,” by Judex, Matthew one of the principal writers of the Centuries of Magdeburg
Died: Labbe', Louisa surnamed the Beautiful Ropemaker
Publication: “Aphrodisiacus, sive de Lue Venerea, in duos Tomos bipartitus, continens omnia quaecumque hactenus de hac re sunt ab omnibus Medicis conscripta,” by Luisinus, Louis physician
Born: Malvenda, Thomas Dominican
Born: Mason, Francis divine
Born: Moryson, Fines a native of Lincolnshire
Publication: “Disproof of Nowell’s Reproof,” by Nowell, Alexander divine (?–1602)
Publication: “Catalogus Commentar. veterum selectorum in universa Biblia,” by Pamelius, James a learned Fleming
Publication: “Annales de Bourgogne,” by Paradin, William historian
Died: Rhodiginus, Ludovicus Cœlius by Scaliger named the Varro of the age
Died: Rondelet, William a celebrated professor of physic at Montpellier
Died: Sackville, Thomas lord Buckhurst and earl of Dorset
Publication: “Cento novelle Scelte,” by Sansovino, Francis historian
Publication: “In Theophrasti libros sex de causis plantarum commentarii,” by Scaliger, Juuus Caesar critic
Publication: “Commentarii in Aristoteli adscriptos libros duos de plantis,” by Scaliger, Juuus Caesar critic
Born: Smith, Richard another Roman catholic champion
Publication: “Dictionarium Historico-geographico-poeticum,” by Stephanus, Charles and third son of Henry
Publication: “Poet. Gracci, principes heroici carminis,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Publication: “Introduction au traite de la conformite des merveilles anciennes avec les modernes, ou Traite preparatif a l'apologie pour Herodote,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Born: Stephanus, Paul son of the second Henry
Died: Volterra, Daniele Di whose family name was Ricciarelli
Born: Vroon, Henry Cornelius painter
Born: Wilkinson, Henry one of four divines of the name of Wilkinson
Died: Wotton, Nicholas dean
Born: Yelverton, Henry lawyer
Born: Acidalius, Valens a young man of great erudition
Publication: “Sonetti, Canzoni, rime ed egloghe pescatorie di Berardino Rota,” by Atanagi, Dennis a native of Cagli
Publication: “the nature, variety, and change of Laws.” by Ayrault, Peter in Latin Ærodius
Publication: “Traité des enfans morts dans le sein de leurs meres,” by Beaucaire De Peguilon, Francis in Latin Belcarius Plguilio
Born: Bergier, Nicolas
Publication: “La Catrina, atto scenico rusticale,” by Berni, Francis called by some writers Berna or Bernia
Publication: “Histoire de la Mappemonde papistique, par Fragidelphe EscorcheMesses,” by Beza, Theodore one of the chief promoters of the Reformation
Died: Browne, Sir Anthony an English judge
Born: Bzovius, Abraham a learned Polander
Born: Colomna, Fabio botanist
Died: Cousin, Gilbert in Latin
Born: Crakanthorpe, Richard where he was born in 1567
Born: Devereux, Robert earl of Essex
Publication: “A Request to Mr. Jewell, that he keep his Promise, made by solemn protestation in his late sermon had at Paul’s Cross,” by Dorman, Thomas divine
Publication: “Le Sei Giornati, mandate in luce da Ludovico Dolce,'” by Erizzo, Sebastian writer
Died: Estrees, John D' grand-master of the artillery of France
Publication: “Certaine Tragical Discourses written oute of French and Latin,” by Fenton, Sir Geoffrey statesman
Died: Fidelis, Cassandra a very learned lady
Born: Fienus, Thomas physician
Born: Francis De Sales, St. was born at the castle of Sales
Born: Freminet, Martin painter
Born: Gombauld, John Ogier De poet
Publication: “Commentary” by Hipparchus astronomer
Born: Holyoake, Francis a learned Englishman
Died: Lotich, Peter surnamed Secundus
Publication: “Flores Historiarum, per Matthoeum Wesmonasteriensem collecti, prsecipue de Rebus Britannicis, ab exordio mundi, usque ad annum 1307,” by Matthew Of Westminster historian
Publication: “Ethics;” by Muretus, Marc Anthony critic
Publication: “Continuation of his Reproof,” by Nowell, Alexander divine (?–1602)
Publication: “Missa Papse Marcelli,” by Palestrina, John Peter Louis called by Dr
Born: Parkinson, John a celebrated old herbalist
Publication: “Disquisitiones Geometricae,” by Pelletier, Jaques physician
Publication: “Ad Impudentiam quorundam Chirurgorum, qui Medicis suquari et Chirurgiam publice profiteri volunt; proveteri dignitate Medicinal Apologia philosophica,” by Riolan, John physician
Died: Salisbury, William antiquary
Publication: “Treatise of the Images of Christ and his Saints; being a confutation of Mr. Jewel’s reply upon that subject,” by Sanders, Nicholas writer
Publication: “Medicse Artis Principes” by Scribonius, Largus physician
Publication: “A Collection of Councils,” by Surius, Laurentius a voluminous compiler
Born: Swert, Francis antiquary
Publication: “Eclogues of B. Mantuan,” by Turbervile, George poet
Born: Urfe', Honore‘ D’ writer
Born: Wentworth, Thomas the supposed author of a law work of great reputation and authority
Publication: “De subjecto Medicinæ, cum annotationibus Pamphili Montii,” by Achillini, Alexander a native of Bologna
Publication: “De Plautinis vocabulis Lexicon,” by Alciati, Andrew lawyer
Born: Aldobrandini, Thomas another son of the above Sylvester
Publication: “Consilia sive Responsa Juris,” by Ancharanus, Peter an eminent civilian of the fourteenth century
Publication: “Carmina novem poetarum foeminarum,” by Anyta the name of a Greek lady
Publication: “Meteoria, owero discorso intorno alle impression! imperfette umide e secche, &c.” by Arnigio, Bartholomew physician
Born: Baker, Sir Richard and son of John
Publication: “Pratica della Perspectiva,” by Barbarus, Daniel coadj utor of the patriarchate of 1Greswell’s Memoirs of Politiao
Died: Barlowe, William bishop
Publication: “History of his own times.” by Beaucaire De Peguilon, Francis in Latin Belcarius Plguilio
Born: Caccia, William artist
Born: Campanella, Thomas philosopher
Publication: “Duo trattati, uno intorno alle oito principal! arti dell* oreficiera, Paltro in materia dell* arte della scoltura,” by Cellini, Benvenuto engraver
Born: Cramer, Daniel divine
Publication: “A Sparing Restraint of many lavish Untruths,” by Dering, Edward divine
Publication: “Dispute de Guillot le Porcher, centre Jean Calvin,” by Desire', Arthur a fanatical priest
Publication: “Gregory Nazianzen his Epigrams and spiritual sentences,” by Drant, Thomas divine and poet
Publication: “Carmina Novem Poetarum Foeminarum,” by Erinna a Greek poetess
Died: Everard, Adrian Marius was born at Mechlin
Publication: “Capricci Medicinali,” by Fioravanti, Leonard physician
Publication: “Quxstio de Purgatione per meclicamentum, atque obiter etiam de sanguinis missione, an sextd die possit fierii” by Ingrassias, Jon Philip physician
Publication: “Assertio antiquitatis Oxoniensis academic,” by Kay, Thomas the antagonist of Dr
Born: Keller, James was born in 1568
Publication: “A^awvo/iw, sive de priscis Anglorum legibus, libri,” by Lambarde, William antiquary
Born: Leighton, Alexander divine
Publication: “Ten Books of Architecture,” by Lorme, Philibert De master of the works to the French kin;'
Died: Luisino, Francis of Udina in the Venetian territory
Publication: “The Voiyage and Travaile of Sir John Maundevile, knight, which treateth of the way to Hierusalem, and marvayles of lude,” by Mandevile, Sir John traveller
Born: Moulin, Peter Du a very celebrated French protestant minister
Died: Olahus, Nicholas prelate
Born: Rushton, Edward writer
Born: Smith, Miles bishop
Born: Spondanus, Henry a younger brother of John de Sponde
Born: Thorie, John one of a family of that name
Died: Trincavelli, Victor physician
Publication: “Herbal” by Turner, William divine
Publication: “Book on the Bathes of England and Germany.” by Turner, William divine
Born: Urban Viii., Pope one of those pontiffs who deserve some notice on account of his learning
Publication: “A christall glass of Christian reformation, wherein the godly may behold the coloured abuses used in this our present time,” by Batman, Stephen ranked among the old English poets of the sixteenth century
Publication: “Optatus de schismate Donatistarum,” by Baudouin, Francis in Latin Balduinus
Publication: “Theodoretus de providentia,” by Bienne, John in Latin Benenatus
Publication: “Delegibus et consuetudinibus Angliae,” by Bracton, Henry De lawyer
Born: Brito, Bernard De historian
Born: Caravagio, Michael Angelo Amerigi Da painter
Publication: “an excellent soldier, and a man of honest principles,” by Churchyard, Thomas poet
Publication: “Ccelius Aurelianus de Morbis acutis” by Dalechamp, James botanist
Publication: “Florum et Coronariarum Odoratarumque nonnullarum Herbarum Historia,” by Dodoens, Rembert botanist
Born: Dupleix, Scipio historian
Publication: “Samson,” by Fabricius, Andrew divine
Born: Fitzsimons, Henry Jesuit
Publication: “Life of Cardinal Ximenes,” by Gomez De Castro, Alvarez was born at St Eulalia
Died: Jansenius, Cornelius prelate (?–1576)
Born: Janssens, Abraham artist (1569–1632)
Born: Jorden, Edward physician
Died: Kingsmill, Andrew one of the earliest puritan divines
Publication: “De Eclipsibus Liber.” by Leowitz, Cyprian astronomer
Born: Marini, John Baptist poet
Publication: “A Collection of various pieces, ancient and modern, translated from the Syriac,” by Masius, Andrew born in 1516
Publication: “Opuscula de Simplicium Medicamentorum Facultatibus secundum genera et loca,” by Matthiolus, Peter Andrew physician
Born: Monson, Sir William a brave English admiral
Publication: “A Defence of the Honour of queen Mary of Scotland, with a declaration of her right, title, and interest, in the crown of England,” by Phillips, Morgan sometimes called Phillip Morgan
Born: Rosweide, Heribert antiquary
Publication: “The Tragedie of Ferrex and Porrex.” by Sackville, Thomas lord Buckhurst and earl of Dorset
Publication: “Traite de la conformite du langage Francois avec le Grec,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Publication: “Artis typographicae querimonia de illiteratis quibusdam typographis,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Publication: “Epistola qua ad multas multorum amicorum respondet de suas typographic statu, nominatimque de suo Thesauro linguae Graecoe,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Publication: “Comicoruin Graecorum sententiae,” by Stephanus, Henry the second of the name
Publication: “A History of his Own Times from 1500 to 1566,” by Surius, Laurentius a voluminous compiler
Died: Tansillo, Lewis poet
Publication: “Epistles,” by Tixier, John generally known by his assumed name Ravisius Textor
Born: Vorstius, Conrade divine