Garissoles, Anthony
, a French protestant divine, was born in 1587, at Montauban. During his academical studies, he made so rapid a progress in divinity, that he was appointed minister at Puylaurens, when only twentyfour years of age, by the synod of Castres. He was afterwards minister and professor of divinity at Montauban, and died there in 1650. His principal works are, an epic poem in 12 books, entitled “Adolphidos,” in which he celebrates the great exploits of Gustavus Adolphus, in elegant | Latin verse another Latin poem in praise of the protestant Swiss Cantons several theological theses a treatise “De Imputatione priuai peccati Adse,” 8vo another, “De Christo Mediators,” 4to and an explanation in Latin of Calvin’s Catechism, which he wrote with his colleague M. Charles, 8vo, &c. 1